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  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview


1 BRIGIT S. BARNES & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENDORSED BRIGIT S. BARNES, ESQ. CSB #122673 2 ANNIE R. EMBREE, ESQ., OF COUNSEL CSB #208591 01} MAR 13 PH U>dl 3 3262 Penryn Road, Suite 200 Loomis, CA 95650 GDSSC COURTHOUSE SUPERIOR COURT 4 Telephone: (916) 660-9555 OF CALIFORNIA Facsimile: (916) 660-9554 SACRAMENTO COUNn 5 Attomeys for PETiriONERS 6 And Plaintiffs 7 PATTY JOHNSON; JOE TEIXEIRA; OMAR 8 AHMED, JR.; XIN GUO and CAROLYN SOARES 9 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO 12 13 PATTY JOHNSON, JOE TEIXEIRA, CASE NO: 34r2016-80002493 OMAR AHMED, JR., XIN GUO 14 And CAROLYN SOARES PROOF OF SERVICE OF VERIFIED 1,5 AMENDED PETITION FOR WRIT OF Petitioners and PlaintifFs, MANDATE AND COMPLAINT FOR 16 DECLARATORY RELIEF. ET AL. 17 CITY OF ELK GROVE 18 , Respondents and Defendants. 19 ELK GROVE TOWN CENTER, LP; 20 HOWARD HUGHES CORPORATldN; and DOES 1-20, 21 Real Parties in Interest and . 22 Defendants. 23 24 25 26 27 28 lYFAX PROOF OF SERVICE OF VERIFIED AMENDED PETITION, ET AL. -1 Matter: Patty Johnson, et al. v. City pf Elk Grove, et al. Sacramento County Superior Court, Case No. 34-2016-80002493 PROOF OF SERVICE I am a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in the within entitled cause. I am an employee of Brigit S. Barnes & Associates, Inc., A Law Corporation, located at 3262 Penryn Road, Suite 200, Loomis, California, 95650. On this date r served the following docimients: > VERIFIED AMENDED PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDATE AND COlWffLAINT FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF; > AMENDED SUMMONS; and 10 > PROOF OF SERVICE OF VERIFIED AMENDED PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDATE AND COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF, ET AL. 11 12 [X] BY U.S. MAIL [CCP. §1013(a)] by enclosing one copy thereof in a sealed 13 envelope, with postage thereon iully prepaid. I am readily familiar with this firm's practice for the collection and processing of correspondence for mailiiig 14 with the United States Postal Service, and that said correspiondeiice is dep^^^ with the United States Postal Service on the same day in die ordinary course of 15 business. Said correspondence was addressed as set forth belo\y. 16 17 PARTY(S) SERVED: 18 Jonathan P. Hobbs, City Attomey City of Elk Grove 19 Elk Grove City Hall 20 8401 Laguna JPalms Way Elk Grove, CA 95758 21 Email:' for Respondeiit/Defendant City of Elk Grove 22 23 Mona G, Ebrahimi, Esq. 24 Kronick Moskovitz Tiedemann & Girard 400 Capitol Mall, 27* Floor 25 Sacramento, CA 95814 Email: 26 for Respondent/Defendant City of Elk Grove 27 28 PROOF OF SERVICE OF VERIFIED AMENDED PETITION, ET AL. - 2 1 Scott M. Pearson, Esq. Ballard Spahr LLP 2 2029 Century Park East, Suite 800 3 Los Angeles, CA 90067-2909 Email: 4 for Real Parties in Interest and Defendants Elk Grove Town Center, LP and Howard Hughes Corporation 5 I declare, imder penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califomia, that the 6 foregoing is tme and correct. 7 Executed oh March 13,2017, at Loomis, Califomia. 8 9 reen Pntrianahi Noreen Patrignani ^ 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PROOF OF SERVICE OF VERIFIED AMENDED PETITION, ET AL. - 3