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  • DELIA RENTERIA, ET AL. VS RYAN MCCAFFREY Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death - Uninsured Motorist (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DELIA RENTERIA, ET AL. VS RYAN MCCAFFREY Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death - Uninsured Motorist (General Jurisdiction) document preview


CIV-110 ATTORNEY OR PARTY VIIITHOUT ATTORNEY. STATE BAR No 1 93528 FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME A. Mina Tran FIRM NAME TRAN LAW GROUP sTREETADDREss 12966 Euclid St., Suite 310 c(TY Garden Grove sTATE CA zIP coDE 92840 TELEPHQNE No 714-427-0222 FAx No 714-427-0225 E-MAS.ADDREss mica@tran) ATTDRNEYFDR(Name) Plaintiffs, DELIA RENTERIA, et aL SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Los Angeles sTREETADDREss 111 N. Hill Street MAILING ADDRESS clTY AND zIP coDE Los Angeles California 90012 BRANcu NAME Stanley Mosk Courthoue Plaintiff/Petitioner: DELIA RENTERIA, et al. Defendant/Respondent: RYAN MCCAFFREY, et al. CASE NUMBER REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL 19STCV41025 conformed copy will not be returned by the clerk unless a method of return is provided with the document. A This form may not be used for dismissal of a derivative action or a class action or of any party or cause of action in a class action. (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.780 and 3.770.) 1. TO THE CLERK: Please dismiss this action as follows: a. (1) ~ ~x With prejudice (2) ~ ~ Without prejudice b. (1) (3) (4) ~ ~ Complaint (2) Cross-complaint filed by (name): Cross-complaint filed by (name): Petition on (date): on (date): (6) ~ (5) ~x Entire action of all parties and all causes of action Other (specify)7 The court ~ 2. (Comp/e/ein a/l cases except Family law cases.) did ~x did not waive court fees and costs for a party in this case. (This information may be obtained from the clerk /f court fees and costs were waived, the dec/aration on the back of this form must be completed). Date: March 18, 2020 A. Mina Tran (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF ~X ATTORNEY ~ PARTY NIITHOUT ATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE) *If dismissal requested is of specified parties only of speciried causes of action or ofspeofied cross-(mmp(aints only, so state and identify the parties, causes of action, or cross-complaints to be dismissed. only, ~ ~x plaintiff/petitioner Cross Complainant ~ Attol'itsy Ol'arty without attorney fot"I Defendant/Respondent 3. TO THE CLERK: Consent to the above dismissal is hereby given.** Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF ~ ATTORNEY ~ PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEYI (SIGNATURE) ~ ~ ** If a cross-complaint — Or Response (Family Law) seeking affirmative Attorney or party without attorney for: Iehef - Is on file, the attorney for cross-complainant (respondent) must sign this consent If required by Code of Civil Procedure section SSI (i) or (I) ~ Plaintiff/Petitioner Cross Complainant Defendant/Respondent 4. ~ (To be completed by clerk) ~ Dismissal entered as requested on (date)( 5 6. ~ Dismissal entered on (dale): as to only (name): Dismissal not entered as requested for the following reasons (specify): 7. ~ ~~ a. Attorney or party without attorney notified on (dats): Date: b. a copy to be conformed ~ Attorney or party without attorney not notified. Filing party failed to provide means to return conformed copy Clerk, by DBPuty pageIef2 Form Adopted for Mendelo Y Uee Code of Civil Procedure, S SSI et eeq, Go Code, Jud&clal Council of Calecmia REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL E 33337(cl, Cai Rules of Court, rule 3 13SC CIV-I la IRev Jan. I, ZC13) www courts ca go 7