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  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview
  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/01/2022 02:45 PM INDEX NO. 519726/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 32 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/01/2022 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS INDEX NO.: 519726/2018 MARTH MILIUS, Plaintiff, AFFIRMATION OF GOOD -against- FAITH ISABELLE CHARLES, Defendants. SIRS: MARK J. LINDER an attorney duly admitted to practice law in the courts of this state, hereby affirms under penalties of perjury, as follows: 1. This office represents the Plaintiffin the within matter. This affirmation is made in support of Plaintiff's application herein. 2. The issues contained in the within application have been discussed between this office and the office representing Defendants herein. 3. Despite our efforts, the parties have not been able to resolve these issues. 4. Specifically, Plaintiff requested in access to this discovery in good faith on December 11, 2020 and later on October 26, 2021. 5. Furthermore, it has become apparent that the issues raised herein cannot be resolved with this Court's intervention. Dated: New York, New York, February 1, 2022 Mark J. Linder sq. Harmon, pinder & Rogowsky Attorneys for Plaintiff MARTHE MILIUS 3 Park Avenue, Suite 2300 New York, NY 10016 1 of 1