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  • ANIK KHANBEKYAN VS MYRNA DE LOS SANTOS Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • ANIK KHANBEKYAN VS MYRNA DE LOS SANTOS Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview


.NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: Reserved for Clerk's File Stamp :$::,:*:.%'::2:M:::;?m‘°"a'> _ FILED SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, S"P(g;:'°;tCggfogffnggggnla COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES y ' L COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: ~- '°'-A'NT'FF‘ kk ‘6 Sherri AU9 U? 202‘ Carter, Executive fcer/Clerk DEFENDANT: - . LA‘ 33' A s D°P"i.Y ‘, I O L Samantha Holman STIPULATIO , RECEIPT AND ORDER RE RELEASE OF EXHIBITS CASE NUMBER‘ I ”l TC V ‘7’ 0 32.1 ST I P U LATI O N It is stipulated, by and between parties/counsel for the parties herein, that the following exhibits may be released to parties/counsel as herein indicated: to be retained and maintained at their resective offices endin nal determination of this action, including time for motions and appeal, thereafter to be disposed of by them as they see t, unless otherwise ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. For the Plaintiff, I D l’lVl t 54 l K 1 4//I (of the firm of) consents to release of exhibits herein and acknowledges receipt of the following plaintiff's exhibits as fully described in the minute orders on file: For the Defendant, hafl 1. A Z I (of the firm of) consents to release of exhibits herein and acknowledges receipt of the following defendant’s exhibits as fully described in the minute orders on le: Dated: ) Z Z Dated: Z - {IA ,_ ':4v_'/1:_74.- Sig ..lF.";“-". mt e Plaintiff Signature of Defendant or Attorney for the Defendant ‘ ORDER Pursuant to the above stipulation, the Clerk may release to respective parties/counsel the above exhibits as indicated. Dated: [ l Judicial Ofcer: TJTJDGE JOEL LOFTON LASC LACIV 050 (Rev. 08/18) STIPULATION, RECEIPT AND ORDER Code Civ. Proc., §1952(a) -:Ef For Optional Use RE RELEASE OF CIVIL EXHIBITS _r'-. :