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  • Zurich American Insurance Company v. First Specialty Insurance Corporation, Western Beef Retail, Inc., Western Beef Properties, Inc. Commercial - Insurance document preview
  • Zurich American Insurance Company v. First Specialty Insurance Corporation, Western Beef Retail, Inc., Western Beef Properties, Inc. Commercial - Insurance document preview
  • Zurich American Insurance Company v. First Specialty Insurance Corporation, Western Beef Retail, Inc., Western Beef Properties, Inc. Commercial - Insurance document preview
  • Zurich American Insurance Company v. First Specialty Insurance Corporation, Western Beef Retail, Inc., Western Beef Properties, Inc. Commercial - Insurance document preview


(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 1071572018 11:29 AM INDEX NO. 652336/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 24 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/15/2018 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NEW YORK INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT PART [OR JUSTICE] S C index No. rT 2 Za\f Z \nS. Index Ni wy\cn Prroncan | Compan) DCM Track . - against - oo, PRELIMINARY CONFERENCE Hr Secual hy \swrante Conp. etal ORDER Defendant(s). (202.8, 202.12 and 202.19 of the Uniform Rules) APPEARANCES Plaintiff(s): P Re 4 SSE RY Lae’ £°C ; DA sont OA AD Se Hels 6+ iy It is hereby Savelo! that disclosure ine f 3 follows: Spec . (1) Insurance Coverage: Ifnot already provided, shall be furnished by J | v on or before : (2) Bill of Particulars: (a) Demand for a bill of particulars shall be served by N |A onor before : (b) Bill of particulars shall be served by on or before : (c) A supplemental bill of particulars shall be served by : as to Items on or before : (3) Medical Reports and Authorizations: Shall be served as follows: (4) Physical Examination: (a) Examination of shall be held (b) A copy of the physician's report shall be furnished to plaintiff within days of the examination. (5) Deposit’ ON of K Plaintiff(s) © Defendant(s) AI Parties shall be held (6) Other Disclosure: (a) All parties, on or before 2 Zo , shall exchange names and addresses of all eye witnesses and notice witnesses, s! ts of opposing parties, and photographs, or, if none, provide an affirmation to that effect. (b) Authorization for plaintiff(s)' employment records for the period shall be furnished on or before (c) Demand for discovery and inspection shall be served by on or before ty tas 20\ X objected to, and objections, if any, shall be stated on or before ag ) i . 4 O\ TS-138 (REV 4/1502) 1 of 2(FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK NYSCEF DOC. NO. 24 INDEX NO. 652336/2018 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 10/15/2018 Case Name: “LAW 1M v. Fuse Gre diaene (52334 } l PC ORDER - Page 2 m Bas Dat for All Decors O aays «€ Ter ERTS congletion (8) Impleader: Shall be completed on or before (9) Compltance Conference: Shall be held on 6 25 19, \Q*™ (10) Motions: Any dispositive motion(s) shall be made on or before = “$B” CPLR (11) Note of Issue: yw before shall file a note of issue/certificate of readiness on or . Acopy of this order, an affirmation stating that the terms of the with the note of issue on or before said date. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ANY OF THESE DIRECTIVES MAY RESULT IN THE IMPOSITION OF COSTS OR SANCTIONS OR OTHER ACTION AUTHORIZED BY LAW. DATES SET FORTH HEREIN M, APBOURNED EXCEPT WITH ADVANCE mE PROVAL OF THE COURT. conVER @ Dest: OCT 112018 ey fhe DEBRA A. James ADDITIONAL DIRECTIVES JSC SO ORDERED: In addition to the directives set forth above, it is further ORDERED as follows: ce ~ -2Zu Poinvtn LA \S\ALOM & POV NAA rt O Pecan Cay 13 Donate e ta eed gh Te se SOR = [Nifloadiadia 6. ronda _Wpemaical ty 2 AwiMne " dines dg Ps Chan Dv ANA ALM WA yy . f - athe pdaidal 5 "NA dad elfen en WY (MlesVhtd ars Douihiniks oid da Moen We Suvi) dirravety dl onan ed 37 ah st Tu aa i, i See ae = ng Ure Greg Vee ty VY ) me PAN Ae) nt “Seat ae >a lant tOnudleee Lise wl ed Ww Pid 20 \quas al int A nba eekct Ua manta each i AA> x An _ apa Welrxtmn © UA Ere ipend te Wear Vorciala 1 Anrtwt MAW, tater oer, and ame? Le Gd mak Ws L]o }24 [r fILAAA \ | LEA MVIMAA Dated: SO ORDERED: meine anvarsen be J. $s Cc -2 of 2