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  • IN THE MATTER OF: MICAHEL LEROY NOLD Petition for Change of Name (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • IN THE MATTER OF: MICAHEL LEROY NOLD Petition for Change of Name (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 11/14/2019 10:09 AM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by C. Fiola,Deputy Clerk 19STCP04868 Assigned for all purposes to: Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Judicial Officer: Edward Moreton NC-100 ATTORNEY ORPARTYhTTHO-ITATTORNEY STATEBARNuVBER 17 7 5 96 NAME H. R. Topalian, Esquire FIRM NAME Topalian & Associates STREEET ADD-IESS 7211 Painter Avenue CITY Whittier STATE CA ZIPCODE90602 r=itip,ioutxo (562) 907-7889 raxr-o (562) 945-5068 AnoRsz oORiname'r.Michae) Leroy Nold SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES s'rqezaoopsss Ill North Hill Street I MAILINGADDRESS-Same- cnyxxozipcooe Los Angeles, California 90012 BRANCHxxvt Stanley Mosk Courthouse PETITION OF (name ofeach petitioner): Michael Leroy Nold CASE MtVBER PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME Before you complete this petition, you should read the /nsfrucffons forFiling a Petition for Change ofName (form NC-100-INFO). You must answer all questions and check all boxes that apply to you on this petition. You must file thts petition in the superior court of the county where the person whose name is to be changed resides. 1. Petitioner (present name): Michael Leroy Nold resides in this county. 2. Petitioner requests that the court decree the following name changes (list every name that you are seeking to change).' Present name Proposed name a. Michael Leroy Nold changed to Mic)iael Leroy Barrera b. changed to C. changed ig d. changed to 0 Continued(if you are seekingto changeadditionalnames,you mustpreparea list endattachHto thispetition Attachment 2.) as 3. Petitioner requests that the court issue an order directing all interested persons to appear or file objections to show cause why this petition for change of name of the persons identified in item 2 should not be granted. The number of persons under 18 years of age whose names are to be changed is (specifyJ-O- If this petition requests the change of name of any person or persons under 18 years, this request is being made bv a, [3 two parents. NOT APPuCABLE b. 0 oneparent. [3 nearrelative(nameandrelationship) d. [2 guardian(name) 6. 0 This petitionseeksto changenameof (checkone) [] petitioner [2 (name): to conform to that person's gender identity. 7. Foreachpersonwhosenameistobechanged,petitionerprovidesthefollowinginformation(youmusfattachacomp/efedcopyof the attachment Name and Information About the Person Whose Name Is to Be Changed (form NC-1 10) for each person identified in item 2): a. The number oT attachments included in this petition is (specify number): -1- b-f.(These aretheitems ontheattached pageorpages ofForm NC-1 10) Pagel on Form Adoptea for Mandatory use Judicial Council of Calfotiiia PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME Cooeof Qvil Ptoceoute5 1275et seq NC100 [Rev September 12018] wwvr courts ca. gov (Change of Name) Wesilaw Doc&FomiBuRdr