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  • Barry Yampol v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyd'S, London, including those subscribing to Syndicate Nos., Mit 3210, Pem 4000, Tal 1183, Mkl 3000, Cgm 2488, Axs 1686, Csl 1084, Asp 4711, Cof 1036, Auw 0609, Trv 5000, Ark 4020, Aal 2012, Adv 0780, Aul 1274, Afb 2623, Afb 0623, Aes 1225, Anv 1861, Enh 5151, Wrb 1967, Brt 2987, Apollo 9975, Chn 2015, Kln 0510Commercial Division - Insurance document preview
  • Barry Yampol v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyd'S, London, including those subscribing to Syndicate Nos., Mit 3210, Pem 4000, Tal 1183, Mkl 3000, Cgm 2488, Axs 1686, Csl 1084, Asp 4711, Cof 1036, Auw 0609, Trv 5000, Ark 4020, Aal 2012, Adv 0780, Aul 1274, Afb 2623, Afb 0623, Aes 1225, Anv 1861, Enh 5151, Wrb 1967, Brt 2987, Apollo 9975, Chn 2015, Kln 0510Commercial Division - Insurance document preview


FILED: NASSAU COUNTY CLERK 04/17/2023 03:57 PM INDEX NO. 601285/2023 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 32 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/17/2023 Supreme Court of the State of New York Nassau County F To: Chief Clerk's Office From: Hon. TimothyS. Drisco Date: April.1 1, 2023 Re: Yampol v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd's London, #601285-23 I have reviewed the within matter and determined that it does not rneet the requirenients of 22 NYCRR 202.70 necessary for assignment to Commercial The n- the Division. matter is to be reassigne to Commercial.Division Part. 1 of 1