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  • ADRIAN CHAVEZ VS START FRESH PEST CONTROL, ET AL. Small Claims (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview
  • ADRIAN CHAVEZ VS START FRESH PEST CONTROL, ET AL. Small Claims (Limited Jurisdiction) document preview


9 9L8 §Seoco7 AP NAME AND ADDRESS OF COURT: SMALL CLAIMS CASE NO.: SC-134 67\0&/6/"16‘/ C?G FOR COURT USE ONLY Mfif o lig /} v Lensleach A 70802 QLAINTIFF/DEMANDANTE (name, address, and telephone number of each): driton Ohowe? N20 Y/ Low ewo SH Nomwallc (A 70650 nt -04 Telephone No.: (5'62 ) 564 23 DEFENDANT/DEMAND;pO (name address, and telephone number of each): I Stavt Fregh Fest Commsl LLC s oMk ‘) §) Fonley52% Telephone bwuh No.: ( ?l} 7080‘/ - [ see attached sheetfor addifional plaintiffs and defendants. ORDER TO PRODUCE STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND TO APPEAR FOR EXAMINATION 1. TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR (name): v‘q B hed 2. YOU ARE ORDERED Start Fresh #stCon e a. to pay the judgment and file proof of payment (a canceled check or money order or cash receipt, and a written declaration that shows full payment of the judgment, including postjudgment costs and interest) with the court before the hearing date shown in the box below, OR b. to (1) personally appear in this court on the date and time shown below, and (2) bring with you a completed Judgment Debtor's Statement of Assets (form SC-133). At the hearing you will be required to e answer questions about your income and assets; and e explain why you did not complete and mail form SC-133 to judgment creditor in a timely manner. (You should have sent it within 30 days after the Notice of Entry of Judgment (form SC-130) was mailed or handed to you by the clerk.) Name and address of court if different from above: Hearing |~ Date: 10/25/2022 Time: 1:30 PM Date Dept.: S13 Room: If you fail to appear and have not paid the judgment, Si usted no se presenta y no ha pagado el monto del fallo including postjudgment costs and interest, a bench warrant | judicial, inclusive las costas e intereses posterlores al fallo, may be issued for your arrest, you may be held in contempt | la corte puede expedir una orden de detencion contra usted, of court, and you may be ordered to pay penalties. declararle en desacato y ordenar clue pague multas. 3. This order may be served by a sheriff, marshal, or registered process server. Date: 09/22/2022 } (SIGNATURE OF JUDGE) APPLICATION FOR THIS ORDER (See Instructions on reverse) A. Judgment creditor (the person who won the case) (name): f}dw'ay; Chou/&Z ;plles for an order requiring judgment debtor (the person or business who lost the case and owes money) (name): S,‘fir/’ f'/éfl’ /Ul to (1) pay the judgment or (2) personally appear in this court with a completed Judgment Debtor's Statement of Assets (form SC-133), explain why judgment debtor did not pay the judgment or complete and mail form SC-133 to judgment creditor within 30 days after the Notice of Entry of Judgment was mailed or handed to judgment debtor, and answer questions about judgment debtor's income and assets. B. |, judgment creditor, state the following: ' Judgment debtor has not paid the judgment. (2) Judgment debtor either did not file an appeal or the appeal has been dismissed or judgment debtor lost the appeal. (3) Judgment debtor either did not file a motion to vacate or the motion to vacate has been denied. @ More than 30 days have passed since the Notice of Entry of Judgment was mailed or delivered to judgment debtor. (5) I'have not received a completed Judgment Debtor's Statement of Assets from judgment debtor. (6) The person to be examined resides or has a place of business in this county or within 1 iles of the place of examination. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoidg is and correct. Date: 422/ 22 /% 0 ), ena (haver B (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) 74 (DECLARANT) — The county provides small claims advisor services free of charge — Page1 of 2 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use APPL]CAT'ON AND ORDER To PRODUCE STATEMENT Code of Civil Procedure, §§ 116.820, Judicial Council of California 116.830, 708.170 SC-134 [Rev. January 1, 2017) OF ASSETS AND TO APPEAR FOR EXAMINAT|ON (Small Claims)