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  • IN THE MATTER OF: MELISSA RODRIGUEZ Petition for Change of Name (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • IN THE MATTER OF: MELISSA RODRIGUEZ Petition for Change of Name (General Jurisdiction) document preview


[ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY NC-100 AR NUMBER wc MElT SSA. BO de? que? . FIRM NAME ess FAD Motta yeudome gf ho STREET ADO city. oh 3s state @A ze cou FOORE reteroneno (% 23) CO~9 977 FAX NO E-MAIL ADDF ‘ORNEY FOR (name] hig i} «¢ SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Los STREET ADDRESS: f// e Hill OA Angeles 4] te ‘wiivo nae MAILING ADDRESS Jerry ant oz cove Aod 6 “War lS 4s, G00 OV 20 2019 || BRANCH NAME ZO % Ame PETITION OF (name of each Petitioner) 4 te ¢ ne R rk Ar. Depnt | Meh sso Ro db? Gace CASE NUMBER | PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME 1 19STCP04965 | Before you complete this petition, you should read the Instructi ons for Filin: 1g a Petition for Chan ge of Name (form NC-100-INFO). You must answer all questions and check all boxes that aj pply to you on this petition. You must county where the person whose name is to be chang ed resides. file this petition in the superior court of the Petitioner (present name) mehs $0 2 @ AR ged Tesides in this county. Petitioner requests that the court decree the following name changes (list every name that you are seeking to change). Present name Proposed name Wet sso ee Aye a changed to Melissa Lo 4 ae changed to iG changed to d changed to [-"] Continued (if you are seeking to chan ge additional names, you must prepare a list and attach it to this petition as Attachment 2.) Petitioner requests that the court issue an order directing all interested persons to aj ppear or file objections to show this petition for change of name of the persons identifie cause why d in item 2 should not be gra nted. The number of persons under 18 years of age whose names are to be changed is (specify). If this petition requests the change of name of any person or persons under 18 years, this request is being made by a two parents. b. [J one parent. c. near relative (name and relationship). d. guardian (name). e. other (specify). 5X] This petition seeks to change name of (check one) 5] (name) Maho Pe Migee 2 to conform to that person's gender identity. Lt petitioner For each person whose name is to be changed, petitioner provides uw the followin: ig information (you must attach a completed copy the attachment Name and Information Abo ut the Person Whose of Name Is to Be Changed (| {form NC-110) for each person identifi item 2). ed in a. The number of attachments included in this petition is (specify number). b-f. (These are the items on the attached page or pages of Form NC-110.) Page 1 of 1 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME Code of Civi! Procedure, § 127 2G NC-100 (Rev. September 1, 2018) www cou gov (Change of Name)