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  • REBECCA PATRICIA GARCIA, AN INDIVIDUAL VS VERDUGO DEVELOPMENT CO, UNKNOWN ENTITY Premise Liability (e.g., dangerous conditions of property, slip/trip and fall, dog attack, etc.) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • REBECCA PATRICIA GARCIA, AN INDIVIDUAL VS VERDUGO DEVELOPMENT CO, UNKNOWN ENTITY Premise Liability (e.g., dangerous conditions of property, slip/trip and fall, dog attack, etc.) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 8 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CENTRAL DISTRICT 9 10 REBECCA PATRICIA GARCIA, Case No.: 19STCV40322 11 [PROPOSED] JUDGMENT IN FAVOR Plaintiff, 12 OF DEFENDANT WARREN PROPERTIES, INC. vs. 13 Judge: Hon. Daniel M. Crowley 14 WARREN PROPERTIES, INC.; and Dept: 028 DOES 1 to 50, inclusive, Action Filed: November 8, 2019 15 16 Defendants. 17 TO THE COURT, ALL PARTIES, AND THEIR ATTORNEYS OF RECORD: 18 Defendant WARREN PROPERTIES, INC.’S (hereinafter “Warren”) Motion 19 for Summary Judgment, or in the alternative, Motion for Summary Adjudication 20 (herein the "Motion"), came on for hearing in Department 28 of the above-captioned 21 Court on June 24, 2021. Counsel for Warren appeared while counsel for Plaintiff 22 REBECCA PATRICIA GARCIA did not appear. 23 After full consideration of the evidence, briefing on the Motion, and for good 24 cause appearing: 25 /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 /// -1 - [PROPOSED] JUDGMENT IN FAVOR OF DEFENDANT WARREN PROPERTIES, INC.