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  • DISCOVER BANK v. KELLEHER, KENNETH CC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • DISCOVER BANK v. KELLEHER, KENNETH CC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • DISCOVER BANK v. KELLEHER, KENNETH CC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview
  • DISCOVER BANK v. KELLEHER, KENNETH CC40 - Contracts - Collections document preview


SUMMONS - CIVIL. For information on ae SOA Ber 202 STATE OF CONNECTICUT. CGE 551445, 51497, 86849, 51.080, Sf 4a, 248, Bde ADA Actommodtations, SUPERIOR COURT Ene PERS2) through 24 BS, 10609 contact a coi clerk er waw juttel gov gota: wrrvfudi.ctgoviABA, age Instructions are on page2. 1) Select it amount, lagatintorast, or property in demand, not including intarwst and costs, is LESS than $2,500. DY Setectifamount, tegal interest, or property in demand, not including interest and costs, is $2,500 or MORE. (2) Select if claiming athet reel in adeition to, or in place ef, maneyor damages, TO: Any proper officar By autncrlty of the State of Connecticut, you are hereby commanded to make due and legal service of this summons and atizehed complaint. “Aadeass Scou eink ae, r ET EN GT aa! Teaaee a amber Saar alia Baie Wars TRA 146 White Street Danbury, CT 06810 { } ~ 203-207-8600 June 6, 2023 dade Dart RPT CaS es cons (sion actorpage 2 £7] Housing Session G Number Danbury Major C Minar: 40 For the plaintiff(s} enter the appearance of: aris az aes @ amamnny, a Vem oe lar ak aproronled GAEL MAT TO aD Ep Toei rane (Paso ney OP GOT Schreiber Law, LLC - 53 Stiles Road, Suite A102, Salem, NH 03079 434988 Teachowonumbes Eipeatura ef plain (teettoepresertod 1 4800) 423~ 8142 The altomey of law fim sippearing for the plsinull.or the pana ad raat adcbaea hy a Seay estat St aR hai Section UST aie aeil-teprosantad,a: es la aGceRt papers {service} oiacvonically in fils coos under: ation 10-13of the Connactictt Practice Book, ves [vo Schreiber Parties’ Name (Casi, First, Hidde inflal) and address of each party (Nombcr; stroct; P.O, Bax; town; stato; alps country, nat USA} Firat Hae! Discover Bank i plaintiff Adaress: C/O Discover Products Inc 6500 New Albany Road East New Albany OH 43054 Pot Additionat Hamar plalntist Address: P02 First Name: KELLEHER, KENNETH C defendant Adaress: ! 123 ROUTE 37_NEW FAIRFIED, CT 068120136 p01 Additional Hame defendant Adams. Additional tanta: sowed defendant addins’ nen He 0-93) ‘Additional ame: aon . an oon sn defendant Address: Dba. Total number of plaintifis: 4 | Total number of defendants: 4 | (2) Form J0-CV-2 atiached for addidenal partes | Notice to each defendant 4, You are being sued. This is @ summons in a fawsut The conipiaint attached sistes the claims the Plaintit is making against yeu, 2. To recolve further notizes, you or your allomey must fle an Jigpearance (fom $O-CL- 42) wilh ths clerk at the address abave. Generally, itmust be ted on or before tha second day after the Retum Date. The Return Date is ata Rearng data, Yeu da nat haveto come to court on tha Reium Date uniess you recgive & separate notice ieling you to appesr. 3. Ifyou or your atfomey do nai fla an Appearance an time, a détault judginent ma 1y be anlered against you. You can get an Appearance forn at ihe ecurl address above, or ondina at blpsijud.ct goviwebtormes. 4. you belleve that you have insuranee that may cover the claim being made against you In this lawsuit, you should immediately your insurance representative. Other actions ya a may fake are di feectibed in the Connecticut Practice Beak, vévich may be found contact ina Superior court lew frary or ondine at hlipsdivanw Jud ct govipb Ab rt, 5. Ifyou heve questions about, summons Bt Of unt, you should ta‘k to an attomey. it staffis not allowed togh Aegon legal ters. ‘Sgred (aw: ifthe suman | eo is 5loner‘a Clerk: ) Crud [ORS OTHER SON Gere gHeatherQ, Wallace, et aurie 0, Baron siJeffreyA. Schreiber For Coun Uke Only. &. The signing has in Gone 50 that the plaintifi(s) vill notbe denied accessfo the courts, Fes bo. Ikis the responsibitty of tha pisinlil(s] to ensure that service is made in tha manner providedtry law. ¢. The cou staftis not permitted to give any legal advice fn connection wilh any lawsuit 4. Tho Clork sigring this summens at the requast of tho plaintiffs) is not responsible in any way for any errors of omissions in tha suminans, any allegalons contained in the complaint, or the sarvice af the summons of compleint Veardly [have read and | Saeed Sameaiani sana tai Dackal Nusrber understand the above: rat For: Page Tora eSB 4176358 Instructions 4. Type or print tegibly. if you arp a self-roproserted party, {fis summons must be signed by a clerk of the caurl, 2. Mthera is more than one dofondant, make a copy of the summons for each addilional defendant, Each defendant musi receive a cepy of this summons. Each copy of the summons must shaw who signed the summons and when if was signed, If there ere more than two pluintifs or more than four defendants, complete the Civ Summons Conlinuatlor.of Partias flornt JD-CV-2) and attach ii te the origitiel and ali copies of tha summons; 3, Atlech the summons to the comoleint, and alfech.2 copy of fhe summans to each copy af the complaint. include a copyof ihe Civd Strnmans Continuation af Parties form, if applicable, 4. After service fas been made by a proper officar, file the original pagers and the officer's return of sarvice wilh tho clers of tite coun, 3. Use thls summons for the caso type codes shown below, Do act tise this summons for the folowing actions: fa} Family matters (for exemale divarce, chit support, fe] Administrative appeats custody, parentage, and visitation maitors) i) Procwedings pottaining te arbitration (8) “Any actions or procesdings in which an attachment, ig) Summary Procoss {Eviction} actions gamisiinent ar teplavy Is sougiit Oh} Entry and Datainer proceedings {fe} Applications for change of name fi) Housing Code Enfarcement actions (6) Probate sppeals Case Typo Codes en a ws os vo f Teone MAJOR ‘Toon petenrniow | Najeet MINOR DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION Wa? 1aIOR DESCRIPTION Hinze, Contracts ¢ O80 | Comstrumtion- Av other Properly POD Foreciaaure E10 | Consnscticn ~Steta and iscal Pie | Panter 20 | Arturante Potey 720 FouiatTi seg OF Maregaaga er Liv om | Sects Perfomence Pao | Asset Fodestine cat | Cetactions Pap [Alster aD UsineutesiLincernzuned Motorist Countege t £80 Uniform Linited Uiabilty Company Aet- 6.0.8, 34243, 590 A ather Torts (Other TOR ; Befvcte Premegs. 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Adtinatralve Apres? | Fase Siren, Han | Powtnig- Marécipat Enforcement Tre Hao j Hewing> AlGtar Tit | Fire Damage 130 [Aloner i Hdiscoltanaous woo eguneton Twa vati = Ditver andice Passengesiel we Debveris} i wo WS Recewershig: [ Receivershig er Abandoned Blightad Property Vahisular Forts v08‘OFot 1 Mator Veh: = Pedlostionvo. Driver | kfctor Vehities’ + Peaperty Dameage only m2 | Nandemue isa | Habeas Corpus (evtradtton. relaase bom Penat instintico VOR | Meter Venice’ - Prostucts biabiity melding Warrenty | artivation vo {Motor Vntisis'- AB cther || wea wad aes [Declaratory dadgrrant | gar Dscgline a0 : Beats WI Arpanes | a | Beparmentaf Labor Gnampleymant Gompenssiion W3B {Redraads Li Enforcement van |: Saommbiies van [Atalay | waa Bar biscigine