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  • CAVALRY SPV I , LLC v. MISTAL, MATTHEW CC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • CAVALRY SPV I , LLC v. MISTAL, MATTHEW CC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • CAVALRY SPV I , LLC v. MISTAL, MATTHEW CC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • CAVALRY SPV I , LLC v. MISTAL, MATTHEW CC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview


SUMMONS - CIVIL. For information on STATE QF CONNEGTICUT BOOV Kev 222 ADA accommodations, CGS R51-348, 51-347, 51-229, 51250, 52a, 92-48, RAED, contact a court clark or SUPERIOR COURT PB AGTH teosyh $21, 61, 129 90 to: Www Jud.ct gav/ADA, wa fat chaov instructions are on page 2. [2] Select if amount, logal interest, or property in demand, not including intorest and costs, is LESS than $2.00. KX] Setect tf amount, legal interest, or property ie demand, ct including interest and costs, is $2,500or MORE, [] Setscti claiming other relat in addition to,or in place of, money ot damages. nt TO: Any proper officer By authonty of the Stata of Connacticut, you a¢o hereby commanded fo make duo and lagal service ofthis sursmons and attached compiaint Tildidia G Eout cin pRomuey See wml Al op cou TRopieasisinon ois Beta tials ytieae Seenaye 146 White Street Danbury, CT 06810 ( } = 203-207-8600 June 13, 2023 WK) adic District 8. Rear ORy Task Hie Code ae oT age SF (] Housing Session [7] Number: Danbury Major: Cc Minor: 40 For the plaintiff(s) enter the appearance of: Nau ang adress of abormey, tea lim oF plant Fel eapreseniad Minibar SGA Wal and Dp aaa? jas rambar fe atienay a Rv Fah Schreiber Law, LLC — 53 Stiles Road, Suite A102. Salem, NH 03079 434988 Telephone numboe Signahas of pla 2 seldcepresecteod {800} 423-- 8142 - ‘The atoray or iaw firm appearing for ihe plainilff, or the peainall if Ectial address for dois 7 ol paces ules Se EAT ie Sallsepredented, agrees to accep! papers (service) alecbonically Beenociit Practica in thia case under Section 10-13 of the Connecticut Practice Book, [X} Yes {] No Parties Name (Last, First, Middie (aidal) and address of each party (Number; street; P.O. Box, town; stota: zip; country, Haat USA) First ae Cavalry SPV, LLC plaintitt Adaress LAMERICAN LANE SUITE 220 GRE! CT 06832, Pot te esos Additional plaintitt Address: P22 First Name: MISTAL, MATTHEW C defendant Address: : 91 WOOSTER ST #208 BETHEL, CT 06801 bor Additonal Nase: defendant Address: 0.02: Additional Name: dotendant Addeess: 6-03) Additional Naame: defendant Address: Total number of plaintiffs: 1 Total number of defendants: 1 T L [] Form JD-C¥-2 attached for additional parties Notice to each defendant 4 You are being sued, This is a summons in a tawsut, The complaint attactved states the claims the piaintf& making against you 2. To receive further notiges, you ar your attomey must file an Appe ‘argnce (form ADC. 12} with fhe clark si the address above. Generally, il must be fled on or before the second day after the Retum Date. The Retum Date is not a hearing date. You do not have to come to court on the Return Date unless you receive a separate notice felling youto appear. Ifyou oF your attorney do not filean Appearance cn time, a defaultju rigment may be entered against you. You can get an Agpesrance form at the court address above, or on-tins at hites:/fud. ct gowtwobt formed. Hf you betieve that you have ingurence that may cover the cisim being made against you in this lavsui, you should immediately contact, your insurance representative. Other actions you may lake are described in the Gornacicut Practice Beak, which may be found ina superior court law library or on-tine at hifpa dvew if yowhave questions merons and complaint, you should talk to an attorney. ‘The court staff is not, lowed jive advice on legal matters. SO “Fea A Soins Sparen Bae ae aH RES TIED Go 17-3 ‘f this summons is signed by ‘Clerk: saecs es HeatherQ, aE aurie D. Baron, Esq. ‘crt ioe adetirey A. Schreiber a. The signing has been 1@ 90 thal the plaintifiis)will not be denied access to the courts. Fa Oe f. Its tha responsi fol the plaints) lo ensurs that service is made in the manner provided by lew, +. The cour staff is Kt permitted to give any legal advice In connection with any faveuit 4. Tha Clerk signing this summons at the request of the plaintit(s} is not responsibla in any way for any errors of omissionsin tha gummons, any allagalions contained in tha complaint, or the service of the ‘summens or complaint. Jeertify | have raad and | Sioned (Seevepmaunied aivinom Bata Dekel Naber understand the above: TEE] Page Tote Cassio] 4080203 Instructions: 1. Type or print iagibly. Hf yau are a self-represented party, this summons must be signed by a clerk of tha court. 2. it there is mare than one defendant, make a copy of the summons for each additional defendant. Bach defendant must receive a copy of this simmons, Each copy of the summons must show who signed the summons and when it was signed. Hf there are mare than two plainlifis or more than four defendants, complete the Civil Summons Continuation of Parties (lorn JD-CV-2) and attach it to the original and all copies of the summons, 4. Aitach the summonsto the complaint, and attach @ copy of the summons to aach copy of the complaint. Include a copy of ther Civil Sunimons Continuation of Parties form, if applicable. 4. After sorvice has boen made by a proper officer, fle the original papers and the officer's return of service with the clerk of the court. 5, Use this summons forthe case type codes shown bofow, Do net use this summons for the following actions: (a) bamnily maiters Yor exempie aivorce, child suppor, (ey Adaupistraive appeas custody, parentage, and visitation matters) if Proceedings pertaining to arbitration {0} Any actions or proceedings in which an attachment, gatnishinent or raplery is sought (@ Summary Procnss (Evietion} actions {h) Entry and Oetainer proceedings {2} Applications for change of name (d) Probate appeats {) éusing Cade Enforcement actions Case Type Code: sn: > en wotensenn ~ ~ pen MAJOR CODE MINOR DESCRIPTION MAJOR ~ [cone DEGCRIPTION Mince, pEscRiPTiOn | ae MINOR DESCRIPTION Contracts cao Gonatraction - Ai other 10 Construction - State and tocat Propeity POC Foreciosure PIG Portiinn: cz Sreutasnee Patcy PID Duiet TileDischarge af Metgage oF Line 30 ‘Specie Peronance Pat Astel Forteture oan Collections, POL Ai other se Uninguredndarinsurad Moterist Ceveesge oo ivitorm Limited Linitty Cormpery Act ~C.0.8. 34243 90 Aihe Torts (Other TOR Defective Promises + Private - Scaw oe fea than Vehicutar} 103 Cofactive Pramizer + Private - Othar Eminent : coo | Stale Higheray Condernnatice Tt Defective Premises - Public - Siowat fee Domain ew Redevelopment Conderssabiors Ti? Betnctive Promises Public - Othor en Other State or Burispal Agencins 120 Proctsets Liatuity « Diet ttsan Vehizistar Ex Pubic Littities & Gas Transmission Companies 18 Malpeactice - Medical ESD Ait ober 128 Malpeactice - Lega! a 138 Malpeortice - Ai) other Housing HID outing: Ratum of Security Gepontt Tat Assault and Barery Hie | Housing - Rect andor Damages Tae Dretasriation Hao | Housing Having - Audita Quereia/tninction Tet Annas - Dog HED [ Heuting- Administrative Apgast 789 Aatiate «Cte HAD | Housing - Muricipal Eakwoement TO False Anes HaG Hewsing + Ad Other TH Fire Damage Te Al other Miscellaneous moo PF egunesen neo MAS x0 nw | Recawecship | Recetvership for AhendonndiBlighted Property | Mandemus | Hobeas Corpus lestradtion, release forn Penal insotutieni ‘Vehicular Torts Wot ‘WWictor Vetoes" - Driver endfor Passengersl vs. Oriver’s) vot Wirtar Vehicles! Pedestian v3. Osiv er vas tctor Venition’ - Property Damage only a8 ‘Motar Vehicie' - Products Labitty Including Warranty | Wa0 | Abitration vag Stovar Vehicle’ « AB other M50 | Declaratory Judgment vaio Beate 163. | Bsr Ceeeipiine v20 Arplanes wee | Deparment ofisbar Unemployment Compensation va Roiteads | Enkecament yao Snoamebiles Keg Bar Cacgine laative Status vae Ad other wig Hearopes rdeance ane Requiatan Extucer ent ‘Motor Varies inctud cars, Dicks. nae Fornign Cif Judgments CGS SOM EGGS Wadd inoteteysay, ded moter scrote eS Senall Cawns Transfer to Reguts: Docket 5, Estates Wit crrtruction of EY and Teves as | Foreign Pretactive Order wean AS citer M88 | CHRO. Action a the Public Inberest- PA. 12.83 and Trusts i 180 | Al other Print Form Page 20f2 4080203