Notice Re: Continuance of Hearing and Order

On December 7, 2020 an other non-personal injury/property damage tort (general jurisdiction) case was filed by Shakib Nim, against Martindale Henry, represented by Kolodji Kirk A., in the jurisdiction of Los Angeles County. Judge Jon R. Takasugi presiding.

R e se r ved f or C ler k ’ s F i le S tam p SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: Stanley Mosk Courthouse 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 PLAINTIFF(S): Nim Shakib DEFENDANT(S): Henry Martindale CASE NUMBER: NOTICE RE: CONTINUANCE OF HEARING AND ORDER 20STCV46576 TO THE PLAINTIFF(S) AND ATTORNEY(S) OF RECORD AND / OR PARTIES IN PROPRIA PERSONA: Hearing on Motion to Tax Costs You are hereby notified that the ____________________________________________________________ 07/15/2021 previously set for hearing on ____________________ Department 17 in _________________________ has been reset for hear…

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