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  • Michael Goldenberg, Rachel Goldenberg v. Chana Weisz a/k/a Shaindy Lax, Moshe Lax, Diamond Dynamics, Llc, Madison Avenue Diamonds, Llc d/b/a Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry Special Proceedings - Other (CPLR Article 52) document preview
  • Michael Goldenberg, Rachel Goldenberg v. Chana Weisz a/k/a Shaindy Lax, Moshe Lax, Diamond Dynamics, Llc, Madison Avenue Diamonds, Llc d/b/a Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry Special Proceedings - Other (CPLR Article 52) document preview
  • Michael Goldenberg, Rachel Goldenberg v. Chana Weisz a/k/a Shaindy Lax, Moshe Lax, Diamond Dynamics, Llc, Madison Avenue Diamonds, Llc d/b/a Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry Special Proceedings - Other (CPLR Article 52) document preview


At IAS Part 32 of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in and for the County of New York, at the Courthouse located at 80 Centre Street, New York, New York 10013, on the ___ day of ____________2017. PRESENT: HON. ARLENE P. BLUTH J.S.C. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK MICHAEL GOLDENBERG and RACHEL GOLDENBERG, Index No.: 151093/2017 Petitioners, v. CHANA WEISZ a/k/a SHAINDY LAX, MOSHE LAX, DIAMOND DYNAMICS, LLC, and [PROPOSED] ORDER MADISON AVENUE DIAMONDS, LLC d/b/a IVANKA TRUMP FINE JEWELRY, Respondents. NOW, having considered an application made to this Court for an Order pursuant to CPLR § 5225 for a turnover of Chana Weisz a/k/a Shaindy Lax’s membership interests in Diamond Dynamics, LLC and Madison Avenue Diamonds, LLC d/b/a Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry, it is hereby: ORDERED, that the application is granted; and it is further, ORDERED, that Chana Weisz a/k/a Shaindy Lax, Moshe Lax, Diamond Dynamics, LLC and Madison Avenue Diamonds, LLC d/b/a Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry, shall within seven days of this Order deliver to New York City Marshal Frank Siracusa, 6913 New Utrecht Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11288, documents representing all of Chana Weisz a/k/a Shaindy Lax’s membership interests in Diamond Dynamics, LLC and Madison Avenue Diamonds, LLC d/b/a Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry, in order for the City Marshal to effectuate a public sale of the membership interests; and it is further, ORDERED, that Chana Weisz a/k/a Shaindy Lax, Moshe Lax, Diamond Dynamics, LLC and Madison Avenue Diamonds, LLC d/b/a Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry, shall within seven days of this Order deliver to New York City Marshal Frank Siracusa, 6913 New Utrecht Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11288, all documents relevant to determining the value of the membership interests in Diamond Dynamics, LLC and Madison Avenue Diamonds, LLC d/b/a Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry, including, but not limited to, tax returns, financial statements, inventory lists, consigned inventory lists, lists of receivables, balance sheets, organizational charts, trademarks, and licensing agreements; and it is further, ORDERED, that Chana Weisz a/k/a Shaindy Lax, Moshe Lax, Diamond Dynamics, LLC and Madison Avenue Diamonds, LLC d/b/a Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry, shall execute any document necessary to effect delivery of Chana Weisz a/k/a Shaindy Lax’s membership interests in Diamond Dynamics, LLC and Madison Avenue Diamonds, LLC d/b/a Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry to the City Marshal for the public sale of the membership interests; and it is further, ORDERED, that Chana Weisz a/k/a Shaindy Lax, Moshe Lax, Diamond Dynamics, LLC and Madison Avenue Diamonds, LLC d/b/a Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry’s cross-motion to consolidate this case with an action pending in the Supreme Court of Kings County under Index Number 500642/2017 and/or to stay this action and/or to dismiss this action is denied; and it is further, 2 ORDERED, that the Clerk is directed to enter judgment for Petitioners. Dated: ______________, 2017 New York, New York ENTER: _________________________ Hon. Arlene P. Bluth, J.S.C 3