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AOR ‘OF CONTRA COSTA, arr beFENbaiTiRESPONDENIT: Dorothy A. Moigan CASE. MANAGEMENT STATEMENT F case NUMBERS | “MSC 44200852 Room: :mustibe provided, b. LJ ‘Theeross-coiiptaint, iFariy, was fléd.on (date)t 8. Service (tbe ansiverét by piainlifis and’ ‘cross:comiplainants: sony) a, to ‘AI parties named:in:the complaint and-cross~ complaint have been served, Have-appearedi or-have.been: dismissed. (7) [21 have net beén-seiveid. (Specify naines‘aht-explain (1 have been served but have-not appeared aind have riot beén. dismissed (su8cify names): (3) EJ ‘have hac'a default entered:against them: (specify: names): ature‘ofinvolvement incase; and which ¢. [J The following additional partiesmay:be added (specify names,. they: may:be Served): 4. Bescripticn of case . , . a. Typeofcasein [¥] complaint [_] crosscomplaint — (Describe, including.causes.of action): Motof Vehicle Accident Pape aNeageae ‘CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT :CM-140 (Rov. July 1, 2071)CM-440 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Rocco:d. Mullinax — 5 DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT::Dorothy A. Morgan MSG 14-0085: 4, b, Provide a.briefstafement ofthe case, includii ny damages, tf ‘personal, injury damages are:sought; specify the injury and damages claimed; including. medical-expenses ate [indicate souree.and. amount), « estimated-tutire médical expenses; lost earninigs:todate, and estimated future lost ear equitable relief: is ight, desotibe the nature | Defendant Morganistruek plaintiffs vehicl e rear as both parties were-exiting.a. g:loton May 7, 2012. Damage! to' was minor. ‘Plaintiff's.claimed loss. of earnings appears ex ssive given tke: ale ry-alleged; plaintiff worked only partitime hours.. If plaintiff lost 7 to 1 his lost éarnings would be in. the range of $3100,, not-the-amourit ‘claimed. [1 (ifmore space is needéd; check this box anil attach a Page Attachment 4b;) 5. Jury of nonjury trial ‘The party:of parties request a juiy-ttial Ca nonjury trial. (if more than one party; provide the name-of éach party requesting a jury-trial): 6, a The trial has been set for (date): J No trial date-has been set. This case ready for trial within “¥2:months.of the-date-of the filing of the complaint (iF not, explain): Awaiting mediation. © DAG PS WIA SABE SBA TS OHA TRIS aT dw BOTT SORE A BAR SSB AS UH ANE) 7. Estimated length of trial The:paity or-parties estimate.that'the trial will take (check oné): days (specify number): Three [J hicurs (stioit causes) (specify); epresentation (to‘be answered foi each pi he:party.or parties wil:be represented af trial by'the altomey or party listed:in thé caption [1] by the following! c d; “Telephone number: f. ‘Fax number: 2, E-maikaddress: g. Party represented: [1 Additional sepresentation is described in-Attachment:8. 9. Preference . . CP Section 36 (age of defendant) 10. Alternativé-dispute resolution (ADR) a. ADR information package. Please note that different ADR processes aré available in different courts and-communities; read the ADR information package provided by the court under rule. 3: 221 for inforniation about the processes: available through the. court.and community pfograins in (1) For parties represented by counsel; Counsel has [7] has not provided-the ADR information package identified in rule.3.221 tothe client and reviewed ADR options with the client. (2) For self-fepresented parties: Party] has [1 ‘has not reviewed the ADR information package identified'inrule-3.221,. > b. Referral to judicial arbitration or civil action mediation (if available). aM bject fo mandatory judicialarbitration under: Code of Gi ivil Procedure section 11441 4’0f to-ci ‘ode of Ciyil Procedure section 1775,3 because the ‘amount in.controversy doe’ hot exceed’ th fnediation-under statutory limit, (2) [-_] Plaintiff elects to refer this case to judicial arbitration and agreés to litnit recovery to the amount specifiéd in Code-of Civil Procedure section 1144.11. (3) [_] This case is exempt from judicial arbitration under.rule.3.811 of the California Rules of Courtor from.civil action: mediation under Code of Civil Procedure section'seq, (Specify exemption): GHETTO Rev. Jay 1.2077) CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT "Pago ofS:6M=110 SASENUMBER: MSG 414200852 procésses that or partiés:are, willing: to:;participaté-in, have agréed to:participate in; or in, ‘heck ail that,applyvand provide:the specifiet! information): ‘part indicate: processes, (checks ‘thatapply): | stipulation): Mediation session not yet scheduled Mediation session-scheduled‘for (date); April 10, 2045. complete inediation by (date): Mediation-completed on (daté): Settlement:coriféréncé not yet:scheduled (2)Settiement. oO Settlement conference scheduled for (date): eoriferencé Agreed'to complete Settlement conférence ‘by (date)? Settlement-conferenee completed-ch (date): Neéutral’evaluation-not yét schéduled (g).Nautea) evaluat m Neutral-evaluation:schedilled for (data): 3):Néutral evaluation Agreed'to.complete-neutral evaluation by (date): ‘Néutfal évaluation:comipletéd.on (date): shidicial‘atbitration not-yet scheduled: (@) Nentbinding judicial | oO Judicial arbitration scheduled for (date): arbitration: Agreed to.complete judiéial arbitration'by (date): Judicial-arbitration cornpletéd on (date): Private arbitration not yet scheduled (8) Binding private oo Private arbitration.sch&duiléd for (date): arbitration Agreed to-complete private arbitration by:(date); Piivaté arbitration completed. on (date): ADR’session ot yet scheduled a . Co ADR session schéduled for (data): (6) Other (specify): - Agreed to coniplete ADR session by (date): OOOO;0000|/0000;/0000/0000 onan} ADR completed on (date)! ‘BHTD Rey. duly 2011) Pages ofS CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT2CM=110. | CASE NUMBER: IONER: Rocco-d; Mullinax MSC 14200852 *PLAINTIFF/PI DEFENDANTIRESPONDE Statemeft (Aanie)*Mercury. Insuranee:Company. Indicate any matters. thatsmay affect the-court '$jurisdiction ory processing -of this.cas¢,and-describe:the status. oo ‘Barikruptey [_] Other (specify): [=] Adaitional:cases:are described in Attachiient 43a, b. [J] Amotionito [77] consolidaie [7] coordinate —_will'befiled:by (namesparly): for'an order-bifurcating, severing, or coordinating the following issues-or causes of n, and reasons)! ipaity, type of: motion, anid issues):: Date Defendant Additional records subpoenas Pending Defendant IME of Plaintiff May 2015 ¢. [__] Thellowing:discovery issues, including issues regarding:the discovery-of'electronically stored infoimation, aré Anticipated (specify): ‘CMET40 [RewZauly 2019)” ‘CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT . Pages:CM-110 ‘CASE NUMBER: MSC 14-00852 PLAINTIFF/RETITIONER: Rocco J, Mullinax DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: Dorothy. A. Morgan 17. Economic litigation a. (__] This Is a.Jimited civil case (ie., the amount demanded is $25,000 or less) and the economic litigation Code of CivilProcedure sections 90-08 will apply to this case. b. (__] This isa timited-civil case.and a-motion to withdraw the:case from the economic.litigation procedures or for additional discovery will ’be filed (if checked, explain specifically why-economic litigation procedures Félating to discovery or trial should not apply to this case): 18. Other issues [1] The party or parties request that the following additional matters be considered or determined atthe case management conference (specify): 19. Meet and confer The party or parties have-met and conferred with all parties on all subjects required by rule 3.724 of the California Rules of Court (if not, explain): b. After meefing-and conferring as required by rule 3.724 of the California Rules of Court, the parties agree-on the following (specify): 20. Total number of pages attached (if any): 1 am completely familiar with this case and will-be fully prepared to discuss the status of discovery and alternative dispute resolution, aswell as other issues raised by this statement, and will possess the authority to enter into stipulations on these issues at the lime of the case managemepf conference,.including the written authority of the party where required. von Nec, Jot SHELLEY ANN KRAMER, i bxamey (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) code hey PARTY OR ATTORNEY) (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) {SIGNATURE OF PARTY OR ATTORNEY) [__] Additional signatures are attached. 0 Rw dy 1, 2047 CASE MANAGEMENT STATEMENT Page 6 ofeo no S&S 13. we YN A WF w bb | &&X) (BY MAIL) I caused such envelope: STATE OF CALIFORNIA GOUNTY OF ALAMEDA _ Tam eimployed in the County of Alame fe eightéen years.and not: within ei my busines: : 1677 Odkport Street, Suite 870, Oaklan familiar with the ne inéss practice at SI llected and proce: United States Postal Service ‘that same day in ordinary: course-of business. On April 1, 2015, I served the forgoing ¢ EMENT STATEMENT -on the interésted parties in this. action, by placing atrue ‘opy thereof, enclosed ina sealed envelope, addressed as follows: th postage thereon:fully prepaid at my place of business to be placed in the United States miail at-Oakland, California. ) (BY PERSONAL SERVICE) I caused such envelope to be deliveréd by hand to the office of theaddressee(s). CY) (STATE) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws:of the State of California that the above is trué and coitect. () (FEDERAL) I declare that I am employed in:the office of a member ‘of the bar of ‘this. court at whose ditection the service was made. Dated: April 1, 2015 . “Ly btkhtchefosc sexe :