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  • ILYA NODEL VS TREEIUM INC. Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • ILYA NODEL VS TREEIUM INC. Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 02/21/2020 08:39 AM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by P. Offord, Deputy Clerk ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY Brennan Hershey, Esq. HERSHEY LAW, P.C. 16255 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 1205 Encino, CA 91436 TELEPHONE NO.: (310) 929-2190 ATTORNEY FOR (NAME): Ilya Nodel SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF Los Angeles STREET ADDRESS: LI1N. Hill St. CITY AND ZIP CODE: Los Angeles, CA_90012 PLAINTIFF: ILYA NODEL, an individual CASE NUMBER: 20STCV03570 DEFENDANT: TREEIUM INC.., a business entity form unknown Ref. No. or File No. PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS (Separate Proof of service is required for each party served) 1. At the time of service I was at least 18 years of age and not a party to this action, 2. I served copies of the SUMMONS; COMPLAINT; CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET; CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION; and NOTICE OF CASE ASSIGNMENT 3. a. Party served (specifv name of party as shown on documents served): TREEIUM INC.., a business entity form unknown b. Person served: other (specify name and relationship to the party named in item 3a): RICHELLE NILSSON, registered agent for service 4 Address where party was served: 5352 Laurel Canyon BI., Unit 200, 91607 5. I served the party: a. by personal service. I personally delivered the documents listed in item 2 to the party or person authorized to receive service of process for the party (1) on (date): 2/10/20 (2) at (time): 1:12 p.m. 6. The “Notice to Person Served" (on the summons) was completed as follows (CCP 412.30, 415.10, and 474): d. on behalf of (spec! TREEIUM INC. under the fi lowing Code of Civil Procedure section: other (specify): a business entity form unknown 7. Person who served papers: a, Name: Jeff Star b. Addres: STAR SERVICES, INC., 10573 W. Pico Blvd., Suite 215, Los Angeles, CA 90064 c. Telephone number: (310) 475-3626 d. The fee for service was: $ e, am: (3) registered California process server: (i) owner (ii) Registration No.: 2837 Gii) County: Los Angcles 8. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Califo ia that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED: February 11, 2020 (SIGNATURE) Judicial Council of California POS-010 Code of Civil Procedure 417.10 [Rev. January 1, 2007] PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS