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  • MIDFIRST BANK vs. DAVID L BRODERIC, II document preview
  • MIDFIRST BANK vs. DAVID L BRODERIC, II document preview
  • MIDFIRST BANK vs. DAVID L BRODERIC, II document preview
  • MIDFIRST BANK vs. DAVID L BRODERIC, II document preview
  • MIDFIRST BANK vs. DAVID L BRODERIC, II document preview
  • MIDFIRST BANK vs. DAVID L BRODERIC, II document preview
  • MIDFIRST BANK vs. DAVID L BRODERIC, II document preview
  • MIDFIRST BANK vs. DAVID L BRODERIC, II document preview


+ uv : za>mwim IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF LANCASTER COUNTY, PENNSYEVARIA= CIVIL ACTION SS i aM 1 nm Oo MIDFIRST BANK. - > Plaintiff zz . CI-23-01998 aon Vv. > oo m oOo DAVID L. BRODERIC, II. and JILL L. BRODERIC and THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Defendant(s) ORDER AND NOW, this 24" day of March 2023, a complaint having been filed to foreclose upon a residential mortgdge and the case being eligible for participation in the Lancaster County Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Diversion Program (“Program”), it is hereby ORDERED: t 1. All proceedings in this matter are paused until further Order of Court removing the case from the Program. No judgment in foreclosure may be entered by default or otherwise, or sheriff's sale scheduled or held until and unless the case is removed from the Program by the Court. 2. Within ten (10) days of the service of this Order, Defendant is directed to complete an intake interview with the Court, which can be completed by any ONE of the following methods: (1) by calling the Diversion Programs Coordinator at (717) 209-3290, (2) by filling out the enclosed “Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Diversion Program Intake Form” and t returning it to the Court per the instructions on the form, or (3) by registering online at and providing the required information to create an account. 3. Once an intake is completed through one of the above listed methods, the Diversion Prograths Coordinator will assign your case to a housing counselor and will schedule this matter for a virtual conciliation conference via Lifesize. The services and assistance of the housing counseling agency are FREE OF CHARGE to Defendant.4, For more information on how the diversion program works, please visit: i 4 5. Plaintiff may file a petition to request that the Court lift the stay if a subsequent “Case Management Order” does not appear on the Court’s docket for this case 31 days after service of the Complaint is effectuated, Plaintiff shall provide a courtesy copy of the petition to the Court via email to: NOTICE OF ENTRY OF ORDER OR DECREE PURSUANT TO PA. R.C.P. NO. 238 BY THE COURT: NOTIFICATION - THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE PROTHONOTARY OF LANCASTER CO,, PA DATE: 32-28 i tia, hh og LANCA G2. %, ATTEST: 7% “y ; Vy ww Ss Enclosure: Residentiév’Morfuage Poreclosure Diversion Program Intake Form PA HAF Flyer (English & Spanish) Copies to: Michael McKcever, Esq. David L. Broderic, II. & Jill L. Broderic (Service by Sheriff) The United States of America (Service by Sheriff)RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE DIVERSION PROGRAM INTAKE FORM (Return this completed form within TEN (10) days of receipt using the instructions below) Docket No.: Cl-_ i - Name of Homeowner(s): #1 #2, Property Address: . If English is not your primary language, is an interpreterneeded?__-~‘Yes__—sNo___—sN/A If Yes, What language: Is homeowner currently working with a housing counseling agency? ___ Yes ____ No If Yes, what agency and counselor: Does homeowner want to participate in this FREE conciliation Program? Yes No If No, Program Coordinator will file Notice of Nonparticipation with the Court. PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION !s the property owner occupied?» Yes___ No Is the property the primary residence? __—sYes__—sNoo Are there four or fewer units on the premises? __—s Yes ____ No Is the remaining mortgage balance $400,000 orless?_ _ Yes__ No Is the property the subject of divorce or estate proceedings? ___ Yes_ No Has either homeowner filed for bankruptcy? ___Yes_ No Ifyes, Chapter 7 __ Chapter 13 Filing Date: ‘ Has bankruptcy been discharged? ___Yes___ No _ Bankruptcy Case No.: Bankruptcy Attorney: PARTICIPANT INFORMATION Homeowner #1. Homeowner #2 Primary phone nuniber: Primary phone number: Alternate phone number: Alternate phone number: Best time to call: _- Best time to call: Email Address: : Email Address: Last four digits of Social Security #: Last four digits of SS #: Marital Status: _Married __Separated __Unmarried* Marital Status:__Married __ Separated __ Unmarried* : (*single, divorced, widowed) # of people in household: # of people in household: § Gender: } Gender: | 3CIRCUMSTANCES ls homeowner interested in trying to remain in the property?__—s_—sYes_——s Noo If not interested in remaining, is homeowner interested in discussing other options with the lender? __Yes_ No Has homeowner attempted loss mitigation? Has homeowner received any offers from the lender/servicer? ; Has homeowner ever had a loan modification/forbearance agreement? When? Has homeowner filéd HEMAP application with PHFA? Is the property listed for sale? Yes No If yes, listing agent's name & #: (or indicate “for sale by owner,” if applicable) If paying taxes or insurance separately, what are the amounts? Taxes: Insurance: Are taxes current? ; Yes No Is homeowner's insurance current? Yes No Is property subject to condo or homeowners’ association (HOA) fees? ___ Yes__— No If yes, monthly dues: $ REASON(S) HOMEOWNER(S) FELL BEHIND WITH MORTGAGE Check all circumstances that apply: ___ disability or illness ___loss of employment ____ reduction in in¢ome ___ distant employment transfer/relocation ___ death of family:member ___ adjustable interest rate ___ balloon payment ___ separation/divorce ____ increased expenses other: The hardship causing mortgage payment challenges began on approximately (date) and is believed to be: [ ] short term (up to 6 months) [ ]long term or permanent (greater than 6 months) [ ] resolved as of (date) 3 * 4 fi Items to bring to your housing counseling appointment: e Proof of income (paystubs/statement of benefits) + Tax Return with W2 * Two months of bank statements * Identification: * Mortgage Statement e Creditor statements « Recent correspondence from lender regarding current situation e Original loan documents « Listing Agreement, if applicable i Return the completed form within TEN (10) days of receipt to: i By U.S. Mail (or drop off in person) to: Attn: Diversion Programs Coordinator i Lancaster County Court of Common Pleas 50 N. Duke St. P.O, Box 83480 Lancaster, PA 17608 seta Sen ee te By Email (in PDF format) to: 4 Or, complete an intake by Telephone: If you prefer to complete the intake by telephone instead of returning the completed form, please call: (717) 209-3290 within TEN (10) days. If you reach the voicemail system, please leave a message including your name, docket #, and the best phone number to have your call returned. You may also Tequest an intake by telephone by sending an email to: consumerdebtdivé =A 0) ain=aee\) Bac) ws <] a= eir 310) AND Ota, NAN eae enleNo nna ea Ss in =eon Pe cr tyre rey Te) a lg SLI OR eee SW e0- Wim Sry Ce lee) Neg -) q peve NTy Neues) [eic} tosisme cli) Toclnc inet] If your income has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, a grant from the PA HAF program may be available. Information on who may be eligible and how to apply for a PA HAF grant can y be found here: or by calling 888.987-2423.