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  • Paul Radenberg, As Limited Administrator Of The Estate Of Robert Niemis v. National Specialty Insurance Company Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Paul Radenberg, As Limited Administrator Of The Estate Of Robert Niemis v. National Specialty Insurance Company Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Paul Radenberg, As Limited Administrator Of The Estate Of Robert Niemis v. National Specialty Insurance Company Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Paul Radenberg, As Limited Administrator Of The Estate Of Robert Niemis v. National Specialty Insurance Company Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Paul Radenberg, As Limited Administrator Of The Estate Of Robert Niemis v. National Specialty Insurance Company Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Paul Radenberg, As Limited Administrator Of The Estate Of Robert Niemis v. National Specialty Insurance Company Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Paul Radenberg, As Limited Administrator Of The Estate Of Robert Niemis v. National Specialty Insurance Company Commercial - Contract document preview
  • Paul Radenberg, As Limited Administrator Of The Estate Of Robert Niemis v. National Specialty Insurance Company Commercial - Contract document preview


FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 01/13/2021 01:54 PM INDEX NO. 150253/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/13/2021 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF RICHMOND ---------X PAUL RADENBERG as Administrator of the Estate of Index No.: 150253/2019 Estate of Robert Niemis, Plaintiff, AFFiRMATION IN SUPPORT OF -against- PLAINTIFF'S MOTION TO CONSOLIDATE AND FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT NATIONAL SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, Defendant. -- -------- ---------- ------X RODNEY STlLWELL, an attorney at law duly admitted to practice law in the Courts of the State of New York, affirms the foliewing under the pains and penalties of perjury: 1. Your affirmant is a partner with the law firm of TRACY & STILWELL, P.C., attorneys for the plaintiff, PAUL RADENBERG as Administrator of the Estate of Robert Niêmis, and, as such, am fully familiar with the facts and circumstances of this case based upon my review of the files maintained by my office and my personal involvement in the prosecution of both actions. 2. This affirmation is submitted in support of plaintiff's CPLR §602(a) motion to consolidate the within action (hereinafter "Radenberg I") with an action pending in this court, also beforê the Honorable Lizette Colon, bearing index No. 151728/2020 (hereinafter "Radenberg II"), for summary judgment pursuant to CPLR §3212 and for such other and further relief as to this Court may deem just and proper. BACKGROUND & PROCEDURAL HISTORY 3. By way of background, this matter originated from an incident that occurred on June 11, 2011 when Robert Niemis fell off the roof of a two-story building at 4164 Victory 1 of 25 FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 01/13/2021 01:54 PM INDEX NO. 150253/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/13/2021 Boulevard in Staten Island (hereinafter "premises") (Exhibit 1, pages 00055, 00063; Exhibit 2). The defendant's insured, Scooby's Doodles, inc. (hereinafter "Scooby's) was a ground floor tenant of the premises operating a tavern business at the time of the occurrence (14). As a result of the fall, Niemis sustained fatal injuries (Exhibit 1, page 00055). Paul Radêñberg, decedent's nephew, was appointed estate administrator and filed a third-party action in this court against Scooby's and other defendants (Index No. 102927/12) (Exhibit 1, pages 00069 to 00102). The gravamen of the claim against Scooby's was that its employee(s) served Niemis alcoholic beverages, got him drunk, and then kñ0wiñgly permitted him to climb up to the roof of the premises without warning him of the inherent dangers in doing so (Exhibit 2, paragraphs 6, 7, 10 - 31). 15, 4. Scooby's was insured for this claim by defendant herein, NATIONAL SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY (hereinafter (Exhibit 1 pages 00010 - 00014 - "NSIC") 00011, 00015, 00021, and 00106; Exhibit 3, page 22, line 6 to page 25, line 2). Upon information and belief, on June 13, 2011, Regina Rotondo of Scooby's notified her insurance broker via email about the incideñt and the broker then forwarded the Notice of Occurrence, along with Ms. Rotondo's to the defendant (Exhibit 1 pages 00008 (Item 00012 - 00027 (second full email, 7), 00014; paragraph only); Exhibit 3, page 25 lines 3-25). The underlying third-party lawsuit was commenced in or about September 2012 (Exhibit 1, pages 00063, 00069-00073). On or about November 27, 2012 Risk Control Associates (hereinafter "RCA"), the authorized third-party administrator for NSIC, retained the law firm of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith, LLP (hereinafter "Lewis Brisbois") to defend Scooby's in the third-party action (Exhibit 1, page 00063). Lewis Brisbois appeared in the action on behalf of Scooby's (Exhibit 1, pages 00085-00101). 2 of 25 FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 01/13/2021 01:54 PM INDEX NO. 150253/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/13/2021 5. On or about May 5, 2014 RCA directed Lewis Brisbois to stop representing Scooby's in the action and to withdraw as counsel (Exhibit 1, pages 00062-00063). On May 15, 2014 Lewis Brisbois filed an Order to Show Cause ("OTSC") to be relieved as counsel for Scooby's in the underlying third-party action (Exhibit 1, pages 00060-00129). According to Tammy A. Wilson, the attorney at the Lewis Brisbois firm whose affirmation accompanied the OTSC, the OTSC was filed "upon the grounds that Risk Control Associates, Inc. ("RCA"), the managing agent for National Insurance Company ("NSIC"), Scooby's insurance carrier, has directed this law firm matter" to immediately cease representing Scooby's in coññêction with this (Exhibit 1, page 00062). 6. On September 17, 2014, the court issued an order relieving Lewis Brisbois as Scooby's attorney (Exhibit 4). Thereafter, on January 6, 2014, some 246 days after RCA ordered Lewis Brisbois to stop representing Scooby's, NSIC allegedly disclaimed coverage based solely on "non-cooperation" Scooby's by correspondence on the letterhead of State Auto a||êged|y mailed/addressed to Ms. Rotondo at addresses in Pennsylvania and Staten Island (Exhibit 1pages 00036 to 00038). 7. Scooby's failed to appear in court for several conference after the Lewis Brisbois firmed was relieved in September 2014. A default was therefore entered against Scooby's and, pursuant to notice served on December 15, 2016 (Exhibit 1, pages 00046 -00049), an inquest on the issue of damages was held on January 30, 2017, and a decision was entered by the court on June 1, 2017 awarding plaintiff's decedent $500,000 for conscious pain and suffering (Exhibit 1 pages 00055 -00056). On July 14, 2017 a Judgmêñt, including costs and interest, in the sum of $504,362.12 entered on June 30, 2017, was served with Notice of Entry pursuant to Insurance 3 of 25 FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 01/13/2021 01:54 PM INDEX NO. 150253/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/13/2021 Law §3420(a)(2) on, inter alia, Lewis Brisbois, Scooby's and RCA (Exhibit 1, pages 00051-00058). 8. The Judgment remained unsatisfied for more than 30 days after service with Notice of Entry. Radenberg I was commenced in February 2019 via the filing and service of a Summons and Verified Complaint (Exhibit 5). Issue was joined via the service of a Verified Answer (Exhibit 6) in May 2019. 9. On June 3, 2019 plaintiff served a written Notice for Discovery and Inspection upon defense counsel (Exhibit pages 00001 - inter the 1, 000007) demanding, alia, following documents: - 1. of all insurance coverage for portion of the Copy policy(ies) providing liability any premises in effect on June 20, 2011; - 2. of all declaration to the insurance Copy page(s) policy(ies) providing liability insurance coverage for any portion of the premises in effect on June 20, 2011; - 3. Copies of all application for insurance insurance policy(ies) providing liability coverage for any portion of the premises in effect on June 20, 2011; - 4. Copies of all endorsements to the insurance policy(ies) praviding liability insurance coverage for any pcitian of the premises in effect on June 20, 2011; - of all communicaticñs letter or otherwise) between NSIC and Scooby's copy (by email, relating to the premises; - of all communications letter or otherwise) between NSIC and its third- copy (by email, party administrator relating to the premises; - of all written agreements (in electronic form or otherwise) between NCIS and its copy third-party administrator relating to the premises; 4 of 25 FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 01/13/2021 01:54 PM INDEX NO. 150253/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/13/2021 - copies of all documents in the possession and/or control of NSIC attempts evidencing by its attorneys, agents, servants and/or empicyêês to communicate with and/or contact Scooby's in connection with the underlying personal injury action; - copies of all documents in the possession and/or control of NSIC attempts evidêñcing by NSIC, its attorneys, agents, servants and/or empicyees to obtain the cooperation of its insured Scooby's in the defense of the underlying personal injury action; - and of telephone conversations in which the its note(s) recording(s) any NSIC, attorneys, agents, servants and/or employees attempted to obtain the cooperation of Scooby's in the defense of the underlying personal injury litigation; - copies of all the claims files in the possession and/or control of NSIC and/or its third- party administrator relating to the defense of the underlying personal injury litigation; - copies of all documents in the possession and/or control of NSIC and/or its third-party administrator which NSIC intends to rely upon in the defense of the action; - copies of all investigative in the possession and/or control of the NSIC and/or file(s) its third-party administrator which NSIC intends to rely upon in the defense of the action; - copies of all correspcadence with proof of sent or on behalf of the along mailing by NSIC and/or its third-party administrator to Scooby's seeking to secure the cooperation of Scooby's in the defense of the underlying personal injury; and - copies of all correspcadêñce with proof of sent or on behalf of the along mailing by NSIC and/or its third-party administrator to Scooby's disclaiming coverage due, at least in part, to the failure or refusal by the said insured to cooperate in the defense 5 of 25 FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 01/13/2021 01:54 PM INDEX NO. 150253/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/13/2021 of the underlying personal injury litigation. 10. Defendant's response dated September 11, 2019 (Exhibit 1, pages 00008 to 00041) to plaintiff's June 3, 2019 document demand contains only the foilewing items: - the insurance Declarations Page (Exhibit 00010 - policy 1, pages 0008, 00011); - notice of incident an email from Rotondo the including (Exhibit 1, pages 00012 to 00014); - without proof of on letterhead of RCA addressed to Regina correspondence, mailing, Rotondo dated January 15, 2013 (Exhibit 1, pages 00015 to 00020), Decêmber 11, 2013 (Exhibit 1, pages 00027 to 00029) and March 20, 2014 (Exhibit 1, pages 00030 to 00031); - correspondence on letterhead of Lewis Brisbois dated December 2012 (Exhibit 19, 1, pages 00021to 00024), March 20, 2013 (Exhibit 1, pages 00025 to 00026) and April 2, 2014 (Exhibit 1, pages 00032 to 00035); and - without proof of on letterhead of State Auto dated correspondêñce, mailing, January 6, 2015 (Exhibit 1, pages 00036 to 00039). Defendant's response did not include any of the following items: - the insurance app!ication for insurance or endorsements to the underlying policy, policy; - emails sent to Scooby's (though NSIC had an email address for Scooby's principal (Exhibit 1, page 00013)); - emails between NSIC and its TPA; - correspondence via letter or email between NSIC and its TPA; 6 of 25 FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 01/13/2021 01:54 PM INDEX NO. 150253/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/13/2021 - documents other than those described above attempts its evidencing by NSIC, attorneys, agents, servants and/or employees to communicate with and/or contact Sccaby's in connection with the underlying personal injury action; - documents other than those described above attempts its evidencing by NSIC, attorneys, agents, servants and/or employees to obtain Scooby's cooperation in the defense of the underlying personal injury action; - and of telephone conversations in which the its note(s) recording(s) any NSIC, attorneys, agents, servants and/or smpicyees attempted to obtain Scooby's cooperation in the defense of the underlying personal injury litigation; - claims in the possession and/or control of NSIC and/or its file(s) third-party administrator relating to the defense of the underlying personal injury litigation; - other than those described in the possession and/or control of documents, above, NSIC and/or its third-party administrator which NSIC intends to rely upon in the defense of this action; - investigative in the possession and/or control of the NSIC and/or its third-party file(s) administrator which NSIC intends to rely upon in the defense of this action; - proof of of correspondence sent NSIC and/or its mailing any by third-party administrator to Scooby's seeking to secure the cooperation of Scooby's in the defense of the underlying personal injury; or - proof of of correspondence sent or on behalf of the NSIC and/or its mailing any by third-party administrator to Scooby's disclaiming coverage. 11. Plaintiff served a response to defendant's document demand on April 13, 2020 7 of 25 FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 01/13/2021 01:54 PM INDEX NO. 150253/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/13/2021 (Exhibit 00042 - 00131). Radenberg's deposition was defense counsel. The 1, pages waived by deposition of defendant's witness, Margaret Erife (hereinafter "Erife") was conducted on August 6, 2020 (Exhibit 3). Synopsis of Defendant's Relevant Deposition Testimony 12. Erife worked as a senior claim's examiner for State Auto Insurance Company (hereinafter "State Auto"), a property casualty insurance company, from September 2011 until March 2017 (Exhibit 3, page 7 -8). Her training included an associate degree in insurance and a in claims law (M. at page 15, lines 3 to page 16, line 2). As a senior claim's examinêr, Erife worked with defense counsel on claims that were in suit (g. @ page 8). NSIC fell under the umbrella of State Auto (jd. @ page 25, line to page 24, line 2). 13. RCA was the third-party administrator ("TPA") handling the Radenberg claim for NSIC before State Auto took over that role (I_d. at page 19, line 19 to page 20, line 19; page 22, line 21 to page 25, line 2; Exhibit 1, page 10), presumably sometime between April 2, 2014 (Exhibit 1, page 00032) and January 6, 2015 (Ld. page 00036). The TPA handles and adjusts the claim on behalf of the insurance carrier (Exhibit 3 page 20, lines 2 to 10). 14. Erife handled the Radenberg third party action while at State Auto. She has no independent memory of the claim and her review of the documents exchanged by defense counsel (Exhibit 1, pages 00008 to 00041) did not refresh her memary (Exhibit 3 page 13, line 1 to page 14, line 13). She could identify her signature on a January 6, 2015 correspcadence on State Auto letterhead (Exhibit - but recall if she 1, pages 00036 00039) could not generated the correspondence or if it was mailed (Exhibit 3, page 11, line 23 to page 13, line 11; page 14, line 6th 14 to page 15, line 5; page 58, line 23 to page 60, line 11). She identified the January 8 of 25 FILED: RICHMOND COUNTY CLERK 01/13/2021 01:54 PM INDEX NO. 150253/2019 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 17 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/13/2021 letter" correspondence as a "disclaimer intended for the policyhclder but could not explain why the correspondence was not addressed to Scooby's (M. at page 16, line 3 to page 19, line 3). 6th Furthermore, that the January COrreSpOndence, if sent, would have been the only disclaimer letter mailed to the insured (g. at page 20, line 20 to page 22, line 2). 15. Erife responded to questions concerning the correspcadêñce on RCA letterhead included with defendant's discovery response (Exhibit 1, pages 00008 to 00041). She could not tell us the import of the correspondence on RCA letterhead of January 15, 2013 (M. at pages 00015 to 00017; Exhibit 3, page 28, lines 6 to 20) and has no personal kñcwledge of whether that letter was sent (Exhibit 3, page 26, line 2 to 16). It is not a disclaimer letter (M. @ page 26, line 2 to page 28, line 5). Correspondence on RCA letterhead dated December 11, 2013 and March 20, 2014 (Exhibit pages 00027 to pages 00030 - are also not disclaimer letters 1, 00029; 00031) (Exhibit 3, page 35, line 21 to page 36, line 9; page 36, line 10 to page 37, line 24). failures" 16. Erife could not identify any "systematic of Scooby's to cooperate in the defense of the lawsuit (Exhibit 3, page