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  • ERASNUS STREET, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION VS GLYTCH INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION Other Enforcement of Judgment Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • ERASNUS STREET, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION VS GLYTCH INC., A DELAWARE CORPORATION Other Enforcement of Judgment Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 05/20/2019 08:15 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by N. Rose,Deputy Clerk Don E. Lanson, Esq. SBN I634 14 MANf RED I, LEV INE, ECCL ES, MlLLER & LANSON, APC 2 3262 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite 200 Westlake Vil lngc, CA 91 362-3400 3 Telephone: (805) 379-1919 Email: d1:1 nson'ff:man Cri:d ilev i n ~ .cv m 4 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff, Erasnus Street, Inc, 6 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA ~ < 9 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES z 0 r/) 10 7- 8 < ~ "I... ..J Il ln the matter of the Confession of .ludgment by Case No.: ~ ~~ CZ: 5 o; w !/), ..:_ ..l 12 ERASNUS STREET, INC., a California ..l ~~ corporation, CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT IN - 'O 13 THE AMOUNT 0 • $ 30,000.00 ~al= Pin inti ft~ [i~ 6 ..J 0 ,J 14 (LESS AMOUNTS PAID PR10R TO ENTRY OF JUDGMENT) BY ~i~ VS . GLYl'CH INC.; VER TJ1'IED r.-.l ~::::; IS STATEMENT OF MICHAEL A. i.r5> GL YTCH INC.. a Delaware corporation, WILLIAMS, CEOi ~ ~ ;:2 16 CERTIFICATION OF BRET LEWJS, > ~N""~ 17 Il:SQ. ..J.,.M ;.9 > ·' Defendant. c .. 18 w !!:z 19 ~ 20 21 TO THE HONORABLE COURT: 22 Glytch Inc., a Delaware Corporation ("Glytch") hereby confesses judgment ngninst lt in 23 the above-referenced cause in favor of Plaintiff ERASNUS STREET, fNC .• a California 24 corporation (';Erasnus''), in the amount of $130,000.00, less credit for any sums paid by Glytch 25 to Erasnus. as stated in nnd pursuant to that certain Mutual General Release and Settlement 26 27 28 confession of judgment is based upon the accompanying verified statement of Michael A. I CONFESSION OF ,JUDGMENT