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  • Fire Guard Corporation vs. California Department of Forestry ... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Fire Guard Corporation vs. California Department of Forestry ... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Fire Guard Corporation vs. California Department of Forestry ... Unlimited Civil document preview
  • Fire Guard Corporation vs. California Department of Forestry ... Unlimited Civil document preview


«» 3 W • A lUC-OSO AlTORNPf Of* PARTY WTHOUT AnOPNET (Ntm. Sst» to mimm undtMrmy - MARGARET ESQUIROZ, ESQ., SBN 125255 4924 Balboa Boulevard, #500 Encino,CA 91316-3402 (818) 705-4648 f NO (818) 276-4052 Plaintiff CALIF. FIRE PROTECTION COALinON JUN -1\ 2020 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF S A C R A M E N T O sT.S ' 720 9th Street By: R. CADDICK MAi iNa ,iix«ES!i Same Deputy Clerk oTYANoapcoce Sacramento, CA 95814 PF!A.-«>! NAME Gordon D. Schaber County Courthouse CASE NAME. FIRE GUARD CORP., etc., et al. v. CALIF. DEPT. OF FORESTRY, etc CASENUMBER: SUBSTITUTJON OF ATTORNEY-CIVIL (Without Court Order) 34-2019-00249221 THE COURT AND ALL PARTiES ARE NOTIFIED THAT (name): CA Fire Protection Coalition makes thefollowingsubstitution: 1 Former l^al representative I I Party represented self I / I Attorney (riame). Titnothy V. Kassouni, Esq. 2. New legai representative • Patty Is representing self* [ T ] Attorney a. Name: Margaret Esquiroz, Esq. fa, state Bar No, (•/fawa//cai3tej: 125255 c Address (number, street, cify, ZIP, and law firm name, if applicable): 4924 Balboa Boulevard, #500^ Encino, C A 91316-3402 d. Telephone No, (include ace® code): (818) 705-4648 3, The party making this substitution is a ( /' I plaintiff I I defendant I I petitioner F i respondent I, I other (specify): *NOT(CE TO PARTIES APPLYING TO REPRESENT THEMSELVES .•.Guardian ' Personal Representative • Guardian ad literri • Conservator • Probate fiduciary • Unincorporated • Trustee • Corporation association If you are applying as one of the parties on this list, you may NOT act as your own attomey in most cases. Use this form to substitute one attorney for another attomey. SEEK LEGAL ADVICE BEFORE APPLYING TO REPRESENT YOURSELF. NOTICE TO PARTIES WITHOUT ATTORNEYS A party t^presenting himself or herself may wish to seek legal assistance. Failure to take timely and appropriate action in this case may result in serious legal consequences. 4. i consent to this substitution. Date: March 6,2020 Vahe ZohTahiQv^is^sB"^'"'"^'"'' Vahe Zohrabian, Pres-CA FIRE PROTEC COAL. rrypL- on PsifJi WAME) • (SliiH»,ruRE OF 5,1 / i I ccnsei*4p this substitution Date: March _7_, 2020 TIMOTHY V. HASSOUNI. ESQ. frvPE OR PRl^fr umE) 6,1 •/ I i consent to this substitution. Date: March 19 ,2020 MARGARET ESQUIROZ, ESQ. (SICiN/.rUREOF NEWATIORMEY) rrrpe OR PRINT NAME) (See reverse for pf«5f of service by maif) P«8« 1 of 2 Koim A