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  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview
  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview
  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview
  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview
  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview
  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview
  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview
  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 03/08/2022 03:51 PM INDEX NO. 519726/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 39 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/08/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS INDEX NO.: 519726/2018 MARTHE MILIUS, Plaintiff, -against- NOTICE OF ENTRY ISABELLE CHARLES, Defendants. SIRS/MADAM: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the within is a true copy of an order signed by the Honorable Plaintiffs' Judge Lawrence Knipel, dated March 1, 2022 for the Motion to Strike duly entered by the Clerk of the Court and received by NYSCEF on March 7, 2022. Dated: March 8, 2022 New York, New York Yours tru Mark J. Linder, ESq. MARK J. LINDER ESQ. HARMON, LINDER & ROGOWSKY Attorneys for Plaintiff MARTHE MILIUS 3 Park Avenue, Suite 2300 New York, NY 10016 (212) 732-3665 TO: SILVERMAN, SHIN & BYRNE, PLLC Attorney(s)for Defendant(s) ISABELLE CHARLES Wall Street Plaza 22nd 88 Pine Street, PlOOr New York, New York 10005 (212) 779-8600 1 of 4 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 03/08/2022 03:51 PM INDEX NO. 519726/2018 FILED DOC. NYSCEF : KINGS NO. 39 COUNTY CLERK INDEXNYSCEF: RECEIVED NO. 51972 6 /2018 03/08/2022 7 2 : NYSCEF DOC. NO. 38 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03 /07 /2022 ' "- t a Cen slized fazine Part of the D' preme urto tate of New York, beld in f 3 - the 2.oc - 36 in and for risonse, Cau ted , of Kim ivie at the ,to soro, roo]dyn, and tate New oric, o be Xday of March .201 PRESENT: HON. LAWRENCE KNIPEL CAL. NO. 33 Justice/JHO MAREE MILIUS' PlaintfMs), TNDEX NO. 519726/2018 -againer,- ONSENT (SADiiLLE CHARLES, N DEF ORDER ORDER FTER ORAL ARG Defbndant(s) ----X The followin pa ers number 1 o read on tMs motion Papers Ntanibered Noti f Mo ion- rder to Show use r A da A a n) Af davit (Aff ation) ,, A avit (Affirrnation) r St p at ns in tes . Filed Papers Plaintiffs motion seeking an order striking defendanrs answer, or, in the alternative, compelling defendant to release an unredacted transerlpt of her 11/2/2013 Interview with her insurer in the premise liability case is granted to the extent that defendatit shal( provide an unredacted transcript of the I 1/2/2012 by 4/15/2022. The burden ofproving that a statement is privileged as material prepared solely in anticipation of litigation or trial is on the party opposing discovery (Sigelskis v Washington Oroup. LLC, 46 AD3d 800 [2d Dept 2007]). Moreover, when statements are given to a liability insurer's claims department es part of an internal itivestigation or for internet business purposes, as well as for defense purposes, they are not immune frotn discovery as material prepared solely in anticipation of litigation (ld.). Fiere, defendants attorney failed to demonstrate thal the insurer's interview with the insured was not prepared in the regular course of business, but was prepared solely h1 anticipation of litigation. Balance of plaintiffs motion, if any, is denied. F MG . racked: MD O Standard Motion Seq. 3001 Ocomplex . HON, PRINT FIRM NAME BiGNATURE LAWRENCE KMPEC E COURT ATTORNEY FIRfut by POR Fl,Al JUSTICE ATTORNSY FIRM by FOR DEFENDANÅ  S) ATTORNEY FIRM by FOR DEFlplDANT[S) Atr0RNEY FtRM by FOR DEFENDANT(S) ATTORNEY FIRM by FOR DEFENDANT(S) CAS.,mv.09-2014 1 of 1 2 of 4 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 03/08/2022 03:51 PM INDEX NO. 519726/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 39 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/08/2022 Index No: 519726/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS MARTHE MILIUS, Plaintiff(s), -against- ISABELLE CHARLES, Defendant(s). NOTICE OF ENTRY HARMON, LINDER & ROGOWSKY, ESQS. Attorney for Plaintiff(s) 3 PARK AVENUE 23RD FLOOR NEW YORK, NY 10016 Phone: (212) 732-3665 Fax: (212) 732-1462 To: Attorney(s) for Service of a copy of the within is hereby admitted. Dated: Attorney(s) for PLEASE TAKE NOTICE NOTICE OF that the within is a (certified) true copy of an Order ENTRY entered in the office of the clerk of the within named Court on 20 . NOTICE OF that an Order of which the within is a true copy will be presented SETTLEMENT or settlement to the Hon. , one of the judges of the within named Court at , on 20 . HARMON, LINDER & ROGOWSKY 23"I 3 Park Avenue, Floor New York, NY 10016 3 of 4 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 03/08/2022 03:51 PM INDEX NO. 519726/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 39 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/08/2022 STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK ss: Cristina Quijada being sworn says: I am not a party to the action, am over 18 years of age and reside at New York, NY. On March 8, 2022 I served a true copy of the annexed in the following manner: NOTICE OF ENTRY SERVICE BY MAIL XXX by mailing the same in a sealed envelope, with postage prepaid thereon, in a post-office or official depository of the U.S. Postal Service within the State of New York, addressed to the last known address of the addressee(s) as indicated below: TO: SILVERMAN, SHIN & BYRNE, PLLC Attorney(s)for Defendant(s) ISABELLE CHARLES Wall Street Plaza 22nd 88 Pine Street, PlOOr New York, New York 10005 (212) 779-8600 Cristina Quijada Sworn to before me this 8th day of March 2022 Notary Public ASTOLFO CABRERA York State Of New Notary Public, 01CA5084163 No. County Qualified in Queens 12, 2025 Commission Expires Nov. 4 of 4