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  • PHILLIP PAYNE, ET AL. VS AIR & LIQUID SYSTEMS CORPORATION, ET AL. Asbestos- Personal Injury/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • PHILLIP PAYNE, ET AL. VS AIR & LIQUID SYSTEMS CORPORATION, ET AL. Asbestos- Personal Injury/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Civil Division Central District, Spring Street Courthouse, Department 15 19STCV41649 June 22, 2022 PHILLIP PAYNE, et al. vs AIR & LIQUID SYSTEMS 9:19 AM CORPORATION, et al. Judge: Honorable Lawrence P. Riff CSR: None Judicial Assistant: None ERM: None Courtroom Assistant: None Deputy Sheriff: None APPEARANCES: For Plaintiff(s): No Appearances For Defendant(s): No Appearances NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: Court Order Assigning Coordination Trial Judge At the direction of the Presiding Judge of the Superior Court for the County of Los Angeles, notice is hereby given of entry of Order Assigning Coordination Trial Judge signed and filed on June 21, 2022. The Clerk electronically serves copies of this order and the signed order on all parties to the included coordinated actions, this date, via File and ServeXPress at The Clerk further serves copies of this order and the signed order to the Chair of the Judicial Council as follows: CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I, the below-named Executive Officer/Clerk of the above-entitled court, do hereby certify that I am not a party to the cause herein, and that on this date I served the Minute Order and Order Assigning Coordination Trial Judge upon each party or counsel named below by placing the document for collection and mailing so as to cause it to be deposited in the United States mail at the courthouse in Los Angeles, California, one copy of the original filed/entered herein in a separate sealed envelope to each address as shown below with the postage thereon fully prepaid, in accordance with standard court practices. Dated: 6/22/22 Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk Minute Order Page 1 of 10