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  • Tina Davis vs  Sydney Smith22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Tina Davis vs  Sydney Smith22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Tina Davis vs  Sydney Smith22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Tina Davis vs  Sydney Smith22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Tina Davis vs  Sydney Smith22 Unlimited - Auto document preview
  • Tina Davis vs  Sydney Smith22 Unlimited - Auto document preview


SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA - COUNTY 0F FRESNO E mmmw Civil Limited - Non-Limited MInute OrderAuachment TITLEOF CASE: Tina Davis vs Sydney Smith [Tulnunmumu Case Number: CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE MlNUTES/ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE 18CECG00504 Hearing Date: Court Clerk: S. Lopez l.Herrera R.Smith Monday, June O4, 2018 Depcnment: Conference Room 305 Appearing Plainfiff: Defendant: Parties: [ ]Appe0ring ]Appeoring Counsel: Counsel: M’ Daam WWg [' ppeoring [HMpeoring [ [ ]Con’rinued ’ro 0T o.m./p.m. inRoom for: ' [ ]Service on olldefendants. [ ]No’rice of Se’rflemem‘ To be filed. [ 1PlGinfiff/Cross—ploinfiff s’rofes he/she willdismiss for’rhwi’rh. [ ]Answer To be filed. [ ]O’rher [ ]Defoqu/Judgmenf To be filed. [ ]Personol Injury case. Limited Civil bnly. [ Designated cs Uninsured Mo’rorisf case. [ ]Porfi s presen’r stipulate That case willlake [ ]12—l8 [ ]18—24 months ’rodispose. [Mfiol requested by [' oin’riff[Mendont [ ]Coun‘ Trial:appearing parlles waive Their rights ’ro c1jury lrlol.Non-oppearing parfies ore deemed To hove waived Their rights lo c1 jury frialand fo have conSenTed lo The dole sef for Trial. [ ]Cour’r Reporter fees mus’r be paid ’ro The clerk's office prior To commencemem‘ of ’rriol. [Hffimoled lime fiorl iol Is H? | days. q 0CD W01 [Ml selfor Is Readiness '6!th Is se’r for CIT Ib‘ 4’ ‘q of (3773310 m a wflb. m in Department in 5C) Deporlmenl I fi f [Wdolory Settlement Conference IsseI‘fora [0 q oll- ?zfi D CI.m (é: ln Room 575. [ ]The Selllemen’r Conference Slolemenl Isdue lO days prior lo The Seh‘lemenl Conference. [ ]Service of wrillen notice of The orders mode herein iswaived by: [ ]All parties [ ] [ ]The cour’r orders all parties lo engage in some form of Alternative Dispute Resolution, such os mediation. This Allerno’rive Dispute Resolufion musl be compleled by (wilhin 180 doys offer lhe Case Management Conference, or prior ’ro ’rhe Mando’rory Selllemenl Conference, whichever is earlier). Failure lo do so moy resull in The courT imposing sochions, unless excused by The courT upon c1 Timely showing of good cause by wriTTen decloroTion. lfyou hove onyquesTions you moy conTocT The ADR DeporT-menT CIT457—1 909. A of The medioTors IisT 0nd sTipuloTion forms ore ovoiloble on The CourT‘s websiTe: hTTb:// disbuTe resoluTion/ CV“) “0'10 CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE MINUTES/ORDER To SHow CAUSE CW“ Code 0fPmcedure 63‘ Mondofory Form Locol Rule 3 TITLEOF CASE: CASE NUMBER: Tina Davis vs Sydney Smith 18CECG00504 Order to Show Cause TO: You ore hereby ordered To appear in person on 0T c1.m./p.m. In Department 404 of The above court loco’red ‘O‘ show cause why you should a’r 1130 Street, Fresno, California, To n01 be sanctioned for: [ ]foilure ’roappear of The Cose Management Conference by [ Plaintiff [ ]Defendon’r [ ]Bo’rh [ ]foilure To serve oll defendoan) within 60 days. Plaintiff is required To diligently Gfiemp’r service of all defendonfls). Failure ’ro serve GI] defendonfls) by The order To show cause hearing doTe will resuIT in cddiTioncl soncTions unless diligenT efforT To serve olldefehdonTs isshown. [ ]foilure To requesT enTry of defoulT/judgmenT. If defendohfls) answer 0nd The cose is 0T issue prior To The Order To Show Cause Hearing, ploinTiff musT immedioTely conTCICT The clerk's office GT (559) 457—1900 To reschedule The Cose MonogemehT Conference and vocoTe The Order To Show Cause Hearing. [ ]foilure To file on ADR STipuloTion 0T IeGsT 10 days prior To The Cose MonogemenT Conference. [ ]foilure To file on ADR ReporT 0T IeGsT 10 days prior To The MondoTory SeTTlemenT Conference. [ ]foilure To serve CilldefendonTs wiTh The NoTice of Case MonogemenT Conference. [ ]oTher DoTe: Judge of The Superior CoUrT Your personal appearance is required aT The Order To Show Cause Hearing. Special appearances on your behalf are noT allowed. Telephonic appearances ore noT allowed. CVTBb “04° CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE MINUTES/ORDER To $How CAUSE CW" Code 0f Pmedure 63‘ Mandatory Form Local Rule 3 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA - COUNTY OF FRESNO FOR COURTUSE ONLY Civil Department, Central Division 1 130 "O" Street Fresno,California 93724—0002 (559) 457-2000 TITLE 0F CASE: Tina Davis vs Sydney Smith CLERK'S CERTIFICATE 0F MAILING CfingCEEEfiEM | certify thatIam not a party to this cause and that a true copy of the: Case Management Conference Minutes/Order was placed in a sealed envelope and placed for collection and mailing on the date and at the place shown below following our ordinary business practice. lam readily familiar with this court’s practice for collectingand processing correspondence for mailing. On the same day that correspondence isplaced for collection and mailing, itisdeposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service with postage fully prepaid. Place ofmailing: Fresno,California 93724-0002 On Date: 06/08/2018 Clerk, by ,Deputy |.Herrera Darryl B. Freedman Shyia Smith Law Office of Darryl B. Freedman Inc Hartsuyker, Stratman & Williams-Abrego 3705 W. Beechwood Ave. PO BOX 258829 Fresno, CA 93711 Oklahoma City,OK 73125-8829 D Clerk's Certificate of Mailing Additional Address Page Attached TGN-OGb R08-05 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING