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  • Rodenas et al -v- Lee et al Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Rodenas et al -v- Lee et al Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Rodenas et al -v- Lee et al Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview
  • Rodenas et al -v- Lee et al Print Auto PI/PD/WD Unlimited  document preview


' ORIGINAL ' WILLIAMS & SEEMEN 1 — A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION— F 3 ” EB SUPERIOR COU%T OF CALIFORNIA 2 COUNTY 0F SAN BERNARDINO ANTOINE D. WILLIAMS (SBN: 255716) 5AM BERN‘A‘RDINO DJSTRICT 3 BART A. SEEMEN (SBN: 261895) . .n x NOV b 4 2622 16255 VENTURA BLVD. SUITE #1 106 ENCINO, CALIFORNIA 91436 4 M / j BY Wm?) ' Phone: ( 818 ) 898—3300 I Fax: ( 818 ) 574—3006 » -~—- 5 AL. szuw' Attorneys for PLAINTIFFS, Gunnar Rodenas and Nigar Eminzade OOQQ SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE 0F CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO \O 10 GUNNAR RODENAS, an individual; and 11 NIGAR EMINZADE, an individual CASE NO-I CIVSBZZOS980 12 13 PLAINTIFF, PROOF 0F SERVICE T0 DEFENDANTS ELIZABETH LEE AND COUNTY 0F SAN 14 BERNARDINO RE: FIRST AMENDED V COMPLAINT 15 031k] 16 ELIZABETH LEE, an individual; COUNTY 17 OF SAN BERNARDINO, a public entity and 18 DOES 1 through 20, inclusive A8 19 20 Defendants. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 l PROOF OF SERVICE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT PROOF OF SERVICE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES I am employed in the County 0f Los Angeles, State 0f California, I am over the age of eighteen years and not a patty t0 the within entitled action; my business address is 16255 Ventura Blvd. Suite 1106, Encino, CA 91436. On November 3 2022 I served the foregoing “Plaintiff’s First Amended Complaint” 0n the interested parties as follows: Harvey W. Wimer III, SBN 166326 Attorneys for Defendant, COUNTY OF SAN Michael D. Sargent, SBN 221524 mdsargent®gravesandkingcom BERNARDINO Brendan J. Coughlin, SBN 140546 2280 Market Street, Suite 320 Riverside, California 92501 10 GRAVES & KING LLP Phone: 951 -680 — 0100 11 Fax: 951 — 680 - 0700 12 J. Pat Ferraris, Esq. [SBN: 267223] 13 Attorneys for Defendant, ELIZABETH LEE Ted L, Travis, Esq, [SBN; 140594] (Handling Attorney) 14 HOMAN, STONE & ROSSI 1461 Ford Street, Suite 201 Redlands, California 15 92373 (909) 307-9380 / (909) 793—0210 — Fax Email: ttravinghoman— 16 17 18 19 20 E (By Email 0r Electronic Transmission) I caused the documents to be sent t0 the persons listed and at the e—mail addresses listed 0n the attached Service List. 21 22 E (State) I declare under penalty 0f perjury under the laws 0f the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 23 D (Federal) I declare that I am employed in the office 0f a member 0f the bar of this Court at whose 24 direction the service was made. 25 26 Date: November 3, 2022 27 V 28 Giselle Bahrami 2 PROOF OF SERVICE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT