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  • ISABELLA SAEEDY VS CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL LOS ANGELES Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • ISABELLA SAEEDY VS CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL LOS ANGELES Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview


CIV-010 ATTORNEY(Name, State Bar number, and address): FOR COURT use ONLY Daniel M. Modes, Esq., SEN 101773 MODES MILMAN,LLP 9210 Irvine Center Drive Irvine, California 92618 TELEPHONE NO.: (949)640-8222 FAX NO.(Optional). (949)336-8114 E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): dhodes@hodesmilman.eom ATTORNEY FOR (Name;. Plaintiff, Isabella Saeedy, a minor SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LoS AngeleS STREET ADDRESS; 111 N Hill St. MAILING ADDRESS: 1 1 1 N Hill St. CITY AND ZIP CODE: Los Angclcs, CA 90012 BRANCH NAME: Stanley Mosk Courthouse PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER; Isabella Saeedy, a minor DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Children's Mospltal Los Angeles CASE NUMBER: APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN AD LITEM—CIVIL 19STCV41013 CZ] EXPARTE NOTE: This form is for use in civii proceedings in which a party is a minor, an incapacitated person, or a person for whom a conservator has been appointed. A party who seeks the appointment of a guardian ad iitem in a famiiy law or Juvenile proceeding should use form FL-935. A party who seeks the appointment of a guardian ad iitem in a probate proceeding should use form DE-350/GC-100. An individual cannot act as a guardian ad iitem unless he or she is represented by an attorney or is an attorney. 1. Applicant(name): Isabella Saeedy is a. □□ the parent of (name): Electronically Received 11/22/2019 02:02 PM b. □□ the guardian of (name): c. □□ the conservator of (name): d. □ a party to the suit. e. I / I the minor to be represented (if the minor is 14 years of age oroider). f. I I another interested person (specify capacity): 2. This application seeks the appointment of the following person as guardian ad Iitem (state name, address, and teiephone number): Azadeh Famili, 254 Oakland Road, Glendora, CA 91741, (626) 253-3149. 3. The guardian ad Iitem is to represent the interests of the following person (state name, address, and teiephone number): Isabella Saeedy, 254 Oakland Road, Glendora, CA 91741, (626) 253-3149. 4. The person to be represented is: a. LjLJ a minor (date of birth): 8/10/2004 b. n an incompetent person. c. n a person for whom a conservator has been appointed. 5. The court should appoint a guardian ad Iitem because: a. I / I the person named in item 3 has a cause or causes of action on which suit should be brought (describe): Isabella Saeedy has a Medical Negligence case against Children's Hospital Los Angeles. n Continued on Attachment 5a. Pa2e_1_of_2_ Form Adopted for Mandatocy Use Code of Cnril Procedure, Judictal Council of California APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT § 372 et seq. CIV-010 (Rev. January 1.2008] OF GUARDIAN AD LITEM—CIVIL