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  • IN THE MATTER OF: JOCELYN JEWELL FORTNER Petition for Change of Name (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • IN THE MATTER OF: JOCELYN JEWELL FORTNER Petition for Change of Name (General Jurisdiction) document preview


NC-230 [ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY STATE BAR NUMBER FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME. Jocelyn Jewell Fortner FIRM NAME. 26707 Isabella Pkwy #205 STREET ADDRESS. cy Santa Clarita state CA zp cove, 91851 FILED TELEPHONE KO. 661-481-6881 FAX NO. Superior Court of California E-MAIL ADDRESS. Countyof Los Angales |ATTORNEY FOR(nome): aj PLO PER 12/23/2019 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Tos Angeles eri R Carter, Exec: Officer ! Ce af Court | STREET ADDRESS: 9425 Penfield Avenue MAILING ADDRESS: Same as above y: Kailin Keating Deputy jor ano zp Cope. Chatsworth, CA 91311 } BRANCH NAME. Chatsworth Courthouse ~ PETITION OF (name of petitioner) Jocelyn Jewell Fortner FOR CHANGE OF NAME AND GENDER 4 DECREE CHANGING NAME AND ORDER RECOGNIZING CHANGE OF GENDER AND FOR ISSUANCE OF NEW BIRTH CERTIFICATI The petition was duly considered: “EVCHCPO0RZS a. [__] at the hearing on (date): in Courtroom: FYT of the above-entitled court b. 432] without hearing. THE COURT FINDS 2. a. All notices required by law have been given. b. Each person whose name is to be changed identified in iter 3 below is not Cis required to register as a sex offender under sectian 290 of the Penal Cade. This determination was made [Z") by using CLETS/CJIS ~[__] based on information provided to the clerk of the court by 2 local law enforcement agency. x) No objections to the proposed change of name were made. {_] Objections to the proposed change of name were made by (name): It appears to the satisfaction of the court that all the allegations in the petition are true and sufficient and thal the petition should be granted. Other findings (if any): THE COURT ORDERS Jocelyn Jewell Fortner 3. The name of (present name): James Felix Fortner is changed to (new name): THE COURT FURTHER ORDERS 4, The gender of (new name): James Felix Fortner is changed to: a. [[] female. male ce. [_] nonbinary. THE COURT FURTHER ORDERS: 5. A new birth certificate shall be issued reflecting the changes in name and gender. 6. If petitioner was born in California, a certified copy of this order shall be filed by petitioner within 30 days with the State Registrar When the State Registrar receives a certified copy of this order and payment of the applicable fees, the State Registrar shall establish for the petitioner 2 new birth certificate reflecting the new name and the gen «pf.the petitioner as it has been altered. fe; > in D. Sandvi Date: 12/23/2019 JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT OF JUDGE FOLLOWS LAST ATTACHMENT Melvin D-Sandvig-/Judge™ oft Farm udicialAceptes Council osof MendsionUse DECREE CHANGING NAME AND ORDER RECOGNIZING CHANGE Coit! Heallh & Safoty recuse 55 178,103435 Code, §§ 103430, 1279, NC-230 fRev. Septembor 1 "208 OF GENDER AND FOR ISSUANCE OF NEW BIRTH CERTIFICATE