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  • Issouf Bamba v. Tony Christofou Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview
  • Issouf Bamba v. Tony Christofou Torts - Motor Vehicle document preview


Ss ee es ED YEW YO OUN O18 NDEX NO. al IYSCEF DOC. NO. 12 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/23/2018. 4 SSPREME COURT OFJHESTATE OF NEW YORK, NTY OF NEW YORK Tes ont Rar weno. {5 // 28 f2al'7 Plaintiffis) - against - TAS PART a ‘x Fé p Zu Chr: ‘ tae. Defendant(s). ‘STIPULATION IT e HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED by. ‘and between or among the attorneys named below as follows: LL bn A DL Cr {2 Le @)A ve Orchume IME ve wait aif n today & Cl AKL a fF ad 10 He Et VL of LM, 7 dee PPK EZ La yh Attorney for Defendant [Attorneffor Defendant perverts (O(22 btA Ci Dated: "wn lee ~~ elven TSC. mnat7 mi ES, sic sak AM SILVERA, J. sit STARE “a* lofi