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  • NELLY MARLINE RECINOS, ET AL. VS SHEMSIA HAMZA SHEFFA Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • NELLY MARLINE RECINOS, ET AL. VS SHEMSIA HAMZA SHEFFA Motor Vehicle - Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction) document preview


FILED 2021-SJ-0 18-0 8upenor Court of Califomta County of Los Angeles 2 OCT 08 2021 3 Sh , 1v A C rte ~ leer/Clerk 4 ly DlptiJ I I.tin• 5 6 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 7 FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - CENTRAL DISTRICT 8 9 In re Personal Injury Cases Assigned ) SECOND AMENDED SUPPLEMENTAL to the Personal Injury Courts at the ) STANDING ORDER RE COVID PROTECTIVE MEASURES RELATED TO 1o Spring Street Courthouse ) FINAL STATUS CONFERENCES IN 11 ) PERSONAL INJURY CASES AT THE ) SPRING STREET COURTHOUSE 12 ) ---------------- 13 In an effort to reduce the number of in-person appearances in the Personal Injury 14 ("Pl") courtrooms located in the Spring Street courthouse and to prevent the transmission of 15 the COVID-19 virus, the court hereby issues this supplemental order to the Third Amended 16 Standing Order re: Final Status Conference Personal Injury Courts dated February 24, 2020 11 ("Operative Pl FSC Order''). 1a 1. ELECTRONIC TRIAL BINDERS 19 As set forth in the Operative Pl FSC Order, parties/counsel must file and serve Trial 20 Readiness Documents at least five calendar days prior to the FSC. Instead of providing the 21 court that will be conducting the FSC with the trial binders as described in the Operative Pl 22 FSC Order and appearing in person, parties/counsel are ordered to provide the trial binders 23 in electronic form. This will allow parties and attorneys to appear remotely for the final status 24 conference and provide the court with the opportunity to review the trial binders to determine 2s whether the parties/counsel are ready for trial. Hard copies of the binders prepared in 26 accordance with the Operative Pl FSC Order will continue to be required for the trial 27 courtroom. 2a Ill Page 1 of 3 SECOND AMENDED SUPPLEMENTAL STANDING ORDER RE COVID PROTECTIVE MEASURES RELATED TO FINAL STATUS CONFERENCES IN PERSONAL INJURY CASES AT THE SPRING STREET COURTHOUSE