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  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview


ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUTATTORNEY (Name, State Bar mmliar, and adi^ess): FOR COURT USE ONLY eos^io Brigit Barnes, 122673 Brigit S. Barnes & Associates mum-9 A/1//: 35 3262 Penryn Road, Suite 200 Loomis, CA 95650 ^-••Op'ckioa ,•r,\ C.i'^'^^~ TBi»w«Na: (916) 737-7272 ATTORNEY FOR (KiBim^ Petitioner o..u-R^,M£HTO-COI?fgTy SUPERIOR COURT OF CAUFORNIA. COUmY OF Superior Court of Califomia, Sacramento County 720 9th Street Sacramento, CA 95814-1302 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: STAND UP CALIFORNIAI, et al. CASENUMBER: 34-2016-80002493 DEFENDAhfT/RESPONDENT: CITY O F E L K G R O V E RstNaorFUaNoc' PROOF OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS 2624 2. I served copies of: S e e attached list 3. a. Party s e n ^ : E L K G R O V E TOWN C E N T E R . L P . b. Person Served: CSC-Becky DeGeorge - Person Authorized to Accept Sen/Ice of Process 4. Address Where the party was served: 2710 N Gateway OakS Dr. Ste 150 5.1 served the party SacrartwntO. CA 95833 a. by pereonal seivlca. 1 paisonaily delivered the documents listed in item 2 to the party or person authorized to receive service of process forthe party (1) on (date): 12/07/2016 (2) at (time): 2:24PM 6. The "Notice to the Peison Served" (on the summons) was completed as follows: d. on t>ehalf of ELK GROVE TOWN CENTER, L.P. under Other Umited Partnership 7. Pereon who served papere a. Name: Spenser 6. Fritz b. Address: One i-egal - 194-Marin 504 Redwood Blvd #223 Novato, CA 94947 c. Telephone 0415-491-0808 d. The Ito for servioe was: $ 37.95 eiam: (3) registered Califomia process server. (6 Employee or independent contractor, (ii) RegtotrationNo.:201&05 (ilQ County: Sacramento 8.1 declare under penalty of peijuiy under the laws of the United Statas of America and the State of CalHtomlB that the Ito Date: 12/07/2016 Spenser G. Fritz (NAME OF PERSON WHO SERVED PAPERS) Fofm Adu|ilml fbr HiutUttuif U n Code ot CIvO Proeediira, 1417.10 J i A U Coundl oC Cdtarta POS.010 [Rev. Jen 1,2007) PROOF OP SERVICE OF SUMI 0L# 10719316 Ust of Documents Served Summons Verified Petition for Writof Mandate and Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief Notice of Case /^ignment Civil Case Cover Sheet Notice of Election to Prepare Record of Proceedings Program Case Notice Guide to Procedures for Prosecuting Petitions for Writ of Mandate Altemative Dispute Resolution Information Pactoge Stipulation and Order to Mediation Notice to Attomey General Proof of Service of Notice of Intent to File CEQA Petition Substitution of Attomey