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  • Unitrin Advantage Insurance Company v. Aba Chiropractic, P.C., Apple Acupuncture, P.C., Auto Rx, L.C., Citimedical I, Pllc, Corona Medical Plaza, P.C., Elmont Rehab Pt, P.C., Ema Medical Equipment Corp., Fast Care Medical Diagnostics, Pllc, Frank S. Segreto, M.D., Health Balance Medical, P.C., Satya Drug Corp. D/B/A Farmacia Central, Ugp Acupuncture, P.C., Dwayne Corwise, Angela Salguedo Torts - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Unitrin Advantage Insurance Company v. Aba Chiropractic, P.C., Apple Acupuncture, P.C., Auto Rx, L.C., Citimedical I, Pllc, Corona Medical Plaza, P.C., Elmont Rehab Pt, P.C., Ema Medical Equipment Corp., Fast Care Medical Diagnostics, Pllc, Frank S. Segreto, M.D., Health Balance Medical, P.C., Satya Drug Corp. D/B/A Farmacia Central, Ugp Acupuncture, P.C., Dwayne Corwise, Angela Salguedo Torts - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Unitrin Advantage Insurance Company v. Aba Chiropractic, P.C., Apple Acupuncture, P.C., Auto Rx, L.C., Citimedical I, Pllc, Corona Medical Plaza, P.C., Elmont Rehab Pt, P.C., Ema Medical Equipment Corp., Fast Care Medical Diagnostics, Pllc, Frank S. Segreto, M.D., Health Balance Medical, P.C., Satya Drug Corp. D/B/A Farmacia Central, Ugp Acupuncture, P.C., Dwayne Corwise, Angela Salguedo Torts - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Unitrin Advantage Insurance Company v. Aba Chiropractic, P.C., Apple Acupuncture, P.C., Auto Rx, L.C., Citimedical I, Pllc, Corona Medical Plaza, P.C., Elmont Rehab Pt, P.C., Ema Medical Equipment Corp., Fast Care Medical Diagnostics, Pllc, Frank S. Segreto, M.D., Health Balance Medical, P.C., Satya Drug Corp. D/B/A Farmacia Central, Ugp Acupuncture, P.C., Dwayne Corwise, Angela Salguedo Torts - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Unitrin Advantage Insurance Company v. Aba Chiropractic, P.C., Apple Acupuncture, P.C., Auto Rx, L.C., Citimedical I, Pllc, Corona Medical Plaza, P.C., Elmont Rehab Pt, P.C., Ema Medical Equipment Corp., Fast Care Medical Diagnostics, Pllc, Frank S. Segreto, M.D., Health Balance Medical, P.C., Satya Drug Corp. D/B/A Farmacia Central, Ugp Acupuncture, P.C., Dwayne Corwise, Angela Salguedo Torts - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Unitrin Advantage Insurance Company v. Aba Chiropractic, P.C., Apple Acupuncture, P.C., Auto Rx, L.C., Citimedical I, Pllc, Corona Medical Plaza, P.C., Elmont Rehab Pt, P.C., Ema Medical Equipment Corp., Fast Care Medical Diagnostics, Pllc, Frank S. Segreto, M.D., Health Balance Medical, P.C., Satya Drug Corp. D/B/A Farmacia Central, Ugp Acupuncture, P.C., Dwayne Corwise, Angela Salguedo Torts - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Unitrin Advantage Insurance Company v. Aba Chiropractic, P.C., Apple Acupuncture, P.C., Auto Rx, L.C., Citimedical I, Pllc, Corona Medical Plaza, P.C., Elmont Rehab Pt, P.C., Ema Medical Equipment Corp., Fast Care Medical Diagnostics, Pllc, Frank S. Segreto, M.D., Health Balance Medical, P.C., Satya Drug Corp. D/B/A Farmacia Central, Ugp Acupuncture, P.C., Dwayne Corwise, Angela Salguedo Torts - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview
  • Unitrin Advantage Insurance Company v. Aba Chiropractic, P.C., Apple Acupuncture, P.C., Auto Rx, L.C., Citimedical I, Pllc, Corona Medical Plaza, P.C., Elmont Rehab Pt, P.C., Ema Medical Equipment Corp., Fast Care Medical Diagnostics, Pllc, Frank S. Segreto, M.D., Health Balance Medical, P.C., Satya Drug Corp. D/B/A Farmacia Central, Ugp Acupuncture, P.C., Dwayne Corwise, Angela Salguedo Torts - Other (Declaratory Judgment) document preview


FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/01/2022 09:11 PM INDEX NO. 154804/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 171 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/01/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK --------------------------------------------------------------------------X UNITRIN ADVANTAGE INSURANCE COMPANY, Index No.: 154804/2017 Plaintiff, REPLY AFFIRMATION -against- ABA CHIROPRACTIC, P.C., APPLE ACUPUNCTURE, P.C., AUTO RX, L.C., CITIMEDICAL I, PLLC, CORONA MEDICAL PLAZA, P.C., ELMONT REHAB PT, P.C., EMA MEDICAL EQUIPMENT CORP., FAST CARE MEDICAL DIAGNOSTICS, PLLC, FRANK S. SEGRETO, M.D., HEALTH BALANCE MEDICAL, P.C., SATYA DRUG CORP. d/b/a FARMACIA CENTRAL, UGP ACUPUNCTURE, P.C., DWAYNE CORWISE and ANGELA SALGUEDO, Defendants. --------------------------------------------------------------------------X HARLAN R. SCHREIBER, an attorney duly admitted to practice law in the State of New York, hereby affirms the following to be true under the penalties of perjury as provided by CPLR § 2106: 1. I am a member of the law firm of Goldberg, Miller & Rubin, P.C., attorneys for plaintiff Unitrin Advantage Insurance Company (“Unitrin”). As such, I am fully familiar with the facts and circumstances of this case based upon a review of the file maintained by my firm’s office. 2. I submit this reply affirmation in further support of Unitrin’s motion Granting renewal under CPLR 2221(e)(2) of this Court’s July 9, 2020 order denying Unitrin’s motion for summary judgment and upon renewal, granting summary judgment, 1 of 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/01/2022 09:11 PM INDEX NO. 154804/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 171 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/01/2022 pursuant to CPLR § 3212, against defendants ABA CHIROPRACTIC, P.C., CORONA MEDICAL PLAZA, P.C., and ELMONT REHAB PT, P.C. (“answering defendants”). 3. In Unitrin’s initial motion papers, it argued that the Court’s prior denial of summary judgment primarily based on Unitrin Advantage Ins. Co. v. Dowd, 67 Misc.3d 1219 (Sup. Ct. 2020) (“Unitrin v. Dowd”) which was subsequently reversed by the First Department, should be reconsidered and that the First Department has made abundantly clear that a request for No-Fault examination under oath (“EUO”) or independent medical examination (“IME”) is considered timely under 11 NYCRR 65-3.5 if the request is made within 15 business days of receipt of any claim form submitted on behalf of a No-Fault claimant and not the first claim form received. 4. Answering defendants have opposed this motion arguing: (a) the First Department decision in Hertz Vehicles LLC v. Best Touch PT, PC, 162 A.D.3d 617 (1st Dep’t 2018 (“Hertz Vehicles”) is still good law and mandates the denial of Unitrin’s motion, (b) Unitrin v. Dowd, which related to failure of a provider to appear for EUOs has no bearing on the instant dispute because this dispute relates to the failure of a claimant to appear for IMEs, (c) and that subsequent First Department case law in American Tr. Ins. Co. v. Acosta, 2022 N.Y. Slip Op. 01097 (1st Dep’t 2022) also supports answering defendants’ position that the IME requests in this case were not timely requested.1 1 Answering defendants also argue in passing that Unitrin never proved that it mailed its IME notices and that answering defendants’ assignor failed to appear but this Court has already found to the contrary on these issues. 2 of 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/01/2022 09:11 PM INDEX NO. 154804/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 171 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/01/2022 5. As will be explained below, all of these arguments misread the First Department case law on this issue, which is now crystal clear that a No-Fault insurer demonstrates disclaimer on failure to appear for EUOs or IMEs by appending any claim form received within 15 business days of the request or any claim form received after the request. A. HERTZ VEHICLES IS NOT RELEVANT TO UNITRIN’S APPLICATION 6. Answering defendants first assert that Hertz Vehicles is still “good law” and a basis to deny Unitrin’s motion. 7. A review of the case, however, shows that it does not address Unitrin’s position on timeliness of the IME requests. 8. In Hertz Vehicles, the First Department found that the insurer could not make a prima facie entitlement to judgment on failure to appear for EUOs because “none of the motion papers, including the affidavit by plaintiff's claims adjuster, annexes or gives the dates of the prescribed verification forms or other proofs of claim submitted by the medical provider defendants, it is not possible to determine whether the EUO notices were sent to them within 15 business days of plaintiff's receipt of the forms.” 9. The case merely articulates general holding that an insurer must attach claim forms to demonstrate an IME or EUO notice was timely requested under 11 NYCRR 65- 3.5. 3 of 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/01/2022 09:11 PM INDEX NO. 154804/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 171 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/01/2022 10. It does not address the issue of whether the request must relate back to the first claim form received or whether any claim form submitted subsequently can constitute a timely request. 11. Therefore, Hertz Vehicles has no bearing on the merits of this case where a claim form was annexed but the parties contest whether timeliness should be calculated by the receipt date of the claim form annexed by Unitrin. B. UNITRIN V. DOWD CONTROLS THIS DISPUTE 12. Answering defendants next argue that the First Department decision reversing Unitrin v. Dowd, which unambiguously supports Unitrin’s calculation of timeliness, does not apply because Unitrin v. Dowd involved a request for the EUO of provider and not IME scheduling. 13. Answering defendants offer no case law to support this argument and the text and case law prove the opposite. 14. Textually, 11 NYCRR 65-1.1 uses identical language to require appearance at EUO or IME as a condition precedent to coverage without any distinction. 15. Further, and even more tellingly, the First Department also makes no such distinction. 16. In its reversal of Unitrin v. Dowd, 194 A.D.3d 507 (1st Dep’t 2021), the First Department agreed with Unitrin’s position that any claim form received during the 4 of 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/01/2022 09:11 PM INDEX NO. 154804/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 171 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/01/2022 claim process may be used to calculate the timeliness of an EUO request and, in support of this proposition, the Court cited to Unitrin Advantage Ins. Co. v. Bayshore Physical Therapy, PLLC, 82 A.D.3d 559 (1st Dep’t 2011) which related to IME scheduling. 17. This demonstrates that the First Department does not make a distinction between EUOs and IMEs for the purpose of calculating timeliness of the requests. 18. In light of both the plain text of the No-Fault regulations and the First Department treating EUOs and IMEs interchangeably, there is no basis for answering defendants’ argument that Unitrin v. Dowd is not binding on the instant case. 19. In that same vein, answering defendants argue that PV Holding Corp. v. AB Quality Health Supply Corp., 189 A.D.3d 645 (1st Dep’t 2020) is not controlling because it related to an EUO request that pre-dated the receipt of the claim form annexed to the insurer motion papers. 20. This misreads the text of the case, which specifically finds that the request for EUO “will apply to any claims, and is not determined on a bill by bill basis.” Id. 21. In other words, so long as the EUO or IME request of a claimant is made before receipt of a claim form or within 15 business days of receipt of any claim form submitted on behalf of that claimant, the request is timely. 22. In this case, there is no dispute that Unitrin has annexed a claim form within that time frame and it complied with this case law. 5 of 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/01/2022 09:11 PM INDEX NO. 154804/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 171 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/01/2022 C. SUBSEQUENT CASE LAW CITE BY ANSWERING DEFENDANTS IS ALSO NOT RELEVANT TO THE ISSUES HEREIN 23. Finally, answering defendants argue that American Tr. Ins. Co. v. Acosta, 2022 N.Y. Slip Op. 01097 (1st Dep’t 2022) demonstrates that that Unitrin’s IME request here was untimely. 24. This holding, however, is wholly consistent with Hertz Vehicles, which requires that an insurer attach a claim form that shows that the IME was scheduled timely. 25. In American Tr. Ins. Co. v. Acosta, the insurer failed to annex any claim forms, a fact that can be discerned from the appellate decision or a review of the ECF record for the underlying action. See ECF docket at 42. 26. The First Department properly found that this failure to annex a claim form prevent the insurer from making a prima facie case of entitlement on the issue of timely scheduling. 27. As noted above, Unitrin has annexed a claim form demonstrating the timeliness of its IME request and has complied with this case law. 28. Thus, answering defendants have offered no case law to contradict Unitrin’s instant motion. WHEREFORE, the plaintiff respectfully requests that its motion be granted in its entirety, and such further relief as this Court may deem just and proper. 6 of 7 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 04/01/2022 09:11 PM INDEX NO. 154804/2017 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 171 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/01/2022 Dated: New York, New York March 31, 2022 ____________________________ Harlan R. Schreiber. Esq. 7 of 7