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  • In the Matter of Saffron  Hansen et al Change of Name  document preview
  • In the Matter of Saffron  Hansen et al Change of Name  document preview
  • In the Matter of Saffron  Hansen et al Change of Name  document preview
  • In the Matter of Saffron  Hansen et al Change of Name  document preview


ATrORNEY OR PARTYWITHOUT Al-rORNEY STATE BAR NUMBER: FOR COURT USE ONLY ~„„„ Vanitha Raja-Hansen on behalf of Saffron Liv a minor Los Altos (626) 841-0555 E-MAIL ADDRESS (fl,iRe): in Pro Per srREET ADDREss. 191 North First Street MAILING ADDRESS San Jose 94024 Downtown Superior Court PETITION OF (name Vanitha Raja-Hansen on behalf of Saffron Hansen, a minor CASE NUMBER PETITION FOR CHANGE OF Before you this petition, the Instructions for Filing a of Name (form as part of a petItIon to recognize change of and obtain for yourself or your child, or marriage certificate reflecting thosa changes, use of Saffron Liv a. [X b. n does not live in California (check 7 or (1,)[ ] wants a name change on a marriage license, and was married in this (2.)E] wants a name change on their or their child's birth certificate, was issued that the court decree following name changes (list name that seekIng to change) SaFron Liv Hansen ,hanged to Tallulah Quinn Liv changed to (if you are seeking to change additional names, must prepare a list to this petition as that the court issue an directing all interested persons to appear or objections to show cause why this petition for change of of the persons identifIed in item The number of persons under 18 years age whose names to be changed : One requests the any person years, this request is being made near relative (name and for an jurisdictIon of juvenile court 6• :: Iso E ::: Tosfhea:sPtorsTS : g;e Pdee ? ?dE :t: a(ch e ck o n e) = Dner naa me) : whose name is to be changed, petitioner the following (you must attach Name About the Person Whose Name is to Be Changed la) for each person identified in item a. Number of pages b.–f. (These items on the attached or pages of form NCH la.) 1 of fbr Mandatory Use Judicial CouncII of California PETITION FOR Code of Civil Procedure. S 1275 et seq, NC.100 [Rev. January 1, 2023]