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  • Michael Goldenberg, Rachel Goldenberg v. Chana Weisz a/k/a Shaindy Lax, Moshe Lax, Diamond Dynamics, Llc, Madison Avenue Diamonds, Llc d/b/a Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry Special Proceedings - Other (CPLR Article 52) document preview
  • Michael Goldenberg, Rachel Goldenberg v. Chana Weisz a/k/a Shaindy Lax, Moshe Lax, Diamond Dynamics, Llc, Madison Avenue Diamonds, Llc d/b/a Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry Special Proceedings - Other (CPLR Article 52) document preview


(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK O1/¥9/201S5622 491 pm NYSCEF DOC psi COURT OF THE STATE OF NEWYORK Y/ 17/2018 HON. ARLENEP. BLUTH NEW YORK COUNTY PRESENT: Bev ParT_3Z Justice Grocosetsue, Miease ats wwoexyo, 572% H/T w. MOTION DATE. RISE MOTION SEQ. NO. os CMitwrt Erste The following papers, numbered 1 to ‘were read on this motion toffor. Notice of Motion/Order to Show Cause — Affidavits — Exhibits ENojs). Answering Affidavits — Exhibits No(s). Replying Affidavits, [nojs). Upon the foregoing papers, It is ordered that this motion is | NG No aggptoore weer 5a 32 ae Bg Bz 2-/F wo Am set 2¢ Dated: Vb 11 J8.C. HON. AR! NE P. BLUT; 1. CHECK ONE: Cl CASE DISPOSED IN-FINAL DISPOSITION 2. CHECK AS APPROPRIATE: |OTION Cicranteo {DENIED COGRANTEDINPART — CJOTHER 3. CHECK IF APPROPRIAT COSETTLE ORDER Cisusmit oRDER (D0 NoT POST CJFIDUCIARY APPOINTMENT — [REFERENCE lofl