On February 26, 2019 a contractual fraud (general jurisdiction) case was filed by Formosa Fabric Inc., Lavi Omid, and Lavitex Inc., represented by Tabibi Nico, against Arte Milano Textile Inc., Lavi Omid, and Lavitex Inc., represented by Cohen Alan J., Ezra Robert, and Stanley John D., in the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. Judge Richard J. Burdge Jr. presiding.

SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Civil Division Central District, Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Department 37 19STCV06666 March 22, 2021 FORMOSA FABRIC INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION 2:22 PM vs OMID LAVI, et al. Judge: Honorable Richard J. Burdge Jr. CSR: None Judicial Assistant: N. Marshalian ERM: None Courtroom Assistant: E. Avena Deputy Sheriff: None APPEARANCES: For Plaintiff(s): No Appearances For Defendant(s): No Appearances NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: Nunc Pro Tunc Order It appearing to the Court that through inadvertence and/or clerical error, the minute order of 03/19/2021 in the above-entitled action does not properly reflect the Court's order. Said minute order is ordered corrected nunc pro tunc as of 03/22/2021, as follows: By substi…

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