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  • INTERINSURANCE EXCHANGE OF THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB, AN INTERINSURANCE EXCHANGE VS EDER FLORES, ET AL. Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview
  • INTERINSURANCE EXCHANGE OF THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB, AN INTERINSURANCE EXCHANGE VS EDER FLORES, ET AL. Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview


'OR - DO NOT FILE WITH THE COURT- CIV-050 - UNLESS YOU ARE APPLYING FOR A DEFAULT JUDGMENT UNDER CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE 0 585- ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name snd Address). TELEPHONE NO COURT USE ONI. Y (213)741-4598 James H. Aguirre, ESQ. CSB¹81442 Law Offices of Richardson, Fair g Cohen 2601 South Figueroa Street 2601 SOUTH FIGUEROA STREET Los Angeles, CA 90007 ATTORNE'r FOR(name( luteriusurauce Excbaupe ofthe Automobile Club. an iuterinsurance exchen e SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES sTREETADDREss 111 North Hill Street MAILINGADDREss ill North Hill Street c(TYANDzlpcoDE Los Angeles, CA 90012 SRANCHNAME: CENTRAL JUDICIAL DISTRICT P(A™ r(FF: iuteriosurance Exchange of the Automobile Club, an intennsurance exchange DEFENDANT: Eder Flores, et al., p(aintiff STATEMENT OF DAMAGES 20STLC02409 (Personal Injury or Wrongful Death) To (name of one defendant only): Eder Flores Plaintiff (name ofone onl): luteriuaurauce Sxchaccre of the Automobile club, an iutericeurauce exchange seeks damages in the above-entitled action, as follows: AMOUNT 1. General damages a. M Pain, suffering, and inconvenience $ b. ~ Emotional distress $ c. M Loss of consortium d. D Loss of society and companionship (wrongful death actions oniyj .. e. ~~ Other (specify) Other (specify) Continued on Attachment 1.g. 2. Special damages a.t z Medical expenses (to date) . b. M Future medical expenses (present va/ue) c. ~~ Loss of earnings (to date), d. e. ~ MX Loss of future earning capacity (present va/ue). Property damage $ $ 5.161.04 f. M Funeral expenses (wrongful death actions only) . g. ~ Future contributions (present value) (wrongful des(h actions only)........ $ h. M Value of personal service, advice, or training (wrongful death actions only) .. $ Other (specify) $ j. ~ Other (specify) k. i~ Continued on Attachment 2.k. S. ( . Punitive damages: Plaintiff reserves the right to seek punitive damages in the amount of (specify)..$ when pursuing a judgment in the suit filed against you. Date: March jt., 2020 James H. Aauirre, ESO. CSB¹81442 (TYPE OR PRINT NAMEI (SIGN/FORE OF PLAINTIFF OR ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF) (Proof of service on reverse) Pace 1 of 2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use STATEMENT OF DANIAGES I mon) code of civil procedure, 55 n2511, 425115 Jud oal Counol of Californ a CIV-050(Rav January I 2001( (Personal Injury or Wrongful Death) Sotu~tnns