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  • Fire Guard Corporation vs. California Department of Forestry ... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Fire Guard Corporation vs. California Department of Forestry ... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Fire Guard Corporation vs. California Department of Forestry ... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Fire Guard Corporation vs. California Department of Forestry ... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Fire Guard Corporation vs. California Department of Forestry ... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Fire Guard Corporation vs. California Department of Forestry ... Unlimited Civil document preview


EFS-OO&^V ATrORNEY OR PARTY WmiOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BAR NO: 225688 FOt COURTUSE ONLY NAME: Andrea M. Kendrick FIRM NAME: Califomia Department of Justice STREETADDRESS: 13001 Street. Suite 125 cmr: Sacramento STATE: CA ZIP CODE: 95814 TELEPHONENO.: (916)210-7821 E-MAILAODRESS: FAXNO: 916-327-2319 FILED/ENDORSED ATTORNEY FOR (nsme): Defendants Califbmia DepL of Forestry and Rre Protection, et al. SUPERIOR COURT OF CAUFORNIA, COUNTY OF Sacramento AUG 1 7 2020 STREET AOORESS: 720 9th Street MAILING ADDRESS: By:. M. Williams CfTY AND ZIP CODE: SacTamento, CA 95814 Deputy Clerk BRANCH NAME: Gordoo D. Schat)er Sacramento County Courthouse CASENUMBER Plaintiff/Petitioner: Fire Guard Corporatton, et al. 34-2019-00249221 Defendant/Respondent: Califbmia Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, et al. JUDICIAL OFFICER: CONSENTTO ELECTRONIC SERVICE AND NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC DEPARTMENT: SERVICE ADDRESS 1. I j The following party or | x I the attomey for: a. I I plaintifr fna/ne); b. I X I defendant (name): Califomia Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, et ai. c. I I petitioner fname); d. I I respondent fname); - e. I I other (descrfbe); consents to electronic service of notices and documents in the above-captioned action. 2. The electronic service address of the person identified in item 1 is (spedfy): Date: August 17, 2020 Andrea M . Kendrick TYPE OR PRINT NAME (SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY) Pago 1 or 2 Form Approved for Optional Use CiONSENT TO E L E C T R O N I C S E R V I C E AND NOTICE O F E L E C T R O N I C Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.251 Judical Courtcil of Califonnia www.cou/fe. ca. gov EFS-005-CV [Rev. July 1, 2016) SERVICE ADDRESS (Electronic Filing and Service) EFS-005-CV Fire Guard Corporation, et al. v. Califbmia Department of Forestry and Fire CASE NUMBER: 34-2019^)0249221 CASE NAME: Protection, et al. (Note: Ifyou serve Consent to Electronic Service and Notice of Electronic Service Address by maii, you shouki use fbrm POS-030, Proof af Service by First-Class l\4ail-Civil, instead of using this page.) PROOF OF ELECTRONIC SERVICE CONSENT TO EL£CTRONIC SERVICE AND NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC SERVICE ADDRESS 1. I am at least 18 years old. a. My residence or business address is (spedfy): b. My electronic service address is (spedfy): 2. I electronically served a copy pf the Consent to Electronic Service and Notice of Electronic Service Address as follows: a. Name of person served: b. Electronic service address of person served: On t>ehalf of fname or names of patties represented, ff person served >s an attorney); c. On fdafe); d. At (time): I I Electronic service of the Consent to Eledronic Service and Notice of Electronic Sen/ice Address on additional persons is described in an attachment: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws ofthe State of Califbmia that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF DECLARANT) • (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) eFS<)o&cvtRe» July 1,2016) CONSENT TO ELECTRONIC SERVICE AND NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC pagosota SERVICE ADDRESS (Electronic Filing and Service) DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY U.S. MAIL and E-MAIL Case Name: Fire Guard Corporation, et al. v. California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, et al. No.: 34-2019-00249221 ^ I declare: I am employed in the Office of the Attomey General, which is the office of a member of the California State Bar, at which member's direction this service is made. I am 18 years of age or older and not a party to this matter. I am familiar with the business practice at the Office of the Attomey General for collection and processing of correspondence for mailing with the United States Postal Service. In accordance with that practice, correspondence placed in the intemal mail collection system at the Office of the Attomey General is deposited with the United States Postal Service with postage thereon fully prepaid that same day in the ordinary course of business. On August 17.2020.1 served the attached CONSENT TO ELECTRONIC SERVICE AND NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC SERVICE ADDRESS by placing a tme copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope, in the intemal mail system of the Office of the Attomey General, addressed asfollows: Timothy V. Kassouni, Esq. KASSOUNILAW 621 Capital Mall, Ste. 2025 ' Sacramento, CA 95814 Email: timothy(a) Margaret Esquiroz, Esq. 4924 Balboa Boulevard, #500 Encino, CA 91316-3402 esquiroz(a) In addition, I transmitted a tme copy via electronic mail. r declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia and the United States of America the foregoing is tme and correct and that this ji^la^ation was executed on August 17, 2020, at Sacramento, California. Ann-Marie Doersch Declarant SA2019300028 34324454.docx