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  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview
  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview
  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview
  • Marthe Milius v. Isabelle Charles Torts - Other Negligence (PERSONAL INJURY) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/25/2021 05:31 PM INDEX NO. 519726/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 24 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2021 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS --------------------------------------------------------------------X Index Number: 519726/2018 MARTHE MILIUS, Plaintiff, NOTICE OF DISCOVERY AND INSPECTION - against - ISABELLE CHARLES, Defendants. ---------------------------------------------------------------------X COUNSELORS: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the undersigned hereby serves the following demands upon you pursuant to CPLR 3120 and 3101, et. seq., returnable at the law offices of HARMON, LINDER & ROGOWSKY 3 Park Avenue, 23rd Floor, New York, New York 10016 March 23, 2021, on at 10:00 A.M. 1) A fully executed copy of the Insurance Policy alleged to be effect on the date of June 19, 2016 for the property located at 1322 East 56th Street, in County of Kings, city and State of New York, which includes original signatures; 2) A full and complete unredacted copy of the Recorded Statement given by Defendant Isabelle Charles on November 2, 2018 relating to the accident of June 19, 2016; PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, that the foregoing are continuing demands and that if any of the above items are obtained or come into the possession of the Defendant(s), their agents, servants, employees and/or attorneys after the date of this demand, they are to be furnished pursuant to this demand. DATED: New York, New York Thursday, February 25, 2021 Yours, etc., MARK LINDER, ESQ. HARMON, LINDER & ROGOWSKY 1 of 2 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 02/25/2021 05:31 PM INDEX NO. 519726/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 24 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/25/2021 Attorneys for Plaintiff(s) 3 Park Avenue, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10016 (212) 732-3665 MJL/gka VIA NYSCEF ONLY TO: SILVERMAN, SHIN & BYRNE, PLLC Attorney(s)for Defendant(s) ISABELLE CHARLES Wall Street Plaza 88 Pine Street, 22nd Floor New York, New York 10005 (212) 779-8600 2 of 2