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  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. David GonzalezOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. David GonzalezOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. David GonzalezOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. David GonzalezOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. David GonzalezOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. David GonzalezOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. David GonzalezOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview
  • Lvnv Funding Llc v. David GonzalezOther Matters - Consumer Credit (Card) Debt Buyer Plaintiff document preview


Panies may avoid an appearancc by corrrplcting anrl suharitting this l'orrn 3 busincss days bclclrc thc sclledulcd prclintinary confcrence dats,'l'his form rnay bc uploaded lu NY.$( In non-NYSClll; maltcrs, or whcrc a party has optcd oul rrf NYSCI)I], it may bc sclrt by mail, trrx ro (914)995-3194 or email lo Pursuanr to 22 NYCttlt $202, 19, all Cisglosurc urusl hu contplutcd within 8, I 2 or I 5 months in cxpcditcd, stondard and cotrrplux cascs, rcspcctivcly, Actions thrt ourltfv firr !.'.rerumotivc ADR mFv reouire un annqa.fa}Sg(qcc rrapc 21. stiPRllMli (;ot,JR't'otj I'1il;. sl'A]'ll ol: Ntiw yonK COTJN I Y ()1" Wl:S'fCt Il:S'llit< lillllYl)l:l:::)l-:.::Y:iil:1 l.vNV IUNDINC I.LC, -, l'lairrti llts), l'lll,t.lMINARY (:ONl;llRllNC:l': s't'lPt Il.n't'roN -ugains(- DAVID (ION7.AI.L;Z, Indcx No.: -|Z89112021 I)atc ltJI lrilcd: tl tz l?7 It is hcrcby S'l'lPlJI.n'l'lil) hy and hclrvccn all panics 1o lhc r.r'ithin act:.on that disclo.surt shatl procccd und hc complctcd rs follows: ( l) Naturc o1'Cla.rc: ,, I a. DCM truckflsrandard ( l2 rnos.)EComplcx (I5 rnos.)[J l:xpe'clitcrJ (8 mo.i,) b. Plaintil'l(s) claims; L) { Cmt-vacl' c. I)cfcndant(s) clai I tlwLhPk { vr__ l'llls A(:TION MAY QUALII.'Y ]'OR PRI{:SttMPl'Ml Al)R Pleuse ehet:k any hoxes lhut apply: J This is a pcrsonrl injury tctior (includcs motor vchiclc uccidrnts) and involves a claim or insurancc coycrrgo of $50,U00.0(l or lcss; -J 'I'his is a collcction casc involving r claim of $50,000,00 or tess; 3 'l'lris is $ brcach of cttrtlrrct action rclatcd to homc irnprovcnrcnt or a rcal cstatc matter involving r cluirn of $50,000.00 or lr:ss; LJ 'l'his is a subrogotion uction sacking rcsovcry of .525,000.111) or lcss; ! Thi.q is a partitirrn actionl I Thc plrtics stipulatc to carly ADR. 2) Insurancc ()ovr;rirgc: Arnrtunt If ntrt ycl providcd, AJ IA ....___shall disclosc in u,riting thc cxistc'ncc and ctlntcnls of arry insurrnce agrccmcnt as dcscribcd in (ll'l.R $3101(D on or bclrrrc _ _ ._ N/A (i llrcviously providcd G (3) I]all of Particulars a. A l)cmand on or betirre b. A Llill ol lirr a illof lt H: sharl bcssrvcd W scrvcd by -,Lt*lU.f W (-tiLs-,r --IDa,/h-{-- on rrr bcfurc c. A Supp Itlitl Particulurs s.hall hc servcd by as to itcms on or bulbrc (4) Mcdical Rccortls an