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  • DAMIAN DOMINGUEZ VS LAKE LINDERO HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DAMIAN DOMINGUEZ VS LAKE LINDERO HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview


MC-053 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, state bar number, and address) FOR COURT USE ONLY |_ Sarah R. Wolk, Esq (SBN 251461) Wolk & Levine, LLP 535 N. Brand Blvd., Suite 300 Glendale, CA 91203 FILED Suj rior Court of California county of Los Angeles TevepHone NO: 818.241.7499 FAX NO. (Optional): 323.892.2324 E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optiona): FEB 25 2020 ATTORNEY FOR (name) Lake Lindero Homeowner's Association SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ‘STREET ADDRESS: 111 N. Hill Street Los Angeles Sheri By. song ive Officer/Clerk Deputy MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: Los Angeles, CA. 90012 BRANCH NAME: Stanley Mosk Courthouse CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER Damian Dominguez v. Lake Lindero Homeowner's Association 19STCV33951 Hearinc pate: 2/25/20 ORDER GRANTING ATTORNEY’S vert: 48 TIME 8:30 A.M. MOTION TO BE RELIEVED AS COUNSEL—CIVIL acrore Hon. EHizebethA-White GEOPGINA oareacrionrues, Sept. 24,2019 TORIZES TRIALDATE: None set Rik The motion of (name of attomey): Wolk & Levine, LLP to be relieved as counsel of record for (name of client): Lake Lindero Homeowner's Association a party to this action or proceeding, came on regularly for hearing at the date, time, and place indicated above. {4 on The following persons were present at the hearing: & M.Meall-ex, fon LL Hf, vineve jAaron Gundzi Rb yc eur cal| a Damien ro ee FINDINGS Attorney has a Ce] personally served the client with papers in support of this motion. served client by mail and submitted a declaration establishing that the service requirements of California Rules of Court, tule 3.1362, have been satisfied. Attorney has shown sufficient reasons why the motion to be relieved as counsel should be granted and why the attorney has brought a motion under Code of Civil Procedure section 284(2) instead of filing a consent under section 284(1). ORDER Attorney is relieved as counsel of record for client a. effective upon the filing of the proof of service of this signed order upon the client. b. [1] effective on (specify date): The client's Ww current [J last known address and telephone number: (626)96 70-2741 Don Melching 1275 CENTER COURT DR, COVINA CA 91724 If the client's current address is known, service on the client must hereafter be made at that address unless otherwise ordered in item 13. If the current address is not known, service must be made according to Code of Civil Procedure section 1011 (b) and rule 3.252 of the California Rules of Court. 7. a, The next scheduled hearing in this action or proceeding is set for (date, time, and place): March 2, 2020, 8:30 A.M., Dept 48 of the Stanley Mosk Courthouse. b. The hearing will concern (subject matter). case management conference NOTICE TO CLIENT You or your new attorney, if any, must prepare for and attend this hearing. Page 1 of2| Form Adopted for Mandatory Use ORDER GRANTING ATTORNEY’S ‘Code of Givil Proedure., § 284) ‘Judicial Council of California Cal. Rules of Cour, rule 3.1362 MC-053 [Rev. January 1, 2007} MOTION TO BE RELIEVED AS COUNSEL—CIVIL www