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  • GLAVAZ JR-V-GARD Print Fraud Unlimited  document preview
  • GLAVAZ JR-V-GARD Print Fraud Unlimited  document preview
  • GLAVAZ JR-V-GARD Print Fraud Unlimited  document preview
  • GLAVAZ JR-V-GARD Print Fraud Unlimited  document preview


Stanley Feldsott (SBN 45128) Michael D. Poole (SBN 180764) FELDSOTT & LEE 23161 Mill Creek Drive, Suite 300 AUG 3 0 2022 Laguna Hills, California 92653 (949) 729-8002 LAURA .ng': 05.531}? Attorneys for Defendant ELLEN GARD Ly. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO GERALD A. GLAVAZ, JR; SHANNON Case N0. CIVDS 1 8 1 8092 GLAVAZ Date: September 6, 2022 Plaintiffs, Time: 8:30 am. Dept: S33 vs. Judge: Winston Keh ELLEN GARD; EDGEWATER SHORES vvvvvvvvvvvvvv NOTICE OF NON-OPPOSITION BY AT LAKE ARROWHEAD COMMUNITY PLAINTIFFS GERALD A. GLAVAZ, ASSOCIATION; DOES through 20, 1 JR. AND SHANNON GLAVAZ TO MOTION BY DEFENDANT ELLEN Defendants. GARD FOR AWARD 0F ATTORNEYS FEES PURSUANT T0 CIVIL CODE §1717 AND CODE 0F CIVIL PROCEDURE §§1021 AND 1032 Date Action Filed: July 13, 201 8 Trial Date: February 28-March 1, 3, 7 and 8, 2022 TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Defendant ELLEN GARD (hereafter “Defendant”) has not 31H received an opposition to her “Motion for Award of Attorneys Fees Pursuant to Civil Code §§ 1 7 17 and Code 0f Civil Procedure §§1021 and 1032” (hereafter “Motion”) from plaintiffs GERALD A. A8 GLAVAZ, JR. and SHANNON GLAVAZ (hereafter “P1aintiffs”). The time for Plaintiffs to oppose XV:| Defendant’s Motion has now expired and Defendant obj ects t0 any untimer opposition which may Gard/mm. fees/non-oppo 1 NOTICE OF NON-OPPOSITION TO MOTION FOR ATTORNEYS FEES be ostensibly filed or served by Plaintiffs. DATED: August 30, 2022 FEfiDSOTT’ & LEE BY T EY’ FEL®’SOTT L D‘ POOLE Attorneys for DefendantELLEN GARD 31H A8 Xv; Gard/mtn. fees/non-oppo 2 NOTICE 0F NON-OPPOSITlON TO MOTION FOR ATTORNEYS FEES