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  • Roberto Sanchez v. Dingyi WangTorts - Other Negligence (Slip and Fall) document preview
  • Roberto Sanchez v. Dingyi WangTorts - Other Negligence (Slip and Fall) document preview


FILED: ORANGE COUNTY CLERK 02/14/2023 02:36 PM INDEX NO. EF005115-2021 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 29 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 02/14/2023 STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF ORANGE ) CHRISTINE FOURNIER, being duly sworn, deposes and says: 1. That I am not a party to the action, and I am over eighteen (18) years of age, and reside in Westtown, New York; 14h 2. That on the day of February, 2023, I served a true copy of the within: " NOTICE OF MOTION " ATTORNEY AFFIRMATION by filing the same on the NYSCEF website directed to the following: SOBO & SOBO, LLP One Dolson Avenue Middletown, NY 10940 CHRISTI L. FOURNIER Swom to before me this 14th of February, 2023 day Notary Public ) LEONARDKESSLER NOTARY PUBUC STATE OF NEW YOR( KRWGE REG. # 02KE4 COMM. EXP OME/ L 1 of 1