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  • Issouf Bamba v. Tony Christofou Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Issouf Bamba v. Tony Christofou Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Issouf Bamba v. Tony Christofou Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Issouf Bamba v. Tony Christofou Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATf, OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK ISSOUF BAMBA. Plainliff(s) VERIFIED ANSWER - against - IndexNo.:151103/2017 TONY CHRISTOFOU. Defendant( s) Defendant(s) Tony Chrislofou, by the undersigned answering the VERIFIED complaint ofthe plaintiff(s). upon information and beliei states as follou's: ANSWERING A FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION FIRST: Denies having any knowledge or information sumcient to form a beliefas 10 the truth ofthe allegations contained in paragmphs numbered and designated as: 1, 5, 6. 7. 8, 10, 1 I (ercept adnit de.fenclant Tony Christofou operated lhe motor whicle). 12. 18. 19 and 21. SECOND: Denies each and e\'ery allegation contained in paragraphs numbered and designated as: 2 (encept admit defendant was a rcsident ofthe County ofQueens. State of Nev Yotk). I3 (excepl admit the defendqnt Tory Christofou ouned and operuted the motor whicle), 11. 15. 16. 17. 20 and 22. THIRD: Admits each and every allegation conrained in paragraphs numbered and designated as: 3. 4 and 9. AS AND FOR AN AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE _ COMPARATIVf, NIGLTGENCE The personal injuries and/or prcperty damage alleged to have been sustained by the plaintiff(s) were caused entirely or in pan through the culpable conduct attibutable to the plaintiff(s) and the defendant(s) seeks a dismissal or reduction in any recovery had by the plaintiff(s) in the proportion which the culpable conduct attributable ro the plaintiff(s) bears to the culpable conduct $'hich caused the damages. AS AND FOR AN AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE _ SEAT BELT The plaintilf(s) damages must be mitigated by the plainriff(s) failure to use the available seat belts or infant restraining devices and that the darnages claimed to have been sustained were caused by the lack ofuse ofsaid seat belts and./or infant restraining devices. AS AND FOR AN AFFIRMATIVE DEFENSE _ PERSONAL JURJSDICTION 1 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 Sen'icc ofproccss uas nol in conformit\'$ith lhe C.P.L.R.; lhercfore this Coun does not have jurisdiction ovcr the person of thc del'cndanl(s). AS AND FOR AN AFTIRMATIVE DEFENSE _ COLLATERAL SOURCE 'I he costs incurrcd. or paid by plaintiff(s). ifany. for medical carc. dental care, custodial carc or rchabililalion services. loss ol'caming or other cconomic loss. in the past or future, ucre or will. with rcasonable certainty be replaccd or indemnitied. in whole or in pad, liom a collaieml source ol'the type described in CPLR {4545 and dclendant(s) is/are cntitled to havc any au,ard reduced in the amount ol'such payments. WHL-ltEF'ORE, dclendant(s) demand(s) judgmcnt dismissing the plaintilf(s) complaint hercin together \\'ith the costs and disbursements ofthis action. I)A'l'F.l)i Wcstbury. NcTv York .luly 6.2017 Margarcl (i. Illascetla. Irsq. l-aru Office of I)ennis C. Bartling Attome)s lbr I)elendant(s) Tonl Christofou 875 Merrick Avenuc Wcstburl. NY 11590 5l6-229-.112i Our I:ile No: lTRl l3i Claim No: 00 3,1,15 99110 1 0 1 10 5 (J806) 2 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 VEIiIFICAI'ION \lurpxrct (;. Illascctta. Ilsq.. an xllorn!\ rdmillcd lo |raclicc in thc CoLrrts ol !his Shtc. irnd associatc(l \rilh rhc firm ol l,a\\ OIlicc ol l)cnnis (1. Ilanling. attorne)s lin thc dcleudrnl(s) lon\ Chri\()lau . slatcs: 'lhat \our alllrrnanl has read thc IbrcgoiDg Ans\\cr aDd kno\\'s thc conlcnls lhercol: lhnl lhe same is lruc lo \'oLrr al-lin1lxniso\\'n knoNledge c\cclt as lo thc matters \\hich irre slated lhcrcin 1() he ullc{cd on inlbnnrlion and bclicl'.and as to thosc mallers )oLrr al-linnant belicres it to bc truc lhe sourcc ofrour llllrmant's inlirmation and bcliel. is an invcsliSation causcd to hc rr rt'r rc.lLr rr'..Jr' t l,'l\. J.,r( irr rhr.." ti, n Ihat lhc rcnson this vcrilication is madc hy al'lirmanl and not h) lhc delcndant(s) is h.calrsc lhe dclindanl(:i)docs (lo n()t residc \\ilhin the coLrnl\ r\hcre l.a\\ Otllcc ol l)t'nnis (l Ila lin o nreintLrin rheir ollice 'fhe undcrsigned allirms that thc lbrcgoing statement is truc. under pcnaltics of perjur). I)atcr We stbury, New York Jul1 6. 2017 3 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 st PRI'.\I[] (lot RT OF I IIE s.IA II OF \h\\ \ ORX ( ot_;N I't' ot' YoRK ISSOL IB,\\IB,\. I'lainlifis) DL\1A\l) FOIt A VERIFIEI) BIt-l- O! PARTICUI.i\RS - aSainst - Inde\ No.: 151103/2017 I1)NY CHRISToI:OI]. Dclcndant(s PLLASF. I AKII \Ol ICII thal lhc det'endant(s) Ion) (lhristoli)u . hcreby denland(s) that \'oLl serYe upon thc undersigned \\ithin thirl\'davs lionr datc ofscrvicc hcrcin. a \eriljcd hill ol' prrliculrrs conccrning the 1i)llo\\ ing mattersl l. \anre, date of hirth and sooial sccurily nu,rber ol plainli1(s) I Post olllcc and rcsidcnce address ofplaintili in sLrtficicnr deraillo pcnnil read) locntion. 3. r\llnamcs by which plainlill(s) has been knoun. ,1. Marital slatus ofplainlillls) no\\'and on lhe datc ol the occurrencc. 5. Thc datc nnd approximalc lirnc ol da) oflhc occulTencc. 6 Ihc appnximatc location ofthc occurrencc 7. A Bcneral stalcrrenl oithe ucls or omission\. consliluliDS lhc negligencc claimcd. Il an) violalion ol' an\ rule. la\\- custonr. ordinance or starure is claimed. idcnril_\ and specil,r the pror ision ofsame. 8. A slnlemcnl ol lhe injuries clainrcd to havc been sustained as a rcsult ol-lhe occurrcnce and the naturc and cxtcnt thcrcol. I A slrlcmcnt ol such injurics clainled lo be pcrmanent and thc nafure and extcnt lhercol'. l0 LenSth ol limc and (lntes coofincd to bed. I l. I-enslh ol lime and dates conljncd to housc. l: lcngth ol lime knall\ incapacirarcd liom ernplorrnent andlor school. l.l. l,en8th ol limc partiall) incapacilatcd llom cmployftcnl and/or school. l.l Ilenrireall accountsclaimedasspccialdamagesli)r(a)phlsician'ssenices: (b) mcdical suppliesi (c) hospital expcnscst (d) nursc's serviccst (c) loss ofearninSs: (0:rll othcr spccial damaScs: and (g) all oLrt ol pockcterpcnses. 15. Stalc \\'hclher plainril-l1s)rccci\es or rcccived Medicare benclits and. if so. provide plaintil'f(s)l lcalth Insurancc Clairrr \unrhcr (ll1CN). 16. Specily thc monelarv amourt that will bcchimodattri.l foreachandevcryelcmenlofdamages. ll. Stalcthenamclllldaddrcssofplaiorifl' an). 18. IfplaiDlill \yas self-clnplovcd al the lilnc ol_lheoccurrence. stale thc f'acls uporr which plaintili bascs the claim lbr los\ of earninSs, ilan). l9 llpropcfl\' danrages arc clainred. dcscribe thc anicle. thc damage thcreto. datc ofpurchasc. oririnal !osl.and eon ol repair. :0. ll'properl\ damrge to autonrcbilc is claimcd. stalc rhc'li)llo$ing: (a)'thc makc. sl) le_ model. )cir ot' lnallulaclure. scrialn rnberand licensc rrumbcr ol plainlilfs nrotor\ehiclct (b) Ihcpansollhc rnol(n vchicle allegcd 10 ha!e hecrr danraged and thc co\l of repair or replacemcnr lhcreol: (c) \unrberol milc\ dri\cn at timc ol occurrcncc: (d)lhclcnglhoflimc.arrdthcan(nrnl.claimedlbr :l Ifnnrnetar\danrageductothelossofuseol an automobile is clainred, slalethc leDgth oftime 4 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 clailnedl'orthclossofusc.lheamounrclaimed.aDdlhcpanicularsblwhichrhcamounl\ras calculaled. 2:. ln \hal respccl plainlilFhas sustained scrious injury as defined in subdivision d ofSec. 5102 ol'lhe insurancc law. or economic loss grealer than basic economic loss. as defincd in subdivision a ol' Sec.5l0l oflhe insurance la\\. 23. State the sourcc or sources ofcollareral reimbursements or bcneflts pursuanl lo CPLR 4545(c) and for cach such source provide lhe follo$ing: (a) the name ard address oIthe sourcc: (b) the amount oflhe reilnburscmenli and (c) the dale that reimburscment was given. 2.1. Pursuant to CP[-R Sccrion ] l0l(d); a) Idenlify and stale thc qualillcations ofeach person rvhom you cxpect to call al lrial as an cxpert b) Stale the subject matler in reasonable dclail upon \\'hich the eripen is expectcd lo teslify. c) Prc\ ide lho lacrs and opinions upon \\'hich lhe expcrt is cxpectcd lo testif). d) Provide a summary ol the grounds ofeach such opinion. e) Pro\idc a cop) ofrhe c\pe('s repon furnished lo plaintill-. PI-l:ASE IAKI', FURTHIIR N-OTICE that unlcss this demand is conrplied with. the undersigncd u,ill move fo.: ( I ) an order precluding plaintiflls) from giving cvidcnce at the lrial ol'thc items ofu,hich paniculars havc not bcen furnished; (2) an ordcr slaying all proccedings in this aclion pursuant to Civil Praqtice Law and Rulc 3042i and (3) such other and further rcliefas thc cou ma) dccm iusl and proper. DA l-hl)r Wcslbury, Nc\\ York Jull 6.2017 Margarel G. Blascclta, Flsq. [.au Office of l)ennis C. Bartling Attorneys for Dcfendanl(s) .lony Christolbu 875 Merrick Avenue Westbur]'. N-Y I 1590 516-229-4423 Our |ile No: lTRl 133 Claim No: 00144599801 01305 (J806) 5 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 st PrrE\ll. ( oL tt I ol. ltUa\r \u..ol.\[]\\ \oltK ( ot \,T\ ot' NEw l'(lRx ISSOT I:lr \\18\ : OPVrrNn fOn Plaintiff{s) MEDICARE/MEDICAID i LIEN INFORMAI'ION - agalnsl i : Index No.: 15l103/2017 t1l\Ytl[Ustotiotr. i Defendant(s) PLEASE I AKu NO'l'lCE. thal pursuanl to Anicle 3l ofthe CI'l-R.lhe I)efendanr. 'Ion)r ( hristolou Law Ollice ol Dcnnis C. llartling - by allornel-s. hcrebl' demand that the I)lairllilfscr\e upon rhe undersigncd attomel, $ithin t\\eni) (20) days alicr dalc ol scrvicc ol lhis noticc the lbllo\!ing: l. A stalemcnl as to \\'hether the Plaintill reccired benclits tiom cithcr Mcdicare or Medicaid al an) timc. for anv reason. not limiicd 10 the injurics alleged in thc instant action. II' so please slale: A. lhe I'lainliffs date olbirfh: B. lhe Plaintilfs social security numbcr; C. l'hc Medicare/Medicaid llle nLrmber: D. lhe addrcss ofthe ollicc handling the Plaintiffs Medicarc/Mcdicaid lilc: I:. ('opies ol' all documents. rccords. memorandums. noics, ctc. in Plaintifl-s possession penaining to his receipt of Mcdicare/Medicaid bcnefits: Ir. A duly cxeculed authorization MADE OtJl' TO 'BEARFjR" OR "GEICO' bearing Plaintill's date ol bi(h and social securitl' numbcr permitting Dcl'endants 1o obuin a oopy oflhc Plaintil'fs Mcdicare/Medicaid records. 2. Copics ol'all letters. corrcspondence, etc. whercby Plaintill'has placed Medicaid or Mcdicarc on noticc ol the Plaintifl's pending personal injury claim and/or lawsuit. and a copy ol anl acknowlcdgment ol samc from Mcdicaid or Medicarc. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE. thal pursuanl lo lhc CPI-R, this is a conrinuing dcrnand and that you are rcquired to scrve the demandcd inlbrmation by the earlicst of thc IbIloT,r ing: 1 Within t\\.cnry (20)days oithe dare oflhis demand; 2. Within lwenly (20) days ofreceiving the abovc-rcqucsled inlbrmationi 3. No later (han thi(y (30) days prior to the commencement oflriai. 6 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 Il you do nol posscss the above requestcd information. plcasc submit a leller or allida\it to thal ellact. Pl,EASll TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that 1'our Iailure l() respond to this Dcmand rvithin thc time liame set forth above shall result in a motion to dismiss and/or compelling disclosure and rcquesting sanctions. I).,\TIll): \\'estbury, New York July 6. 2017 Margaret (;-Illascetta. F-sq. I-au OIlicc of Dcnnis C. Barlling Atlomcys lbr Delcndant(s) 'fony Christolou 875 Menick Avenue Wcstbury. NY 11590 5 t 6-229-1423 Our Filc No: lTRl 133 Claim No: 00344599801 01305 (J806) 7 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 st pRl..r[_ ( ()r R r ot''t Ht.] s IA IE or \u\\ \'oRX ( ol'\'r\ ol \ t\\ \ ottK ISSOt tr IIA\.18.\. Plaintil'li(s) CoMBINED DITMAND FoR DISCOVDIIY AND INSPECTION - ugainst - lndcr No.: l-sII0l/1017 t()\Y(ttRISt()tr()t. Dclendanl(s) PLIIASE'IAKE NOTICE that demand is hercby made upon you to serve upon the undersigned, the following: DEMAND FOR INDEX NUMBER I)ursuant lo thc filin8 requircments olSection 306-a olthe C.P.L.R. and the nolicc rcquirenents of22 N.Y.C.R.R. 102.5. )ou are to ad, isc in u,riring ol-the Counl) Clerk's Index \umber assigned to this action. DEMAND I'OR ALI, P.,IRTIES APPEARING A list ol narncs ol-all parties that havc appearcd in this action. logclhcr vrith the nanlcs and addresscs ol their respectirc allorners pursuant to Scction 2l0l(c) ol thc C.l).L.R. DEMAND T'OR INSL'RA\CE COVERAGE TO PLAINTIL-F(S) O]\' CO LIN TE RC L, I M /I N D/O R CO-D E FE N DA NT(S) I)ursuanl to C.l).1..R. il0l(l).)ouireloproduccandpcrmittheundcrsilncdtoinspecl andcop\ thc conlcnts of an1 insurancc agrccnrent underwhichan) pcrson orenlit\ carr\rnEon an insurancc businoss mal bc liablc to satislj part or all ofthc.judgmcnt uhich may bc cntcrcd in this action. or to inderttnil-r or rcimbursc lirr pavments madc to salisf) the iudgmcnl \\11ich rnay be cntcrcd hcrein. inclLrdinghy not limited lo c\ccss and additional corcragc. Il thcre is no cxccss or addilional coleragc and there is lhe onlr onc insurcr liable k) satisl.\ part or all ol a jutlgnrent uhich mav bc cnrercd in lhis action. lhcn thc undcrsi{ned dcmands a sworn allidavit liom lour client stating this. D E MA N D I'O R I/'T]VfSSES Pursuant to C.l'.L.R. 3l0l(a) and this demand. vou are rcqucslcd lo produce and permit disco,"er) bv thc undersigned or another acling on thcir behalfofthc lbllou,ing: Nanr.s and addresscs of all persons claimcd b) \our client(s) to havo either \\'ilncssesthe occurrcncr'or to hare llrslhand knouledge ofsarne. or kno* ledee ol anv irrjurics or danraees allegcdl\ suifcrcd bv plainrif(s) 8 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 as lhe rcsult ol-ihis occurrence. or to have noticc oflhe naiurc and duration ol an) allcged condilion(s) proxinratel) causiDg lhis occurrcncc, or lo ha!e s itncsscd or firsthand kno\ ledgc ol an) such nolice givcn 1o lhe pal1),(ics) we represent andlor any ollrer pan]' in this actior. or ha\ inE lirslhand kno\!lcdgc ofl'acls and circunrstances reBardins this occurrence, \\hclhcr obrained b) your clicnt(s) al lhc sccne ol_thc occurrence or rhercaftcr obtained bt )our clicnt(s) altome) s or rcpresentalives. ll'no such persons are kno\ n lo \our clien(s) or )our clienl(s) represcnlatives. so stale in rcpl) lo this demand. The undcrsigncd r ill objcct al time ol trial olthis action 1(] thc testimony of an) pcrsons not so idcntilled. PI-F.ASll 1 AKE IrtlRTI IER i\O'l lCIl that il your clicnt(s) or client(s) represcntatives. oblain namcs and addresses ofsuch pcrsons subsequent 10 thcir response to this nolice. such inli)rmation is to bc furnished to the undersigned uhenever so obtained. 'l he undersigned rvill obiccl al lhe timc oflrial ofthis action the testimony ol'an) persons not so idcnti,ied. DEMAND FOR EXPERT WITNESSES I. The namc and address ol'each expert $'itncss which you cxpcct 10 call a1the lrial 01' this action. 2. l he subjcct matter in reasonable detail upon rvhich each such expen is expecled to les1ify. 3. The substanoe ol'the lacts and opinions upon which each such expcrt is expected 10 resrili. 4. fhc qualilications o1-cach such cxpen $'itness. 5. A summary ofthe grounds tirr each such c\pcrt(s) opinion. 6. Provide mcdical reports oflhose mcdical providers *ho havc prcviouslv trcatcd or cxamined lhc pany sceking recovery. l'hese shall include a rccital ol thc injuries and conditions as lo \\hich tcsrimony will be otlired al thc 1ri.LI. relirringto and identilying those x-ray and lcchnicians rcports rhich uill bc oll'crcd at the lrial. including a description ol thc iniurics. a diagnosis and a prognosis. PLIAS| l AKh Ft,'Rl HIiR NOTICE. thal ifan) such expcrt rvhich you expect to call as a \\itness on the trial 01'this action intends lo rclv upon or introduce into evidcnce any', ponion of rn\'lcchnical standard or lcarned treatisc. \ou are hercbv rcquired 1(] idcntil) any such standard or treatise. including in the case o( slandards. thc issuing body and thc standard numbcr: in the casc ol books. author. ti1le. publicalion dalc and publisher: and in thc case ol'journal articles. .iournal litle, \olume number. pagc. publicalion date and publisher. DI.,II I\D I.'OR ,1(('I DI,,\"T REPOR'TS 9 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 All accidcnt rcporls and,/or motor lehicle accident rcporls in l"our clicnt(s)'posscssion. pursuxnl to c.P.l..R. 3101(8). DEv t\D I.'OR S7.tTI:.tIf \t Copy(ies) ofcach and every writtcn slatemcnt or the lranscript ol each and cverl oral slatcmenl \\hich i1\\ill bc allegcd uas made by or attributed lo lhe part)(ies) \\c reprcscnl in lhis aclion. llnone. so stale. D T1) R D I: i!'.1,\ P I IOTOCRI PI$ Copy(ics)ofall photographs. slides. vidco tapes and,/or motion piclures in your client(s)' possession, pertaining to the accident sitc. dclective condilions(s) claimed and/or instrumentality(ies) in issue. DEMAND FOR TNCOME TAX RETURNS Copics of plaintiiljs) incomc tax returns lbr a period oIthrec (3.i years preccding rhc dalc ol thc accidcnt as scl lbnh in plaintillis) complaint llJ presenl. as $cll as a dull ercculcd- acknorvlcclgcd and currcnt authodzation allouing this ollice to oblain thc pluintillls) ta\ rccords tir a period ol lhrcc (3) )oars hcli)rc lhe accident in queslion. This aulhorizalion musl includc nro lirrms of idcntiication. including onc pholo identilicalion. DEMAND FOR SCHOOL AUTHORIZATIONS Sel lbrth dul) cxecuted and ackno\\ledged authorizations. pursuani 1o Section 3l0l(a) and Iiule I120 ol lhe C.P.l-.R.. pcrmitting thc undersigncd to obtain copics ol thc school records ol lhc plaintillls) liorr thc bcginning ofthc school l-car prcceding thc date ol accidcnt as set lbnh in thc complaint to lhe prescnt period ol-anv disability claimed. DEMAND FOR E M PLO YM ENT A UTHO R IZA TIONS Set forth duly cxecuted and acknorvledged aulhorizations pursuant to Seclion 3l0l (a) and Rulc I 120 of the C.P.l-.R.. pcrmitting thc undersigncd to obtain copics ol'the cmployment records ol the plaintiflls) ,rom three (l) )cars preccding the date ofaccidcnt as sct ibrth in plainlills) complaint 1rl the present perjod ol any disability claimed. DEMAND L'OR NO-FAULT RECORDS lfa claim has bcen or will be madc by plaintillls) pursuant to the terms ol-AR'I-ICLE XVIII ol the lnsurancc Law ol lhc Statc ol New York (No-Fault Law)l with rcspccl lo each and cT cry application and,/or claim: l. Sct lbrth thc namc. addrcss. policy number and claim numbcr ofeach compan! to rrhich a claim has bcen made or uill be madc. 10 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 2. Set fbrlh duly cxecutcd and acknoulcdgcd u,rillen authorizations enabling thc undcrsiSned ro obtain copics ol thc records relaling 1() thc plainlillls) liom cach companl- idcnlificd in thc responsc 10 thc abovc. DEMAND FOR WORKER'S COMPENSATION RECORDS ll-a claim has bcen madc or will be made by plainti(s), pursuanl to thc terms o, the \\'orkcr's ('ompensaiion La\\. \\ith respccl to each and ever) applicalion: I. Sct lbnh nan1c. address, policl numbcr toTvhich a claim has hcen or rvill be madc. together \\ith the Worker's Compcnsation Iloard Iilc numbcr. 2. Sel tbnh duly exccutcd and acknowledged \\rilten authorizations cnabling thc undcrsigncd lo obtain copics ofthc records relating to thc plaintifl(s) liom each company idcntificd in rcsponse to thc abovc. DEMAND FOR DISABILITY RECORDS Ifa disabilit) claim has been or \\'ill be made by plainlilf(s), pursuanl 1() lhe tcrms ofthe Social Secudl) Laws. \\'ithrespcct to each and eT ery application and,/or claim: l. Set lbnh the claim ofllcc, address and the claim numbcr assigned. 2. Set Ibrlh dul) executcd and acknorvledged w,rittcn authorizations enabling the undersigncd to obtain copies oi'the rccords relaling to the plaintitlis). DEMAND FOR TNFORMATION ON COLLATERAL SOURCE A slalement pursuant lo C.P.l-.R. ,15.15(c). in rvriting. under oalh, selting fonh the Ibllorving: l. Ihe amounl of(a) medical, (b) dental. (c) custodial. (d) rchabilitati\e cosls, (e) loss ofcarnings. or (f) othcr economic loss that was or will be replaccd or indcmnified by (a) insurance, (b) Social Secu ly,(c) \\,orker's compensalion, (d) cmploycc bcnefit proSrams or (e) other source. not including No-Fault basic economic loss in automobile cases. uhich thc plaintilf(s) intend(s) to prove as spccial damagcs. 2. lhc amounts the plaintif(s) will claim as )a*1'ul liens against the plaintiff(s)' reco\cry. 3. l hc amount ol-prcmiums actually paid by the plainlilI(s) in the t\\.o (2) ).ear period preccding the accrual ol his/her/their cause ol'action. ,1. l he amount ol'premiums actuallv paid by the plaintil(s) bet\\een fhe accrual of his,/hcrltheir causc oiaclion and the present date. 11 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 5. lhe proicclcd l'uturc costs ofthc plaintiff(s) maintaining such bcneiils. DEMAND FOR MEDICAL INFORMATION l. l he names and addresscs ol all physicians or other hcalth care providers 01'ever,v description rrho havc consulled, examined or treated the plaintil'(s) for each ol'the conditions allcged caused b1'. or cxacerbated b1'. thc occurrcncc described in the complaint including the dalc ofsuch trealmenl or examination. 2. I)uly exccutcd and acknowledged written aulhorizalions (llll'AA compliant) direcled 10 any hospital(s), clinics, or other health care laciliry in which the plainlillls) hercin claiming injury. consultcd. cxamincd or treated duc to lhc occurrcnce set lbnh in the complainl. authorizing the undcrsigned to obtain a copy ol: the cnlirc record or records including x-rays, arid technicians'rcpons and a separalc authorization fbr intraoperative photographs. 3. Duly cxeculcd and acknowlcdgcd writtcn authorizations (HIl)AA compliant) 1() allow thc undersigned to obtain copics ofthe complcte offlce medical records rclating to lhe plaintilf(s) liom cach ph1-.sician or health care providcr idcntificd in ( I ) abovc. .1. Medical repons ofthosc mcdical providers u,ho have prcviouslv lreated or examincd thc part) sceking reco\eq. l'hcse shall includc a dctailed recital ofthe injuries and conditions as to which tcstinron) $ill he oll!rcd at thc rial. rel'erring to and idcntifying thosc x-ray and lcchnicians' rcports shich uill hc ollircd at the trial.including a description ofthc injuries. a diagnosis and a prognosis. 5. IiwronSl'ul death is claimed, duly exccutcd and ackno'wledged'writlen authorizations (lllPAA compliant) to allou the undcrsigned to obtain copies ol the complcte autopsl or post mortcm repor1s: also including but not Iimitcd to- patholog) and toxicology testing. 6. Ifplaintiflls) claim(s) exacerbation ()1 aprc-exisling condition or injury then demand is hercby made with respecl to thc prc-existing condition or injury for du)y exccuted and acknot\ledgcd current authorizations to allo\\ thc undersigned to obtain: a)copics oflhc complelc mcdical rccords. repons. nolcs. corcspondcncc. etc. Iiom all physicians. health care providers, hospitals. health care t'acililies. physical thcrapists. chiropractors. ctc.. that trcaled or examined plaintilf(s)i b) the tilms and repons ofall diagnostic tests (including. but not limited ro MRIs. C'l' scans and x-rays) thal were taken; c) intraopcrative photos 12 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 d) all records. rcpons, nolcs, corcspondencc. etc. Iiom any phannacv or drug storc that lillcd a prcscriplion lbr plainlill(s): and c) copics of the complele legal fllcs and no-lault files (ifapplicable) 7. IlplainlilT(s) clainls injury 1() a body pan. for which plaintill previously received medical lrcahcnt then uith respccl to that prior trealmenl, dcmand is hereby made lbr duly cxccuted and acknorr lcdgcd current authorizations to allou the undersigned to oblain: a) copies ofthe complete medical records, rcpo(s. notcs, correspondcncc, etc. liom all physicians. health care providers. hospitals. health care 1'acilities physical thcrapists. chiropractors. etc. that treatcd plaintiff(s); b) the Iilms and repons ofall diagnostic tests (including, but not Iimitcd to MRls, CT scans. and x-mys) that $ere taken: c) intraoperative photos d) all rccords. repons, noles, corespondence, etc. liom any pharmacy or drug store that Iillcd a prcscription for plaintil(s): and c) copics ofthc complcte legal Iilcsand no-iault lilcs (ifapplicabl.). ll. Ilsincc lhc dalc ol thc accidcnt complaincd ol in plaintill'(s) complainl. plaintillls) haYc rc injured a bodl parl thrt plainlill(s) claim(s) was injured in this accidcnt.lhen dernand is hercbl nradc for dLrll cxccutcd and acknouledged currenl aulhorizalions lo allo\\ lhe undersig ed lo obtainr a) copics ol lhc completc mcdical records. rcports. notes. correspondence. ctc-.all physicians. health care providcrs. hospitals, physical therapists, chiropracton. etc. that trealed plajntill(s) as a rcsult ofthe rc-injury; b) the films and rcports ol alldiagnostic tcsts (including, but not limitcd to MRIs, CT scans. and \-ravs) that wcre taken as a result ofthe rc-injur); c) all records. rcports. no1es. correspondcncc. etc. from anl pharmacy or drug st)re that l'illed aprescription for f,laintiff(s) as a rcsult oflhe rc-iniury; and d) copies ol thc complete legal Iiles and no-fault lilcs (il applicablc) relating to the re- injur). PLEASIi l AKE F(]R I'Hl-lR NO.l-lCE thal all authorizations musl havc an e\pirarion date ol. the completion ol-liligation- . Pl.EASll IAKE FURI IIER NOTICE thar each of thcse aurhorizations musl include coDrplerc namcs. addresses. and an\. aDd all pertinent idenlir_\ ing information. 13 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 t)ISCOVIaRY Ol: ALI..lllh ABOVlj IS fO BIi PRODT-CLD \\ithin t\\enr\ tjvc (15) davs ol-the date ol thcse demands al the o1fice ol: Lau Oifice ol Dernis C. Ilarlling.875 Nlcrrick r\lenue. Wcsrbury, NY 11590. ( OMI'l-lAN( E nlal be clfcctuated b\ scnding lrue copics ol thc requestcd malcrial. \\bcre applicab]c. 1o lhc undcrsigncd bcli)rc lhc due Llalc hcreir.,\SIrfAKIIIrURlHliR\OllCl,.thatupon)ourf'ailurctocompllriththcse rlcmands. thc party(ics) rve rcprcsent shall m.tkc an application to stal all procecdings hcrein. in addilion lo sanctions and othcr rcliel-to he grnnlcd. I)Al llD: Westhurr'. Ncs York Julr 6. 2017 Margaret G. Blascetla, llsq. l-aw Ofllce ol Dennis C. Banling Attome)s for Dctandant(s) Tony Ch slolou 875 Menick Avenuc Westbur)'. NY I 1590 5 t 6-229-4423 Our lile No: l TRl 133 Claim No: 00344599801 0l 305 (J806) 14 of 19 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 07/06/2017 04:26 PM INDEX NO. 151103/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 4 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/06/2017 st PllE\{u coLIRT o}.'1Hr.t s'tAt E ()F )iE\\ YORK CO['N I Y Of r"E\\' \'ORK it i ii rrrn r. I'lainlill(s) NOl lCL l0 L,\KI. I)EPOSII ION tiPO\ Olii\1. I,XAMINA IIoN - against - Indcx No.: I5l l(13,1017 IONY CIIRIS I0FoI;, I)efcnditnl(s) i l'lease talc nolice lhal, pursuanl lo nniclc i I ofthc Civil I)ractice Lau,and Rules. the leslim)n). upon oral cxamination ofthe plaintif(s) and co-def'cndanl(s) as an Advcrsc Pa(y(ics) \\ill bc takcn bclore a Public $ho is nol an arrorncy, or employec ofan attorncy lbr an)' panl or prospcclive partl herein. and is not a person who \.vould bc disqualilled to lct as a.iur r bccausc ol inlerest or becausc ol-consanguinity or alfinit-v to anl parry' hcrein. shall bc takcn at lllll AIIOVE C,,\Pl lONllD C(XlRlHOt,lSL on a dale and limc lo be sel at a preliminarl conlcroncc \rilh rcspcct 1() nccessary cvidence and malerial in the prosecution or dcl'ense ol lhis actioni All ol'thc relcvant l'acts and circumslances in conneclion