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  • Marcelo Lema v. Pan Link Construction, Inc, Ssw Realty Llc Torts - Other (Labor Law) document preview
  • Marcelo Lema v. Pan Link Construction, Inc, Ssw Realty Llc Torts - Other (Labor Law) document preview
  • Marcelo Lema v. Pan Link Construction, Inc, Ssw Realty Llc Torts - Other (Labor Law) document preview
  • Marcelo Lema v. Pan Link Construction, Inc, Ssw Realty Llc Torts - Other (Labor Law) document preview
  • Marcelo Lema v. Pan Link Construction, Inc, Ssw Realty Llc Torts - Other (Labor Law) document preview
  • Marcelo Lema v. Pan Link Construction, Inc, Ssw Realty Llc Torts - Other (Labor Law) document preview
  • Marcelo Lema v. Pan Link Construction, Inc, Ssw Realty Llc Torts - Other (Labor Law) document preview
  • Marcelo Lema v. Pan Link Construction, Inc, Ssw Realty Llc Torts - Other (Labor Law) document preview


FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 05/10/2023 04:37 PM INDEX NO. 707343/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 108 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/10/2023 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF QUEENS MARCELO LEMA, Queens Index No.: 707343/2016 Plaintiff, - against - PAN LINK CONSTRUCTION, INC. and SSW REAL TY LLC, Defendants. Affidavit in Support of Plaintiff Marcelo Lema's Motion for Default Jud ainst Defendant Pan Link Construction Inc. STATE OF New __ York _ ) ) ss.: COUNTY OFNew __ York _ ) MARCELO LEMA, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. I am the Plaintiff in this matter and make this affidavit in support of the motion for Default Judgment against Defendant Pan Link Construction, Inc. 2. I have firsthand knowledge of the matters herein referred to, unless otherwise indicated. 3. I testified to these facts during the inquest trial on October 25, 2021 and November 5, 2021. 4. On June 18, 2015, I was working as a construction worker on a three- story residence located at 149-64 Beech Avenue in Flushing, New York. 5. I was engaged in pre-demolition work, taking everything out so that a new home could be built on the property. The work involved removing trash and other debris from inside the building at that address. 1 of 8 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 05/10/2023 04:37 PM INDEX NO. 707343/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 108 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/10/2023 6. While engaged in this work on the third floor inside the structure, the entire roof of the building fell on top of me. I was physically crushed by the wood and shingles of the roof, lost consciousness, and suffered severe injuries to my head, neck, shoulders, back, torso, legs, lower back, and ribs. 7. Before the collapse, the roof was being minimally supported by rotten wood. Specifically, the roof was held up by wooden sticks, with only a few pieces of wood, which were rotting and would not have been able to support it. The roof was not adequately supported and collapsed as a direct result Defendants' failure to properly secure it and make it safe. 8. After I was injured in the roof collapse, my brother and co-worker on the premises took me to the hospital where I underwent surgery on both my neck and shoulder. 9. As a result of the incident described above, I suffer from numerous orthopedic and mental injuries which have affected my daily quality of life, including my ability to perform paid labor and spend time with my family. My treating physicians gave testimony concerning the nature, extent and cause of these injuries at an inquest hearing before this Court on October 25, 2021. 10. At all relevant times, including on June 18, 2015, my employer was Defendant SSW Realty LLC. Accord Pollock Aff., Ex. G (workers' compensation decisions). 11. At all relevant times, including on June 18, 2015, my employer SSW Realty LLC was a subcontractor of Defendant Pan Link. Accord Pollock Aff., Ex. G (workers' compensation decisions). 2 of 8 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 05/10/2023 04:37 PM INDEX NO. 707343/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 108 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/10/2023 12. I understand that my employer, Defendant SSW Realty LLC did not maintain appropriate insurance coverage. Id. 13. I understand that the Workers' Compensation Board determined that Defendant Pan Link, as a general contractor that chose to engage a subcontractor without insurance, would be liable in its stead under section 56 of the Workers' Compensation Law. By: L/J Marcelo Lema ~orn to before me this o day of April 2023 May ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC ADAM POLLOCK NotaryPublic,Sta~ of lfNI o/~ ~ Reg. No. 0?.?001~}1§ 1 ,-.,.,Qualified ~ rf:';E, __ ,__ ,__ in ·-~""' -\!?jl, ~ '!o/. """'"'~ ~~~ 7wto1.'1 3 of 8 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 05/10/2023 04:37 PM INDEX NO. 707343/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 108 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/10/2023 3333NewHydeParkRoad,Suite414 NewHydePark,NY11042 ~~eiber 516.498,1111 Fax:516.498.2390 'I_• translationinc. s, TRANSLATORS & INTERPRETERS TRIBUNAL SUPREMO DEL ESTADO DE NUEVA YORK CONDADO DE QUEENS MARCELO LEMA, Nro. de indice de Queens: Demandante, 707343/2016 - contra - PAN LINK CONSTRUCTION, INC. y SSW REALTYLLC, Demandados. Declaraci6n jurada en apoyo de la moci6n de sentencia en rebeldia contra el Demandado Pan Link Construction Inc. presentada por el Demandanfo, Marcelo Lema New York ESTADODE __ ) ) ss.: New York_ CONDADO ___ ) MARCELO LEMA, habiendo sido debidamente juramentado, declara y dice lo siguiente: 1. Soy el Demandante en este asunto y hago esta declaraci6n jurada en apoyo de la moci6n de sentencia en rebeldia contra el Demandado, Pan Link Construction, Inc. 2. Tengo conocimiento personal de los asuntos mencionados en el presente, a menos que se indique lo contrru.·io. 3. Declare sabre estos hechos durante el juicio indagatorio del 25 de octubre de 2021 y el 5 de noviembre de 2021. 4. El 18 de junio de 2015, me encontraba trabajando como trabajador de la construcci6n en una residencia de tres pisos ubicada en 149-64 Beech Avenue en Flushing, Nueva York. 5. Me encontraba hacienda trabajo previo a la demolici6n, sacando todo para 4 of 8 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 05/10/2023 04:37 PM INDEX NO. 707343/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 108 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/10/2023 s~eiber 'I_• translations, inc. que se pudiera construir una nueva residencia en la propiedad. El trabajo requeria quitar la basura y otros desechos del interior del edificio en esa direcci6n. 6. Cuando me encontraba haciendo este trabajo en el tercer piso de la estructura, el techo completo del edificio se desplom6 sob1:emi. Fui fisicamente aplastado por la madera y las tejas del techo, perdi la consciencia y sufri lesiones en la cabeza, el cuello, los hombros, la espalda, el torso, las piernas, la baja espalda y las costillas. 7. Antes del colapso, el techo se encontraba sostenido minimamente por madera podrida. Especificamente, el techo estaba sostenido por palos de madera, con solo unas pocas piezas de madera, que se estaban pudriendo y no hubieran sido capaces de sostenerlo. El techo no estaba adecuadamente sostenido y se cay6 como consecuencia directa de que el Demandado no lo reforz6 apropiadamente para que fuera seguro. 8. Despues de ser lesionado en el colapso del techo, mi hermano y compaiiero de trabajo en el lugar me llevaron al hospital, donde me hicieron cirugia en el cuello y en el hombro. 9. Como resultado del incidente descrito anteriormente, sufro de numerosas lesiones ortopedicas y mentales que han afectado la calidad de mi vida diaria, incluso mi capacidad de hacer trabajos remunerados y pasar tiempo con mi familia. Mis medicos tratantes declararon sobre la naturaleza, el alcance y la causa de estas lesiones en una audiencia indagatoria ante este tribunal el 25 de octubre de 2021. 10. En todos los momentos relevantes, incluso el 18 de junio de 2015, mi empleador era el Demandado SSW Realty LLC. Accord Pollock Aff., Ex. G (decisiones de indemnizaci6n al trabajador). 5 of 8 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 05/10/2023 04:37 PM INDEX NO. 707343/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 108 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/10/2023 f!.I~ eiber '1.• translations, inc. 11. En todos los momentos relevantes, incluso el 18 de junio de 2015, mi empleador SSW Realty LLC fue subcontratista del Demandado Pan Link. Accord Pollock Aff., Ex. G (decisiones de indemnizaci6n al trabajador). 12. Tengo entendido que mi empleador, el Demandado SSW Realty LLC no tenia una cobertura de seguro apropiada. Id. 13. Tengo entendido que la Junta de lndemnizaci6n al Trabajador (Workers' Compensation Board) determin6 que el Demandado Pan Link, como contratista general que eligi6 contratar a un subcontratista sin seguro, seria responsable en su lugar, de conformidad con la secci6n 56 de la Ley de lndemnizaci6n al Trabajador. Firmado por: --11,,0 i I ~ Marcelo Lema Juramentado ante mi este 8 dia de abril de 2023 May /4l-- NOTARIO PUELICO AD. M PFJLLUeK NotaryPublic, State of NewYork Reg: No._02POG186318 Ou~fffiooin Kings Co:mtv Comm,ss,onExpires4/WZO~ . ,, 6 of 8 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 05/10/2023 04:37 PM INDEX NO. 707343/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 108 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/10/2023 3333NewHydeParkRoad,Suite414 NewHydePark,NY11042 ~~eiber 516.498.1111 Fax:516.498.2390 ~• translations, inc. TRANSLATORS& INTERPRETERS CERTIFICATION: The appended document is a true and accurate translation from ENGLISH to SPANISH to the best of the translator's knowledge and belief, and it is certified by Eiber Translations, Inc., pursuant to CPLR 2101 (b). ~7- Edna H. Eiber Eiber Translations, Inc. AFFIDAVIT OF ACCURACY: Edna H. Eiber, being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am the principal of Eiber Translations, Inc. Your deponent retains the services of certified translators. A Certified English to Spanish translator, Diana Valori, was retained to translate the attached document identified as: Affidavit of Marcelo Lema In the matter of: Pan Link Construction, Inc. and SSW Realty LLC Index No.: 707343/2016 The translator is qualified to translate the attached document from English to Spanish by virtue of the following qualifications: Ms. Valori is fluent in both languages, English and Spanish. She is certified by the American Translators Association as an English to Spanish translator (Certification No. 476718) and maintains certification in full force and effect. Edna H. Eiber Sworn t~efore me This s--1'"ctay of May, 2023 .~-,U NfuaiyPublic ~ 7 of 8 FILED: QUEENS COUNTY CLERK 05/10/2023 04:37 PM INDEX NO. 707343/2016 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 108 DocuSign Envelope ID: 009992AB-8B4C-40O1-A1CA-70F6C86FE78B RECEIVED NYSCEF: 05/10/2023 3333 NewHydeParkRoad,Suite 414 e~eiber NewHydePark,NewYor1<: 11042 516.498.1111 Fax:516.498.2390 ~• translations, inc. calendar@eibertranslationscom projects@eibertranslationscom TRANSLATORS & INTERPRETERS TRANSLATOR AFFIDAVIT OF ACCURACY I, Diana Valori, am fluent in English and Spanish, and I am certified by the American Translators Association to translate from English to Spanish. I hereby certify that I translated the affidavit bearing the following identification, the original of which is attached hereto: Affidavit of Marcelo Lema Pan Link Construction, Inc. and SSW Realty LLC Index No.: 707343/2016 I further certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the document bearing the aforementioned identification is a true, accurate and complete translation into Spanish of the original English language affidavit provided to me and attached, pursuant to CPLR 2101 (b). -t~~:t-l~•f.;I,,.,'-' --------- Diana Valori, Certification No. 476718 5/5/2023 Date 8 of 8