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  • CAVALRY SPV I, LLC, AS ASSIGNEE OF CITIBANK, N.A., VS MAGALI GONZALEZ Collections Case - Purchased Debt (Charged Off Consumer Debt Purchased on or after January 1,2014) (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview
  • CAVALRY SPV I, LLC, AS ASSIGNEE OF CITIBANK, N.A., VS MAGALI GONZALEZ Collections Case - Purchased Debt (Charged Off Consumer Debt Purchased on or after January 1,2014) (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 08/04/2020 08:29 AM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by S. Williams,Deputy Clerk Brian N. Winn (State Bar No. 86779) Laura M. Hoalst (State Bar No. 101082) John E. Gordon (State Bar No. i80053) Jason M. Burrows (State Bar No. 309882) Amit Taneja (State Bar No. 304559) Grace Gail Cara (State Bar No. 315558) Cherrie Y. Tan (State Bar No. 324871) ocoo'sacnuuaz Katrina Trinh (State Bar No. 327357) Juan Villanueva (State Bar No. 328049) Winn Law Group, A Professional Corporation 110 E Wilshire Ave Ste 212,Ful1erton CA 92832 Telephone: (714) 446-6686, Fax No.: (714) 446—6680 File No: I9~i3223—0-CDG-DGR~ (l9t0-00) Attorneys for Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES COUNTY, SOUTHEAST DISTRICT 11 12 CAVALRY SPV I, LLC, as assignee of CITIBANK, N.A., Case No. 19NWLC45455 i3 Limited Civil Case Plaintiff, i4 vs PLAiNTIFF'S MEMORANDUM OF 15 ' CASE IN SUPPORT OF REQUEST MAGALI GONZALEZ, et al., FOR JUDGMENT 16 Complaint Filed: 1 1/20” 9 Defendant(s). i7 18 Plaintiff hereby appiies to the Court for entry of ajudgment in a limited civil collection 19 case. This memorandum: 20 1) summarizes the evidence presented in the declaration flied pursuant to 21 California Code of Civil Procedure section 585 (defaultjudgment ) or section 98 (in lieu of 22 testimony at trial) and status of the case; 2) establishes that Plaintiff has standing to sue as the real party in interest and current 24 owner/assignee of the account; 25 26 3) verifies compliance with California Civil Code 81788.60 because the required 27 statement of the debt is attached as a business record, and authenticated in a sworn declaration of 28 Plaintiff 5 employee. The legislative history of the statute clarifies a declaration from the originai Page ] PLAINTIFF'S MEMORANDUM OF CASE tN SUPPORT 0? REQUEST FOR JUDGMENT