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  • Barry Yampol v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyd'S, London, including those subscribing to Syndicate Nos., Mit 3210, Pem 4000, Tal 1183, Mkl 3000, Cgm 2488, Axs 1686, Csl 1084, Asp 4711, Cof 1036, Auw 0609, Trv 5000, Ark 4020, Aal 2012, Adv 0780, Aul 1274, Afb 2623, Afb 0623, Aes 1225, Anv 1861, Enh 5151, Wrb 1967, Brt 2987, Apollo 9975, Chn 2015, Kln 0510Commercial Division - Insurance document preview
  • Barry Yampol v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyd'S, London, including those subscribing to Syndicate Nos., Mit 3210, Pem 4000, Tal 1183, Mkl 3000, Cgm 2488, Axs 1686, Csl 1084, Asp 4711, Cof 1036, Auw 0609, Trv 5000, Ark 4020, Aal 2012, Adv 0780, Aul 1274, Afb 2623, Afb 0623, Aes 1225, Anv 1861, Enh 5151, Wrb 1967, Brt 2987, Apollo 9975, Chn 2015, Kln 0510Commercial Division - Insurance document preview
  • Barry Yampol v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyd'S, London, including those subscribing to Syndicate Nos., Mit 3210, Pem 4000, Tal 1183, Mkl 3000, Cgm 2488, Axs 1686, Csl 1084, Asp 4711, Cof 1036, Auw 0609, Trv 5000, Ark 4020, Aal 2012, Adv 0780, Aul 1274, Afb 2623, Afb 0623, Aes 1225, Anv 1861, Enh 5151, Wrb 1967, Brt 2987, Apollo 9975, Chn 2015, Kln 0510Commercial Division - Insurance document preview
  • Barry Yampol v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyd'S, London, including those subscribing to Syndicate Nos., Mit 3210, Pem 4000, Tal 1183, Mkl 3000, Cgm 2488, Axs 1686, Csl 1084, Asp 4711, Cof 1036, Auw 0609, Trv 5000, Ark 4020, Aal 2012, Adv 0780, Aul 1274, Afb 2623, Afb 0623, Aes 1225, Anv 1861, Enh 5151, Wrb 1967, Brt 2987, Apollo 9975, Chn 2015, Kln 0510Commercial Division - Insurance document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 03/31/2023 11:58 PM INDEX NO. 601285/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 20 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/31/2023 COVINGTON Covington Hurung EP One CityCenter BElJING BRUSSELS DUBAl FRANKFURT JOHANNESBURG 850 Tenth Street, NW LONDON LOSANGELES NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO Washington, DC 20001-4956 SEOUL SHANGHAl SILICONVALLEY WASHINGTON T +1 202 662 6000 By Email September 10, 2018 Mr. Richard Mancuso G.J. Smith Associates 87 S. Highland Ave. A27 Ossining, NY 10562 Re: Insured: Barry Yampol Policy No.: Bo507N16SFo49oo Policy Period: May 1, 2016 to May 1, 2017 Matter: Missing Gems/Rough/Minerals/Crystals Dear Mr. Mancuso: I write in response to your letter dated August 27, 2018, and to provide you with an update. Since our last correspondence, Mr. Yampol has located one item that is missing from his collection and part of the claim Mr. Yampol has tendered to Underwritters. Specifically, within the last couple of weeks, Stuart Wilensky, a mineral dealer with whom Mr. Yampol has worked many times before, offered to sell Mr. Yampol one of Mr. Yampol's missing pieces. Mr. Yampol told Mr. Wilensky he was interested in purchasing the mineral and asked Mr. Wilensky to hold it for Mr. Yampol. Mr. Yampol then contacted the Nassau County police, who met with Mr. Wilensky on Friday, September 7. At the meeting on September 7, Mr. Wilensky told the police that he had since sold the mineral in question. Mr. Wilensky revealed, however, that he had obtained the piece from, or was selling the piece on behalf of, Mr. Daniel Trinchillo. At the detective's request, Mr. Yampol provided the police with a copy of a check, proving Mr. Yampo>s ownership of the mineral. Mr. Yampol is currently in process of retaining additional counsel to explore his options with respect to involving the U.S. Attorney's Office or the FBI in this matter. Mr. Yampol is also working with other counsel to attempt to prevent the sale of the mineral that is or was in Mr. Wilensky's possession. In the meantime, Mr. Yampol also requests that Underwriters assign an investigator to this matter. We understand that Underwriters previously assigned Mr. Andy Quested of R.K. Harrison to act as an investigator for one of Mr. Yampol's prior matters that also involved Mr. Trinchillo. Given Mr. Queste s familiarity with some of the parties and the subject matter generally, Mr. Yampol requests that Mr. Quested also be assigned as the investigator for this FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 03/31/2023 11:58 PM INDEX NO. 601285/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 20 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/31/2023 COV I N G TO N Mr. Richard Mancuso September 10, 2018 Page 2 matter. Please let us know at your earliest convenience whether Underwriters are willing to assign Mr. Quested to this matter or, if not, thecontact information for the investigator who will be working on this matter on behalf of Underwriters. Mr. Yampol continues to reserve all rights under the Policy, at law, or in equity. Ve uly yours, Tara A. Brennan cc: David B. Goodwin (Covington) Barry Yampol