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  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview


[Exempt From Filing Fee Government Code § 6103] 1 MONA G. EBRAHIMI, State Bar No. 236550 mebrahimi(^ 2 LESLIE Z. WALKER, State Bar No. 249310 lwalker(^kmtg. com 3 KRONICK, MOSKOVITZ, TIEDEMANN & GIRARD« A Professional Corporation 4 400 Capitol Mall, 27* Floor MAV 1 0 2017 Sacramento, Califomia 95814 5 Telephone: (916) 321-4500 Facsimile: (916) 321-4555 By E. Higginbotham, Deputy Clerk 6 JONATHAN P. HOBBS, State Bar No. 186045 7 City Attomey jhobbs(^elkgrovecity. org 8 JENNIFER A. ALVES, State Bar No. 238723 Assistant City Attomey 9 jalves@elkgrovecity. org SUZANNE E. KENNEDY (SBN: 251339) 10 Assistant City Attomey skennedy(^elkgrovecity. org 11 Office of the City Attomey 8401 Laguna Palms Way 12 Elk Grove, Califomia 95758 Telephone: (916)683-7111 13 Facsimile: (916) 627-4100 14 Attomeys for Respondent and Defendant CITY OF ELK GROVE 15 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 16 COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO 17 STAND UP CALIFORNIA!; PATTY Case No. 34-2016-80002493 18 JOHNSON; and JOE TEIXEIRA, [ntOPOSED] ORDER GRANTING E X 19 Petitioners and Plaintiffs, PARTE APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO EXCEED PAGE LIMIT FOR 20 RESPONDENT AND DEFENDANT CITY OF E L K GROVE'S MEMORANDUM OF 21 CITY OF ELK GROVE, POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER TO 22 Respondent and Defendant. PETITIONERS AND PLAINTIFFS' VERIFIED AMENDED PETITION FOR 23 WRIT OF MANDATE AND COMPLAINT ELK GROVE TOWN CENTER, LP; FOR DECLARATORY R E L I E F 24 HOWARD HUGHES CORPORATION; and Judge: Hon. Shelleyanne W. L. Chang 25 DOES 1-20, Real Parties in Interest and Dept.: 24 26 Defendants. Petition Filed: November 23,2016 27 28 /// 1564794.1 10784-236 1 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO EXCEED PAGE LIMIT FOR CITY'S MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER 1 The Court having reviewed the Ex Parte Application for Leave to Exceed Page Limit for 2 Respondent and Defendant CITY OF ELK GROVE ("City") Memorandum of Points and 3 Authorities in Support of its Demurrer to Petitioners and Plaintiffs' Verified Amended Petition for 4 Writ of Mandate and Complaint for Declaratory Relief ("Application") filed by the City, and good 5 cause appearing thereon, 6 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 7 1. • The Application is granted. 8 2. The City is authorized to file an additional five pages to its Memorandum of Points 9 and Authorities in Support of its Dehiurrer to Petitioners and Plaintiffs' Verified Amended Petition 10 for Writ of Mandate and Complaint for Declaratory Relief (for a total of twenty pages), and an 11 additional five pages to its reply brief (for a total of fifteen pages). 12 IT IS SO ORDERED. 13 14 Dated; S-lo 2017 JUDGE OF THE S M : R A M E K T O SUPEWOR^^eOekT 15 SHELLEYANNE W.LM 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1564794.1 10784-236 [PROPOSED] ORDER GRANTING EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO EXCEED PAGE LIMIT FOR CITY'S MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER