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  • RICHARD MAGDALENO VS DERREK KELLEY Small Claims (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RICHARD MAGDALENO VS DERREK KELLEY Small Claims (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview


Exchange and Submission of Evidence Fill in court name and address (Small Claims) Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles Important: This form is to be used to submit evidence to the court and the opposing party for any party that wishes to appear by telephone or FILED video. Read the other side of this form before you fill out the form. Superior Court of California Countyof Los Angels Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 116.520, parties in a Small 09/11/2020 Claims matter have the right to present evidence and witnesses at the Sherri R Carter, Executive Officer! Qeck af Court hearing on the matter in support of their respective positions. By: M. Yelverton Deputy Parties who wish to appear remotely are ordered to exchange and submit evidence to the court at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing and show proof of compliance (Standing Order 2020-SJ-015-00) Case Number: ODI yor A party’s failure to comply may result in the evidence not being considered by the court. Case Name: Mi plevo V- belley My Name is: Litas MAC dnl ° My hearing is now scheduled on ~p0o +0 PHD, My Mailing Address is: LYS4 My Meee eb. (date) i BH, CA Foarr- at (time) SP: 00 AVZ lam a (check on, Pi O Defendant in this case. in Department a 2 INSTRUCTIONS: List each item of evidence separately and briefly describe it. Please provide copies only, as evidence will be returned only if a self-addressed envelope with sufficient pre-paid postage is submitted. If you need more space, attach one sheet of paper. 4 cops ¢ tel Gert a Beet pt 2. 3 4 5. The parties listed below have been served with a copy of my evidence. f oho Name:__d echce lZefer was served on (date) by (check one mail Clpersonal delivery. Address of service: _ Name: was served on (date) by (check one) () mail Dipersonal delivery. Address of service: LASC CIV 278 NEW 07/20 For Mandatory Use