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  • Banco Popular North America v. Amy Trevino a/k/a Amy Jaeger a/k/a Amparo Trevino a/k/a Amparo Jaeger a/k/a Amy Trevino-Jaeger, James Munet, Raul Munet, Ny Life Insurance, Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A., John Doe And Jane Doe 1-2 Special Proceedings - Other (enforcement / turn over) document preview
  • Banco Popular North America v. Amy Trevino a/k/a Amy Jaeger a/k/a Amparo Trevino a/k/a Amparo Jaeger a/k/a Amy Trevino-Jaeger, James Munet, Raul Munet, Ny Life Insurance, Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A., John Doe And Jane Doe 1-2 Special Proceedings - Other (enforcement / turn over) document preview
  • Banco Popular North America v. Amy Trevino a/k/a Amy Jaeger a/k/a Amparo Trevino a/k/a Amparo Jaeger a/k/a Amy Trevino-Jaeger, James Munet, Raul Munet, Ny Life Insurance, Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A., John Doe And Jane Doe 1-2 Special Proceedings - Other (enforcement / turn over) document preview
  • Banco Popular North America v. Amy Trevino a/k/a Amy Jaeger a/k/a Amparo Trevino a/k/a Amparo Jaeger a/k/a Amy Trevino-Jaeger, James Munet, Raul Munet, Ny Life Insurance, Jpmorgan Chase Bank, N.A., John Doe And Jane Doe 1-2 Special Proceedings - Other (enforcement / turn over) document preview


INDEX NO. 151069/2017 (FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 0370272017 01:16 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 31 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/02/2017 Supreme Court of the State of New York County of New York WRITTEN ANSWER ACTION FOR MONEY ONLY Index Number 151069/2017 Banco Popular North America Plaintiff/ Judgement Creditor -against- Amy Trevino a/k/a Amy Jaeger a/k/a Trevino a/k/a Amparo Jaeger a/k/a Respondent/ Judgement Debtor James Munet, Raul Munet Respondents/ Transferees NY Life Insurance, JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., and "JOHN DOE and JANE DOE #1-2," said names being fictitious, it being CH the intention of signate any and all persons, petitioner to de- occupants and tenets having a lease in any units comprising 1045 Virginia Avenue, Bronx, New York 10472 Respondents/ Garnishees XDefendant RAUL MUNET answers the Complaint as follows: ANSWER: (Check all that apply) 1 General Denial: I deny the allegations in the Complaint. 1 of 2 . INDEX NO. 151069/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 31 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/02/2017 SERVICE 2. I did not receive a copy of the Summons and Complaint. 3 I received the Summons and Complaint, but service was not correct as required by law. DEFRNSES 4 I do not owe this debt. 5 I did not incur this debt. I am a victim of identity theft or mistaken identity. 6. I have paid all or part of the alleged debt 7 I dispute the amount of the debt. 8 Plaintiff is required to be licensed by the department consumer affairs of the City of New York and does not allege a license number in the Complaint. 9 Statute of limitations (the time has passed to sue on this debt: more than six years) 10. This debt has been discharged in bankruptcy 11 The collateral (property) was not sold at a commercially reasonable price 12. Unjust enrichment (the amount demanded is excessive compared with the original debt) 13. Violation of the duty of good faith and fair dealing. 14. Unconscionability (the contract is unfair). 15. Laches (plaintiff has excessively delayed in bringing this lawsuit to my disadvantage), 16. Defendant is in the military. 17. Other OTHER 18 Please take notice that my only source of income is , which is exempt from collection. COUNTERCLAIM(S) 19. Counterclaim(s): $. Reason: VERIFICATION State of New York, County of Ss: RAUL being duly sworn, deposes and says: I have read the Answer in Writing and know the contents to be true from my own knowledge, except as to those matters stated on information and belief, and as to those matters I believe them to be true. Sworn to before me this 22__ day of february 20 17. Affidavit No.-1,686- Identifted bY driver’ s license 799039 of Signature of Defendant Lita —_ hs ommonweal 3. Notary/Court Emplo: ZA f_boos boraid aaa Defendant’s address 0, Sella: This case is scheduled to appear on me dat Dlg sk Date: Part: Room: Time: Both sides’ a i 3 Sk 3 Lea. JOSEPHINE Ms RODRIGUES Se - ag 2 of 2