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  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Patty Johnson; Joe Teixeira; Omar Ahmed; Xin Guo; and Carolyn... Unlimited Civil document preview


1 BRIGIT S. BARNES & ASSOCIATES, INC. BRIGIT S. BARNES, ESQ. CSB #122673 2 ANNIE R. EMBREE, ESQ., OF COUNSEL CSB #208591 3 3262 Penryn Road, Suite 200 Loomis, CA 95650 4 Telephone: (916) 660-9555 Facsimile: (916)660-9554 5 Attomeys for Petitioners and Plaintiffs 6 PATTY JOHNSON; JOE TEDCEIRA; 7 OMAR AHMED, JR.; XIN GUO; and CAROLYN SOARES 8 9 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNL\ 10 COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO 11 12 PATTY JOHNSON; JOE TEIXEIRA; CASE NO. 34-2016-80002493 13 OMAR AHMED, JR.; XIN GUO; and CAROLYN SOARES, [PROPOSED] ORDER OVERRULING 14 REAL PARTIES IN INTEREST'S DEMURRER TO VERIFIED AMENDED 15 Petitioners and Plaintiffs, PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDATE AND COMPLAINT FOR 16 DECLARATORY R E L I E F CITY OF ELK GROVE, 17 Date: June 2,2017 Time: 11:00 a.m. Respondent and Defendant. Department: 24 18 Judge: Hon. Shelleyanne W.L. Chang 19 ELK GROVE TOWN CENTER, LP; HOWARD HUGHES CORPORATION; and 20 DOES 1-20, inclusive, Action Filed: November 23, 2017 Trial Date: Not Set 21 Real Parties in Interest and 22 Defendants. BY FAX 23 24 The demurrer of Real Parties in Interest/Defendants ELK GROVE TOWN CENTER, LP 25 and HOWARD HUGHS CORPORATION ("Real Parties/Defendants") to the Verified Amended 26 Petition-Complaint of Petitioners/Plaintiffs having come on regularly to be heard before the on June 2, 2017, in Department 24 of the Court, and the matter having been fully presented ml "07 [PROPOSED] ORDER OVERRULING REAL PARTIES IN INTEREST'S DEMURRER TO AMENDED PETITION-COMPLAINT -1 1 and submitted, and the Court being ofthe opinion that Real Parties/Defendants' demurrer is not 2 well taken and should be overruled as follows: 3 1. The demurrer to the entire Amended Petition-Complaint should be overruled as this Court retains jurisdiction over the matters alleged therein and the claims are not moot by 4 virtue of the appeal filed against the Department of the Interior's land-to trust decision. 5 2. The demurrer should be overruled as to the First Cause of Action City Breach of Zoning 6 Ordinance because Petitioners have properly alleged citizen rights to require City to enforce the Lent Ranch SPA, and to the extent that Real Parties are alleged to have 7 participated in efforts to evade application ofthe restrictions in the SPA to the Phase 2 property, those allegations are properly plead against Real Parties. 8 9 3. The demurrer should be overruled as to the Second Cause of Action Breach of 2014 Development Agreement as Petitioners have adequately alleged the existence of the 10 2014 Development Agreement, attached a copy ofthe Agreement, and the Real Parties in Interest were parties to the Agreement who breached it by failing to request a hearing 11 regarding the transfer as required. 12 4. The demurrer should be overruled as to the Third Cause of Action City Breach of PRC § 13 2108L6, Enforcement per §§21166 and 21167 as Petitioners have adequately alleged that Real Parties have participated with City in a series of actions to hide Real Parties' 14 intention to transfer portions of the Mall Site A to Boyd and the Tribe, datingfromat least 2014, and that such efforts were intended to avoid any land use and eiivironmental 15 reviews of the approvals sought by Real Parties in beginning in 2014. As such. Real Parties would meet the definition of recipient of approvals, as used in Public Resources 16 Code §21167.6.5. 17 5. The demurrer should be overruled as to the Fourth Cause of Action Breach of Govt 18 Code Hearing and Notice Provisions §65020(b), Procedural Due Process Rights as Petitioners have adequately alleged that Real Parties cooperated with City in substantially 19 revising development designs, circulation patterns, andfinancingagreements without 20 notice to the public. 21 6. The demurrer should be overruled as to the Fifth Cause of Action Declaratory Relief as Petitioners have adequately alleged the existence of a current controversy between the 22 Parties relating to the required hearings imder the 2014 Development Agreement 23 requiring a judicial declaration of rights. 24 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 25 1. Real Parties in Interest's demurrer tp the Amended Petition-Complaint is 26 overruled as set forth above. 27 2. Real Parties in Interest are to file their answers on the Amended Petition- 28 Complaint within days from the date of this order. [PROPOSED] ORDER OVERRULING REAL PARTIES IN INTEREST'S DEMURRER TO AMENDED PETITION-COMPLAINT - 2 1 3. Real Parties in Interest are to pay to Petitioners/Plaintiffs $ as costs 2 on the demurrer. 3 4 Dated: ,2017 JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 [PROPOSED] ORDER OVERRULING REAL PARTIES IN INTEREST'S DEMURRER TO AMENDED PETITION-COMPLAINT - 3