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  • AMUR EQUIPMENT FINANCE, INC., A CORPORATION VS ARMAN GHAZARYAN Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • AMUR EQUIPMENT FINANCE, INC., A CORPORATION VS ARMAN GHAZARYAN Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 12/03/2019 03:55 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by V. Dunn,Deputy Clerk 19GDCV01533 AfIORNEY OF PARTY vvlTHOUI ATTOBNEY lNaøe, S¿ale Bat numÞe\ and addæss): FOE Cd!47 USE ONLV -STEPHEN E. JENKINS SBN: 97642 HEMAR ROUSSO & HEALD, LLP 15910 Ventura Blvd., 12th Floor, Encino, CA9l436 r+eerore ruo. (818) 501-3800 rnx ro. (818) 501-2985 arroRNEY FoR /Nám-"1:Þlcintiff ÄMT lR Fôl TIÞMF'NT FINANaF COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ANGELES srFìEEr aDDBEss 600 East Broadway MArLrNc aDDBESS, 600 East Broadway crrY AND zrP cooE:Glendale,91206 CASE NAN¡E: AMUR EQUIPMENT FINANCE VS. ARMAN GHAZARYAN, Ct AI CASE NUMBEB: CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Complex Câse Dês¡gnat¡on fx] unt¡mired E L¡m¡ted f-] cornt", E Jo¡nde. (Amount (Amount JUDGE: demanded demanded is Filed wìth first by defendant exceeds or Rules rule DEPT: Items 1-6 below must be ¡nstruct¡ons on one case type case: Auto Tort Contract Complex C¡vil Llt¡gation E l Auto (22) Uninsured molorisl (46) E E Breach of contracvwarranly (06) Rule e.z¿o colleclions (09) Rules Coud, rules 3,400-3.403) AnlilrusvTrade reg'-rlalion (03) Other PUPD/WD (Personal lniury/Property E other colleclions (09) Conslruclion delecl (10) Death)Ton E lnsurance coverage 1181 lvass lorl (40) Asbeslos (04) E Other contract (37) Securil¡es l¡ligalion (28) Producl l¡ab¡lily (24) Reöl Property Environmental/f oxic ton (30) N¡ed¡cal malpractice (45) E Eminent doma¡n/lnverse E lnrrr"n"" cla¡ms arising from lhe Olher Pl/PD/WD (23) condemnalion (14) "ou"rage above lisled provisionally complex case types (41) (Olher)Tort n Wrongful eviclion (33) Bus¡ness ton/unfair business pracl¡ce (07) f] other rea¡ propeny (26) Enlorcement ol Judgment Civil rights (08) Unlarulul Detalner E Enforcement of iudqmenl (20) Defamalion (13) E Commercial (31) M¡scellaneous C¡v¡l Compla¡nt Fraud (16) n Res¡denl¡al(32) f_l nrco 1zz¡ n lnlellectual property (19) fI, (sg) E Other comptainl (not specified above) \42) fJ Prolessional negligence (25) Rev¡ew M¡scellaneous Civ¡l Pet¡tion E Other non-Pl/PD/WD torl (35) Assel forfe¡lure (05) n Parlnership and corporate governance (21) Pelit¡on rer arbitralion award (11) Wrongful lerminalion (36) f]l Other petit¡on (not spec¡f¡ed above)\43) Writ of mandale (02) Other 2. This case IS is not complex under rule 3.400 of the Çalifornia Rules of Court. lf the case is complex, mark the f actors requ¡ring exceptional judicial management: a. X Large number of separately represented part¡es d. l-.l Large number of w¡tnesses b. E Extensìve motion practice raising difficult or novel e. E Coordination w¡th related actìons pending in one or more courts issues that will be time-consuming to resolve in other counties, states, or countries, or ¡n a federal court c. E Substantial amount of documentary evidence f. E Suþstant¡al postjudgment judicial supervision Remedies sought lct eck attthat appty): monetary b.a.E I nonmonetary; declaratory or relief c. f punitive 4. Number of causes oÍ acllon (spec¡fÐ: 5 5. This case I is is E not a class act¡on suit. lf there are any known related cases, file and serve a notice of related case. (You may use Date:December 3,2019 . Plaintiff must file this cover sheet with the f¡rst paper f¡led in the action or proceedìng (except small cla¡ms cases or cases filed under the Probate Code, Family Code, or Welfare and lnstitut¡ons Code). (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.220.) Fa¡lure to file may result in sanctions. . File this cover sheet in addit¡on to any cover sheet requ¡red by local court rule. . lf this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq. of the Cal¡forn¡a Rules of Court, you must serve a copy of th¡s cover sheet on all olher part¡es to the action or proceeding. . Unless th¡s ìs a collections case under rule 3.740 or a complex case, this cover sheet will be used for stat¡stical purposes on Form Adoptod lor À¡a¡dalory Use Judc ål Coùncil ol Câlilorniå CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET Ca. CM 010 [86v. July 1,20071 ww,cou¡tnlo,ca,qov w€stlãw Doc & Fom Bu¡(deP