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  • XUEYUN ZOU, ET AL. VS YAO GUO, ET AL. Contractual Fraud (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • XUEYUN ZOU, ET AL. VS YAO GUO, ET AL. Contractual Fraud (General Jurisdiction) document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Civil Division Northeast District, Alhambra Courthouse, Department 3 22AHCV00123 August 22, 2022 XUEYUN ZOU, et al. vs YAO GUO, et al. 8:30 AM Judge: Honorable Colin P. Leis CSR: None Judicial Assistant: C. Ho ERM: None Courtroom Assistant: K. Gonzalez Deputy Sheriff: None APPEARANCES: For Plaintiff(s): Jorn S. Rossi via LA CourtConnect For Defendant(s): Ellyn S Garofalo via LA CourtConnect NATURE OF PROCEEDINGS: Hearing on Demurrer - without Motion to Strike; Case Management Conference; Trial Setting Conference The matters are called for hearing. The Court's tentative ruling is posted online for the parties to review. Plaintiff submits on the tentative. Arguments are made by defendant. The Court adopts its tentative ruling as the final order of the Court. The order is signed and filed this date, and incorporated herein by reference. The Demurrer - without Motion to Strike DEFENDANTS' NOTICE OF DEMURRER AND DEMURRER, MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT THEREOF; AND DECLARATION OF AMIR KALTGRAD filed by Yao GUO, TRUSTEE OF THE GUO PROTECTION TRUST, GOSDOM, INC, Yao Guo on 06/13/2022 is Sustained in Part. The Court sustains in part and overrules in part Defendants’ demurrer. The Court sustains the demurrer to all causes of action as to Zou, with leave to amend. The court sustains the demurrer to the conversion cause of action and the elder abuse cause of action as to DL Trucking with leave to amend. The Court overrules the demurrer to the fraud cause of action as to DL Trucking. The Court orders Plaintiffs to file and serve an amended complaint, if any, within 20 days of the date of this order. If no amended complaint is filed within 20 days, the Court orders Defendants to file and serve their answer to the complaint within 30 days of the date of this order. Minute Order Page 1 of 2